Online movies should be pleasing to the eyes first and then pleasing to the eyes, but many people have gotten it wrong | Interview with Professor Qin

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On November 21st, in the sixth season of iQiyi's "Wonderful Flowers", Professor Qin fought a strong alliance with BB King Xiao Xiao in the fourth season and Zhan Qingyun, the BB King in the sixth season. On November 25th, Professor Qin's "Baolong Family 2" will be launched on Tencent Video, and also his director's "Nine Fingers" and "Eight Hundred Biao Soldiers Running to the North Slope" will be released soon.

Online movies should be pleasing to the eyes first and then pleasing to the eyes, but many people have gotten it wrong | Interview with Professor Qin - Lujuba

is a bizarre debater on one side, and an online film director on the other. The background color is Professor Qin's natural sense of humor and creative talent. But for Professor Qin, he has his own firm professional identity and ideal destination. The two identities not only do not contradict, but also fully serve his ideal career, that is, film.

Professor Qin recalled that the traffic and popularity brought by the fifth season of "Wonderful Flowers" made him somewhat unexpected. At the beginning, he participated in the show purely by the invitation of his friends and went with a playful mentality. Without expecting it, the audience and colleagues remembered this director's debater who rectified the name of "Net University" on the show.

In the sixth season of "Wonderful Flowers", Professor Qin came to participate on his own initiative. When asked the reason, he was very straightforward: "One is because of vanity, many people will recognize me after the broadcast of the fifth season. On the other hand, they may learn some knowledge and broaden their horizons. The information in the show The material will have a blessing effect on the divergence of my thoughts in the process of film creation."

"I want to make something new, so I need to get in touch with new information. The defenders of "Wonderful Flowers" include Harvard and Yale. , Tsinghua University, Peking University... Many of the opinions and information they output are not accessible to me in the Internet University community."

is still paving the way for his online film career.

​​As the first generation of online film directors and has persisted to this day, Professor Qin has experienced the growth and changes of online films over the past five years from beginning to end. In 2019, which is known as the "turning point" of online movies, Wangshi Internet (ID: wxs360) interviewed Professor Qin and asked him to talk about the changes in online movies in his eyes.

"Internet movies are too slow, and I am too fast"

"In the past few years, I have been catching up, trying to catch up with this era, and want to lead, but I found out that everything I did was too early." This is Professor Qin's response to this. A few years of self-made online film reflection. Since

was the first to do zombies and superpowers, Professor Qin was the first to eat crabs, but when many people followed suit, he did not do it. "I am not a businessman and I am not so profitable, but I have always wanted to be ahead of the industry." Professor Qin explained his stubbornness, and at the same time frankly faced his successful and less successful works. He cited a few of his previous ideas to reporters, which were later made into online movies by others and got good results at the right time.

​​"I always go a step earlier. I found out after some works were shot that the market was not mature enough to accept it. Three years ago, I had to start about 10 online movies every year, and next year, I want to slow this down. , Grinding 3 pieces per year.”

In fact, from Professor Qin’s film list, you can see the transformation of his business and thinking. The early "Zombie Return" series and "Super Eunuch" were mainly zombies, super powers, and fantasy. However, the "Song Express" and "The Five Sounds of Baolong Clan" that were launched this year are all martial arts comedy themes, and core stories are also Full of manifestations of modern mainstream values. Taking "Song Express" as an example, the main story line of conflict is the protagonist Song Express's choice between personal professionalism and national justice. National justice is an enduring topic, while professionalism is full of modern meaning.

These cognitions of self-creation are based on the premise that Professor Qin has a clear understanding and analysis of the Internet market. One week before Professor Qin was interviewed by Wangshi Internet (ID: wxs360), China’s first online film week was held in Chengdu. At the meeting, the Chinese Film Association’s Online Film Working Committee and the three video platforms Aiyou Teng issued a joint initiative to "Web University" Officially changed its name to "Internet Movies".

"The child of Net University has reached the level of education. You can no longer use a nickname when you enter the kindergarten, you should have a scientific name." Professor Qin gave a very "Professor Qin" view, vivid and intriguing.

"The birth of the Internet University is actually a combination of capital and audiences. At that time, traditional movies and traditional TVs could not meet everyone's demand for coolness. The audience wanted to be cool, and the capital wanted money, so online movies were born. Mostly, it fills in the gaps that traditional movies cannot cover.Therefore, most of the themes are concentrated on pornography, monsters and ghosts, in order to make up for the unsatisfied points of the audience and gain the market.

