Ge You is not working anymore? Comedy is too embarrassing! Zhao Wei's scene is very hypnotic!

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There is a thin line between the high-level absurdity and the low-level absurdity.

"Two Tigers" obviously failed to control well. On the first day of the film's release, the Douban score dropped rapidly from the beginning of 6.5 to 6.5, and the comments were full of embarrassing and funny comments.

If the tragic part of the redemption theme of "Two Tigers" is better than imagined, then the big comedy part is embarrassing and drowsy. The parts of Ge You and Fan Wei in the

Ge You is not working anymore? Comedy is too embarrassing! Zhao Wei's scene is very hypnotic! - Lujuba

movie are typical of the people's drama in bold. The conscience and guilt of

many years ago and the redemption after many years have been placed in an "invisible" and another "dare to speak" situation. It is displayed through the ultimate technique of massaging pain. It is very embarrassing. People are unexpected.

Ge You is not working anymore? Comedy is too embarrassing! Zhao Wei's scene is very hypnotic! - Lujuba

​​One, the tragic core of PICC drama.

"Two Tigers" seems to be a movie pointing to the "journey of salvation", , but the movie did not completely make salvation become a cheap chicken soup that is as cruel and cruel as the first time you touch your mouth. Regret, guilt and other emotional shadows that entangle lifelong. The role of Ge You in the

Ge You is not working anymore? Comedy is too embarrassing! Zhao Wei's scene is very hypnotic! - Lujuba

play is very accurate in his calculations and current guilt; he would spend more than 10,000 to buy a big brother, but when he was a boy, people who took care of him, helped him, and were kind to him suffered He had an eye disease and borrowed five thousand yuan from him for treatment, but he refused.

said "I'm afraid he won't be able to go" and "he was blind later", which made people very silent.

Uncle Ge’s expression when he said these two lines, 's face is tight and indifferent, his voice pretending to be relaxed , behind the disguised understatement and big talk, there is full of indescribable shame and pain; after being combined with Fan Wei, the two are even more so Forcibly raised the 50 cents scene a few steps higher.

The so-called "five-female scene" is a movie bridge design that is worth complaining.

has been tortured by guilt for a long time. The successful businessman played by Ge You went to his old friend's blind massage to donate money, but he did not dare to say, let the "kidnapper" Qiao Shan say that he did not dare to speak because he was sitting aside for fear of being recognized. In

, the kidnappers ran the train with their mouths full of the absurdity of "opening a thousand stores first", and Ge You was boring to speak and fist gestures. Three adults and one onlooker child matched the scenes. The overall design is very small, and is like one. Look at the sketch passage that should be eliminated.

and 's so-called high-level sense of PICC drama is that the actor touched more sincere and advanced things in a few words and a few expressions. In

, Ge You tears down the massage chair. Fan Wei had something to say and filmed for fear that he "eats more and is too skinny." The two actors of succeeded in performing emotions and turned the influential sketches into moving souls. Ukiyo-e. Another silent scene in the

movie is the tragedy of Zhang Chenggong’s father. He jumped off the cliff many years ago. Is this the only way to make the son of "bad" son have a better future?

The mountains are speechless. The

movie poked into the tragic part that made people sad and silent, but it tried to reconcile with the stale chicken soup and the embarrassing comedy scene as the texture, which was quite cheap.

​​Two, cheap comedy skins. In the

film, there is a scene in the play of Zhao Wei. She plays Zhang Chenggong’s lover, actress Zhou Yuan.

The projection point of the scene in this set is very clear. The heroine's name is "Ajiu", and the port pronouncing it is "Agou". After adding a dog blood drama, the irony is obvious; the director is trying to make unspoken rules. The meaning is also very clear. The problem with

is that a play must first complete the superficial, intuitive, and first-impression dramatic level of beauty before it is qualified to enter the deep, non-intuitive, and indirect level of meaning representation.

