Detective Chinatown 3 trailer announced: Can Q's identity be revealed?

movie 2310℃

Movie Detective Chinatown

Today, the movie "Detective Chinatown 3" announced its trailer. In the trailer, it lists the elements that will appear this season, such as gangsters, secret rooms, and Bengal. The scene of the investigation is based on the second season. The foreshadowing laid at the end takes Tokyo, Japan as the main venue.

Detective Chinatown 3 trailer announced: Can Q's identity be revealed? - Lujuba

This season is worth looking forward to is the return of Sinuo (Zhang Zifeng), who impressed the audience with a smile in the first season, and the handsome Noda Hao in the second season, and the quirky Kiko will continue to appear in this season. Regrettably, the impressive Song Yi in the second season is not among the announced actors. No longer starred in the third season. And it seems that after the second season was released, the speculation that Song Yi or Song Yi’s sister was Q was overturned.

So today, let’s chat together, Qingyuan’s conjectures about Q's identity in "Detective Chinatown 3".

You are all guessing who is Q. Let me tell you who Q is. Q is actually everyone in front of the big screen. In the

movie, the "fourth wall" has been broken many times to interact with the audience, such as advertising placement, Wang Baoqiang said that this is a blockbuster, and so on. They are all talking to the audience. That is to say, in the content design of the movie, the audience, not the audience, is also a certain character who participated in a part of the movie.

is the last and most important thing. The audience, from the perspective of God, will always know who the murderer is before Qin Feng, and the setting in the movie is based on the scenes and characters that appear. No one is more powerful than Qin Feng. And Dudu Q is higher than Qin Feng in the online world, is that powerful Q you are? What is the opportunity for Sino to appear? Will she be the Q

Detective Chinatown 3 trailer announced: Can Q's identity be revealed? - Lujuba

who has not appeared in the second season? Will it be Q?

continued from the previous inference, the "Chinatown Detective" series of movies have always wanted to express the theme of genius and god and beast. From the first season, the Sinuo seems pure, but in fact, it uses the hands of others to kill the adoptive father and rescue In the second season, the doctor seems to rescue the wounded, but there is a bloody reality behind it. Looking at the important props of the two films, from the vajra to the alchemy furnace, they are all the items in the fairy world in Chinese traditional culture. In the film, it became an opportunity to kill.

Look at the protagonist Qin Feng, who is good at reasoning and restoring the truth for the dead. When he appeared in the first season, he said that he wanted to complete a perfect crime.

combined with the role of Sino. After the smile in the first season, the role did not continue to appear in the second season, and the main clue of the second season Q was not positioned in the United States. Is it possible to be in Thailand? Is Sinuo who is in line with the theme of both god and beast the questionable Q?

Detective Chinatown 3 trailer announced: Can Q's identity be revealed? - Lujuba

Tang Ren’s announcement poster. Is the prayer beads in the hand a hint of Q?

Tang Ren, one of the protagonists in the film, seems to be laughing and joking in the film, but he is proficient in Zhouyi gossip, and in Zhouyi gossip is Taoist The props have many immortals in the impression of China, so Tang Ren’s character set also conforms to the theme of both gods and beasts, plus netizens speculate that on the posters published, only Tang Ren has decorations on his hands, and that string Does the prayer beads look like Q?

And the compassion represented by the Buddha beads is really compassionate, is it possible that Tang Ren is the Q behind the scenes, helping Qin Feng complete a perfect crime?

is a Q's identity, so that the audience's eyes are focused on "Chinatown Detective 3", then the third part will disclose Q's identity? In fact, everything is no longer important, but what can you get through this movie?

Maybe Q will not be a person or a group portrait, he is every character you think is also a beast, maybe Q is the spirit of the "Chinatown Detective" series?

Tags: movie