Recommend 3 suffocating escape movies, don't miss it

movie 2296℃

1. "No Life"

Douban score: 7.2

On a sparsely populated mountain road, a man and his wife drive a car aimlessly. On the way, they rested in a tavern and were harassed by gangs such as Fulin. When they were on the road again, Fulin suddenly attacked the couple by car and took them back to their lair. The vicious gangster brutally killed his wife in front of the man. What is surprising is that the man suddenly broke out and easily killed the murderer. At the same time, the gang found a woman tied up in the couple's car. The other was Emma Ward who was missing in a blood type murder case that shocked the country. The situation has taken a turn for the worse, and the crowded gangs have become the target of hunting. Maybe they have provoked someone who shouldn’t be provoked...

is a bloody-packaged movie with super plot content, I just want to say Please give me some help on the subtitle group!

Recommend 3 suffocating escape movies, don't miss it - LujubaRecommend 3 suffocating escape movies, don't miss it - LujubaRecommend 3 suffocating escape movies, don't miss it - Lujuba

2. "Deep Sea Escape"

Douban 6.8 points

Although the score is not very high, but this movie is indeed the editor is suffocated to watch. This film shows the depression and despair of isolation and helplessness under the deep sea very well. In the movie, there are not only deep seas, sharks, and MM with long legs and hips. Isn’t that enough?

In addition, the special effects of Shark are much better than "Shark Beach". The most fascinating thing is the progressive design of the plot, different interpretations of the ending, and there is the most crushing despair.

At the beginning of the film, we told the audience that the heroine was lost in love and accompanied her sisters to dive, and then they dived, simple and rude. Most of the plot of the story takes place 47 meters deep underwater, where it is pitch black, and the available light sources are the fixed lights of the cage and the sisters’ flashlights. The news on the shore went off and on, and the rescue promised to come died midway. Several sharks stared at each other, and the air in the two bottles declared an emergency, and the bleeding caused by the missed cut made the dangerous atmosphere even more diffuse.

3. "Buried alive"

Douban score: 7.8

When the American contractor Paul woke up in Iraq, he found that there was darkness around him and he could not see anything. After groping, he found that he had a lighter, a knife and a mobile phone, and he seemed to be locked in a coffin and buried alive somewhere in the desert. He can't remember how he was locked up here. In this dark and narrow environment, Paul kept trying to contact the outside world, wondering what happened to him. Over time, Paul finally knew what had happened to him. However, the most critical situation at present is how to escape the predicament. There is only one mobile phone that can communicate with the outside world, and the battery is running out. How to make reasonable use of this only thing? Paul finally used his cell phone to contact the relevant U.S. military department, but he didn't know where he was. What should I do?

Enterprises are evil, the country is unreliable, and human lives are cheap. It was taken in this way to make people feel the same feeling from behind, but fear, anger and despair!

Tags: movie