Putting aside the "Wandering Earth" controversy, I sincerely recommend you Liu Cixin's 8 novels

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is the hottest movie for the New Year in 2019, "Wandering Earth" has been screened for several days. Some people say that it opened the first year of Chinese science fiction movies, and some people have a mediocre view of movies. But the significance of science fiction works is that it allows us to experience things that we could not experience in our lifetime, and travel to places that our bodies can never reach. In addition to "The Wandering Earth", Liu also has these science fiction novels that should not be missed. Let's take a look: Although

Putting aside the 'Wandering Earth' controversy, I sincerely recommend you Liu Cixin's 8 novels - Lujuba

wrote the "Three-Body" trilogy as the first one, I believe many people have already read this novel. After became the first Chinese science fiction work to win the Hugo Award in 2016, the two names of "Da Liu" and "Three Body" are also more familiar to everyone. The novel

has thrown a lot of suspense from the beginning: theoretical physicists from all over the world have committed suicide one after another, leaving behind unbelievable last words such as "Physics no longer exists". The scientific community is due to the sudden death of top scientists. Stuck in a bottleneck, in the process of investigating the truth about their deaths, another huge truth was slowly revealed: the Trisolaran civilization, an extraterrestrial civilization more advanced than humans, is about to reach the solar system, and humans are facing the most serious survival crisis. The

novel created an apocalyptic sense of tension and conflict in the first one, and the second one is more fascinating, with conflicts and transitions one after another, the story is wonderful and compact, and it is also my favorite book. In the second part of , there are many settings and hypotheses that refresh new sci-fi fans, such as "Shooter and Farmer", "Fermi Paradox", "Dark Forest" and so on. feels that it is constantly gaining new knowledge and reading it. Carefree and dripping. The third part of

directly pulled the story to a deeper and broader level, and the final outcome... is embarrassing. Because the novel

is too classic, many lines of are also widely used in the current online context. , for example, in the news about exploring alien civilizations, people often see comments: "Don't answer, don't answer, don't answer." Another example is when discussing "survival is the first need of civilization", you will definitely see someone saying: "Lost humanity loses a lot, loses animality loses everything." When

talks about Chinese science fiction, "Three Body" is an inevitable part, although it has been praised and criticized (such as character symbolization, flat narration, It has social Darwinism), but whenever you open this novel, you will still be amazed at the fictional and grand world it presents. If is an introductory sci-fi reader, start with this one.

When I was recommended this book for the first time, that person said: "This book is a prequel to the three-body." There is indeed some connection between the two books. Although it happened in the same universe, it is still one Independent story. The book is only about a quarter of the length of "Three-Body", which is more "hardcore" than "Three-Body". The book has a lot of explanations on physical concepts such as macroatoms and quantum states, but it is read. It does not feel boring, even if there is no relevant knowledge reserve, it does not affect the thinking and understanding of the content of the book. In addition to the grand idea of ​​

, what attracted me the most about 's novel was that the whole book was enveloped in an atmosphere of horror and weirdness. After reading , I was afraid of lightning for a period of time (it is said that everyone after reading it will be like this). After

won the "Three-Body" award, many people said that Liu did not understand love and women, and was a typical "tech man". Actually, I don't agree with such stereotypes. The ending monologue of "Ball Lightning" is very romantic about death and love:

"I opened my eyes suddenly, and on the amethyst vase on the desk, a blue rose appeared, but the rose was in me It disappeared the moment I saw it, leaving only the empty vase standing there quietly. But every detail of the rose was printed in my mind, it was full of vitality, revealing a kind of ice and snow."

said: "When you hear the Tao, you can die at night."

-"The Analects of Confucius Liren"

This is a short story whose name comes from a well-known sentence in the Analects. The setting of the

story is that an "all-knowing and all-powerful" cosmic adventurer appears. can answer almost all questions that have not been proven in the human science community, but the condition is that the scientists who know the truth will be put to death immediately.