At this time, it was just a baby, wrinkled and crying. Because at this stage, nature also has labels such as "low" and "vulgar". Since

is a child, it takes time to grow up, and parents have to devote energy and material resources to support. Therefore, various support subsidies were given to the early platform. Net University has also gone through five years, and it was officially renamed "online movie" by the industry this year.

can come now, and I don’t think it shows that Netda is on the right track. It is actually a child now, but only five years later, it has ended the unfettered childhood time with its parents, and has reached the age when it needs to go to school and receive education. So, he took a scientific name and entered the "school" to begin its student period.

In the future of online movies, there will be elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, and universities. When it enters the society, that will be the real path of online movies. "

talks about this, Professor Qin's tone will have some old father-like tolerance and objectivity.

"It takes time to grow up." He called for online movies not to be anxious and excessively harsh. It has taken more than a hundred years from Chaplin's silent film era to the present, and the Internet University has only been five years old. It is impossible to be too impatient. "

" Movies should first be pleasing to the eyes and then pleasing to the eye, but many people have made the mistake of it."

is like a misunderstanding that many online film practitioners still have: overemphasizing the importance of vision.

started at the beginning, and more online movies It tends to focus on monsters and monsters. The original such subjects relied on strong visual impact to attract audiences. Under this inertia, special effects have become more and more important blessings in the hearts of some online film practitioners. Even after the concept of "content is king" It is increasingly emphasized that the online movie market’s obsession with special effects seems to have not diminished.

So far, Professor Qin recalled to Wangshi Internet (ID: wxs360) an old Hong Kong movie that he had recollected two days ago ——Feelings of "Ten Brothers" starring Shi Xiaolong and Hao Shaowen:

"very old film, it is not very clear. There are basically no special effects in it, and the rare special effects are now called "low" by the public. But the plot and the performance of the actors still made me enjoy it and laughed. So storytelling and the performance of actors are the key to attracting audiences. "

​​Professor Qin pointed out that making a movie or watching a movie must follow the rule of first pleasing and then pleasing to the eye. Pleasing refers to the core and emotion of the story when creating; pleasing to the eye refers to having good skills and techniques Make the story more realistic and beautiful in appearance. Once the creative end follows this rule, the audience will naturally resonate in the plot first, and it will be easier to enjoy the beauty in watching.

But the reality is that many people do. It’s reversed. Not only online movies, but also many cinema blockbusters often suffer from this problem. For example, the star-studded, gorgeous special effects "Feng Shen Bang" and "Asura" are all big investments and big productions, but the story is not in the slightest. After scrutiny, it ended in a disastrous defeat.

"In terms of online movies, special effects are actually a fig leaf. "Professor Qin summed up sharply, "Some opportunistic people can't make good content, so they intend to spend money on special effects to cover up the defects in content. "

Professor Qin not only emphasized that "special effects stars are the icing on the cake, and the story is to give charcoal in the snow", everyone in the industry knows the importance of truth, but in his tone there is a kind of regret of hating iron but not steel and knowing everyone, but Few people are really confused about this.

is just like the classic line in Han Han's "Afternoon": I have heard a lot of principles since childhood, but I still have a bad life. There are many golden rules for filming, and everyone knows and recognizes. But it’s still not good at making movies.

“If you don’t rectify, online movies are really going to die.”

In fact, before the name change, online movies were already undergoing “reduction and quality improvement” reforms. The number of online movies was also sharply sharp. Reduced, from 2,463 in 2016 to 438 in the first half of 2019.

This is precisely the adjustment to the serious problem of the narrow genre of online movies and the homogenization of a large number of film themes. Policy supervision has become stricter, so that those that do not conform to mainstream values Online movies cannot be admitted; video platforms take the initiative to change, reduce subsidies for low-quality movies, and reduce capitalThe source tends to give high-quality, top online movies.

Professor Qin also affirmed: “If there is no rectification, online movies will really go to death. The long-term development of online movies is bound to go through rectifications and adjustments.”

However, the current stage of online movies is straightforward during the recovery period after the rectification. "Quality improvement by quantity" on the one hand is the survival of the fittest in the market and improving quality. On the other hand, it also gives the capital a room for correction and breathing.

"Let the capital support, the market blindly hurt the capital too much. Under the regulation, more good works will also regain the confidence of the capital." Professor Qin said straightforwardly, "The Internet University has no capital. It's impossible to play. When it comes to our director's money to shoot, this thing will go backwards."

Professor Qin is full of confidence in the future of online movies. He believes that online movies are bound to be fully integrated with cinema movies. With the continuous improvement of the quality of online movies, the boundary between it and cinema movies is also disappearing. "There are already online movies going to theaters, some bad theaters, if you want to save money or turn over, some will move to the Internet after they are released. The two have begun to penetrate each other." In his opinion,

, future movies It will definitely develop into a situation where both theaters and online channels are played together. "By then, the two movies at this time will be called movies, and there will be no more prefixes."

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