The scene in "Two Tigers" is an embarrassing scene of a large-scale disaster, is clichéd, mediocre, inconsequential, and not funny. There are many similar scenes in the


is also going to find an old friend to solve Chen Nian's knot. Ge You and Fan Wei have a moving core, but Qiao Shan and Pan Binlong are not up and down, neither sad nor embarrassed, making people bald. The kidnapper played by

Qiao Shan recalled that he was always bullied by his classmates when he wrote poems in middle school and slapped him every day. Ge You wanted to preside over "justice" and forced him to fight back. zThe texture of this paragraph 3z

is very strange.

On the presentation of light comedy, the scene of reciting a poem and slap is clichéd, embarrassing and mediocre.

On the exploration of the core of tragedy , in such a way of bantering four-six, to discuss the violence of ignorance as a teenager, blessing the flashback scene of the boy kneeling and being beaten in the picture, it is easy to cause discomfort.

On the tempo of the advancement of logic events , Da Pan was beaten inexplicably, dare not resist for some reason, and was beaten sober for some reason. What point of character role and reaction logic can stand?

comedy films do not need logic, often uses a set of unique logic that can be self-consistent. When comedy and "non-comedy" content are mixed together, this kind of logical derailment can easily become a problem.

This section of "Two Tigers" is very different. It can neither make people laugh in the rhythm of the comedy, nor can it be incorporated into the logic and reflection of the drama, which is nondescript.

Tian Yu, the policeman who appeared as a guest, repeated the phrase "How old is the person" as a slogan for three characters?

Don’t die if you don’t know how to write comedy!

​​To drag so many outstanding comedians into the water at once, is it a sense of accomplishment?

makes people suspect that the director is completely incapable of controlling actors and comedies, buying caskets and returning beads, wasting the most shining part.

reminds me of Ge You's suspicious "You blink when you are kidnapped" movie last year, "The Fragment of the Treasure", Douban 2.8's "Comedy of the Year".

, disaster.

Three, untyped mashup and fragmentation. In

"Two Tigers", Qiao Shan kidnapped Ge You, but it was the kidnapper who was kidnapped and coerced. He was forced to promise Ge You to "complete my three things." The two of

drove back to the kidnapper’s hometown in Harbin to settle the history of the middle school, and drove back to Zhang Chenggong’s hometown to see the cliff where his father was buried. On the road, had a faint outline of a “road movie”, but obviously not all.

From love, friendship to family relationship, reconciliation is traced back one by one, it seems there is a shadow of a "bucket list", but it is obviously not all.

all sorts of shadows are mixed, but none of them.

"cannot be classified" is not a fatal problem originally, as long as the movie looks good. It doesn’t matter whether

is classified as a tragedy, a comedy, or a road movie. The problem with

is that the movie is not good! The big comedy part of

is very funny, all kinds of factors are mixed together, very awkward. In the

interview, the director seemed to say that the role played by Yan Ni, Zhang Caixia, meant absolute beauty. Since

is the beauty of the old lovers in the mountain villages of the past, why do you want Yan Ni's character to come down from the ladder with a twist of amorous feelings, and be weird?

​​was a childhood sweetheart when she was a boy. When she was a teenager, the father of the woman helped the man. After many years, the other party drifted away and disappeared. There is no problem with the setting itself. Things are probably like this, but the presentation is too shallow and too messy. The

movie seemed to want everything, but in the end nothing was grasped. With such a golden comedy lineup,

made a pot of indigestion.

Concluding remarks

We always feel the midlife crisis of actresses. By default, actors have longer artistic careers and wider choices.

In fact, in the absence of good scripts, top actors such as Ge You are also facing an awkward situation. Before

Liang Chaowei and Takeshi Kaneshiro were taken off by Zhang Jiajia, and after Ge You got rid of Bao Beier, the comedy is still strange, far inferior to the work done by him and Ning Hao in the National Day file.

​​In "Two Tigers", is a cheap comedy skin on the one hand, and an accidental tragic core on the other.

is like a cage of steamed buns, the stuffing is good, but the buns are not cooked, with teeth, sand and stones.

How do people swallow this?

Tags: movie