Scientists’ family members are watching under the "Altar of Truth", and politicians from various countries also persuadeThey stepped down from the altar for the advancement of human science, and the final outcome... was unexpected and reasonable.

When reading this novel, you will think of Archimedes squatting on the ground to prove the laws of geometry when Roman soldiers broke the city; you will think of Diogenes telling Alexander that you blocked my sunlight; you will think of countless humans The shining names of the stars in history, and then for a moment seems to be able to communicate with them in a distant time and space.

Hearing the road, death can be done at night.

​​This article is very short, it can be read in as little as 10 minutes, , but in my mind it is one of Liu's most tender stories.

I once recommended this article to a friend who has never read science fiction. A few minutes later, she sent me a series of tearful expressions. The brushwork in this novel is delicate and gentle, completely unlike Da Liu's style. In this novel, Da Liu seems to have become what he called "a sentimental poet from the 18th century".

is a spoiler because it is too short. In short, after reading it, when you see flowers, running water, and feel the breeze, you will feel that they have become more beautiful and specific. The story of

​​was set in 1999 when a supernova burst into intense radiation, and humans generally suffered from radiation sickness and began to die in large numbers. And children under the age of 12 survived the self-repair of genes, that is to say-people over 13 years old on earth will gradually die.

Countries all over the world have carried out a year-long "big study". Adults in the whole world are desperately teaching the knowledge and experience they have acquired throughout their lives to these children who are still ignorant. These children will Become the head of the country and will shoulder the mission of leading the country.

So, what will the world with only children be like? The ending of

must be beyond your expectations.

After reading this article, I have been thinking about the ultimate poetry and romance that can produce such brain holes and associations. The story of

raises an interesting question: how to write a poem that surpasses Li Bai?

One way is to try all the combinations of Chinese characters and write all the poems in the world, then the works beyond Li Bai will naturally be included. This is equivalent to directly ending the art of poetry-until the destruction of the universe, any poet who appears, no matter what height they reach, his works can be retrieved in a huge memory. The idea of ​​

is quite good, but what is the total amount of matter needed to make such a memory-the entire solar system.

has a lyric saying "a whole universe for a red bean", but that's all. The novel

is a kind of tribute to ancient Chinese poems by Liu. The story is not long. After reading it, people will think differently about the relationship between technology and art.

An unwelcome, poor and sick rural teacher insisted on teaching the children. The basic physics knowledge he repeatedly emphasized in the class accidentally saved the entire human civilization. The novel

is very touching. has respect for knowledge, pursuit of truth, praise for teachers, sympathy for rural students who cannot enjoy better education and unbalanced knowledge structure. The whole novel of is full of strong humanities. care.

Although you may have watched the movie "The Wandering Earth", at the end I would like to recommend everyone to read the original novel of "The Wandering Earth". The overlap between the movie and the original is very small. The movie is more of a background setting from the original novel. When you read the novel after watching the movie, will have a different feeling and resonance. The theme of the

movie is "Hope", and the corresponding line is: "Hope is as precious as a diamond in this era"-in the movie, after humans migrated to the dungeon, the class supervisor said this sentence; Earth; About to crash, Han Duoduo also said this when requesting support on the global broadcast.

is actually more natural: "Listen to my dear, we must have hope, is not because hope really exists, but because we want to be noble people... hope is of this era Gold and gems, no matter how long we live, we will have them." There are many stories in

novels that have not been presented in movies: the vast universe, the frozen earth, the distortion of human nature andHow the madness was amplified, almost led to the failure of the entire wandering plan, etc. The story has a turning point after the turning point. When you open this novel, you will stand in the perspective of God with Liu, and you will see the ignorance, incompetence, and powerlessness of human beings.

When we are talking about science fiction, we are often attracted by a world full of peculiar brain holes in all details. In Liu Cixin's world, he uses rationality and science to construct a framework, which is filled with imagination at both the macro and micro levels. Above

are his 8 works recommended today. If you have a favorite science fiction novel, don’t be stingy to share it~

Tags: movie