Why don't you work hard earlier?

movie 1610℃
Why don't you work hard earlier? - Lujuba

I have met many talented people. But they are talented, but there is no guarantee that they will get the results they deserve.

For example, our company has also visited many writers. Several left later. The reasons for

to leave are similar:

"too much pressure, I want to live a little easier";

"life is not just about making money, I want to have more time for myself";

"want to try more possibilities".

This is certainly not a problem. But after they left, the situation was worrying.

is either sloshing.

either did a micro business.

Why don't you work hard earlier? - Lujuba

either frequently remarks naked.

Why don't you work hard earlier? - Lujuba

even change a career a month.

later found out that every job was difficult. There was never a job close to home with no money, too much work, no way, so he came back to ask for opportunities.

Why don't you work hard earlier? - LujubaWhy don't you work hard earlier? - Lujuba

I can’t say I knew today, why bother. After all, everyone is too young to understand the hardships of the world.

but still feel very lamented.

This should also be the current situation of many young people today.

Everyone can never learn to bear it.

When you encounter a problem, you do not solve it, but avoid it. Where can

escape? Where there is competition, we must do our best. If you can't, you will become more and more trapped.

There is a South Korean movie called "Little Daddy", which also talks about such a girl.

After graduating from university, she has not been able to find a job well. Do housekeeping in someone else’s house. After a day, count as a day.

She is a typical instant gratifier.

only values ​​the desires of the moment, not long-term goals.

And we know that almost all good habits of

are delayed gratification; all bad habits of

are instant gratification.

When a person only pays attention to the present, instinctive impulse, it is bound to get worse. This is the case with


is too poor to eat. Borrow rice everywhere.

is so poor that there is no heating, it is too cold to have sex, and you have to wait until the next spring.

But even so, the whiskey is still good.

couldn't pay the rent, was kicked out by the landlord, and was about to sleep on the street. Still not hurriedly looking for work to make money, but... to ask an old friend to stay overnight.

of course, she was driven out one by one by old friends.

Her mantra is: just live happily.

-what a familiar word! Everyone who is lazy and delicious often puts this sentence on his lips. People like

are not sleepy, who is sleepy.

Finally, her boyfriend also left.

She has nowhere to go, her head is gray, and it is getting harder and harder to find a good job. The house can no longer live in.

had no choice but to set up a tent by the river.

Some people say that the young lady is for dreams and persistence.


everyone can have a snack!

equates this irresponsible and unproactive approach to chasing dreams (I never know what her dream is). Are you sure you are not making fun?

really, hypocrisy is not persistence.

Dreams are not daydreams. The realization of any goal of

comes with two keywords: pay. adhere to.

I remember the 17-year-old Zhou Zhennan mentioned in a variety show that some songs would give up manually, and said something that made me stunned.

He said:

"I am willing to go to any variety show that I don't fall in love with.

Any movie I don't want to make.

Anything I don't like to do, business performance is fine.

is all for music.

So I can tolerate whatever you want to do with me."

The little boy and girl, and the little boy and girl-style young man,What did you pay for your dream? What was sacrificed? What did you insist on?

She didn't.

we don't.

This world is not a spotless sterile room. There are no rules to take for granted. There is no miracle that everything comes to mind.

It has some obstacles that need you to keep coming.

If you can overcome it, you can reach it. You can't conquer, and if you retreat all the way, you will retreat.

Zhou Zhennan continued:

"Actually, I asked the question yesterday:

XX If you are so obsessed with music, you can't stand it at all.

I didn't see your obsession."

zzz205206 The child said these things, I know, he will do it.

Now, he really became. Although he is only 10 years old and not tall, more and more people like him.

And his original music not only has attitude but also ideas.

He really walked on the road he insisted on.

This is the real dream chaser.

This is true faith.

what about us? How much did it do?

failed to do so, so where is the face, demanding results from time and rewards from work? ! ! !

Now too many people are advocating conformity to the heart and do not emphasize responsibility.

exaggerates emotions and ignores will.

exaggerates anxiety and downplays responsibilities.

This is really harmful.

Because we are all trapped in the "ego", we cannot see the bigger world and our own future.

remember that Chai Jing visited coach Li Furong many years ago at the Chinese table tennis center. There were many new players in

at the time.

Chai Jing asked Li Furong: "You have brought out so many world champions for so many years, what are their characteristics?"

Li Furong looked for a while, and pointed to a 15- or 6-year-old girl with short hair who has played very hard every ball: "She can be a world champion in three years."

Chai Jing asked: "Why?"

He said: "All world champions have only one thing in common-they all want to be world champions."

I don't know, have you been touched by this simple sentence.

To me, this sentence made me struck by lightning.

I clearly realized then-

if a person does not have firm enthusiasm in his heart.

has no consistent goal.

has no perseverance.

Without years of desperate preparation...

You will never reach your goal.

Another similar story comes from Marilyn Monroe. When

first went to Hollywood, she borrowed no name.

At that time, all the girls in Hollywood wanted to make themselves better. But Monroe said:

"When I stared at the Hollywood awards show, I was thinking that there must be thousands of girls like me dreaming of becoming Hollywood stars.

But I am not worried about them, because my dream is the strongest "The goal of

is strong enough, so pays enough, has strong enough resistance to pressure, and persists long enough...

so she also became.

She became the world-famous Monroe.

And the others, who never appeared before, were shot dead on the beach by the back waves.

Life is not our mother, and will not be used to us.

If you save effort at this time, you will be more bothered in the future. Being lazy at this time is bound to be costly in the future.

People who understand this early will deal with their emotions and make achievements in a very short time.

For example, several KOLs that we are all familiar with are all walking cases-

, ​​such as the KOL below, is very young.

is less than 18 years old, with superhuman perseverance, writing every day, has earned over 1 million a year.

Another KOL, when he was in his early 20s, he bought a house in Beijing for his mother, a Range Rover for his father, and a house with a yard for his grandmother with 300W, and he was planning to buy a big villa in Beijing.

put a little further, like Mo Yan. He decided to write that year because he wanted to eat dumplings. So he told himself: I have to write .

later suffocated and kept writing, and now he has become the Nobel Prize winner in literature.

Yu Hua didn't want to be a dentist. And writing is his only way. So he has been desperately. Eventually became one of China's most powerful novelists. There are also such examples in

entertainment circles.

When Zhao Liying first debuted, her appearance did not conform to the mainstream aesthetics, she had poor education and no background.

However, with the strength of desperate Sanniang, staying in the crew for more than 300 days a year, finally became a little bit red and gradually ranked first.

There is a law of attraction in the world.

When you have been doing one thing, you will attract the best resources in this field.

When you have been working towards a good direction, you will also attract good people, good things, and good opportunities.

They will give you rich feedback, so you have to believe: as long as a person is stubborn, focused, and persistent, the whole world will come to help you.

is like this, don't be too frivolous, don't be too hypocritical.

bear it earlier and grow up earlier.

grow earlier and harvest earlier.

encourage with you.

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