Blockbusters get together in "Winter Ice and Snow Files", "About Winter" is out of the circle, and the sadistic love evokes sorrow

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enters winter, the weather is getting colder day by day. In this "winter ice and snow stall", if you don't like shopping and don't like to stay at home by yourself, it is better to make appointments with family, friends or lovers, walk into the theater and watch a movie together. When the theater lights dim, you feel like you are in another world.

Blockbusters get together in 'Winter Ice and Snow Files', 'About Winter' is out of the circle, and the sadistic love evokes sorrow - Lujuba

In winter, watching a movie about winter, falling snow and love is a very romantic thing. In this "Winter Ice and Snow File", there are several winter-themed films in theaters, such as: "About Winter", "Frozen 2", "Sea Pianist" and so on.

Blockbusters get together in 'Winter Ice and Snow Files', 'About Winter' is out of the circle, and the sadistic love evokes sorrow - Lujuba

Compared with imported films, the author prefers domestic films because domestic films are closer to our real life. Just like the scenes shown in the film "About Winter", whether it is the Beijing Workers' Gymnasium shrouded in snow, or the alleys full of historical and cultural atmosphere, they all give us a natural sense of closeness. Especially when the familiar melody-"About Winter" slowly sounded, we returned to that warm memory in 1991.

Blockbusters get together in 'Winter Ice and Snow Files', 'About Winter' is out of the circle, and the sadistic love evokes sorrow - Lujuba

An Ran, a girl born for love and persistent for love, when she met Qi Xiao, her life's fate was rewritten. Looking at the young girl who kept waving her scarf to the idol on the big screen, do you also think of yourself? We have all been young, or are living in youth, so there must be a moment, for the ideal in our heart, for the lover in our heart, surging enthusiastically, regardless of the past. An Ran is like us when we were young, just because of love, so I am willing to wait for him all his life.

But more often, when we grow up, we all live into the Qi Xiao in the film, cherishing love, but succumbing to life.

The author once had a good friend, met and fell in love with her boyfriend on the college campus, and pledged each other. But when they graduated, the two had to reluctantly break up. One was in the south and the other in the north. They were both only children, and both had parents who were aging to take care of them.

"What can I do?" Every time I recalled my first love, my friend would become very sad, but she said, "I don't regret the original choice at all. If I insisted on marrying him, I was far away from my parents. In case of a change, there is not even a person to comfort me by my side."

Look, life is so cold. Love can't stay together, such examples are everywhere around us. I have seen many netizens commenting that Qi Xiao is scumbag and not brave enough to face love, but if you are Qi Xiao and change places, in all fairness, how can you choose? If your father is seriously ill and needs you as a son to give him a wedding and let him see your happiness before he can leave safely, can you refuse his father's final request? you can not. Similarly, in the face of ex-wife and son, can you give up your responsibilities? In the face of reality, responsibility always comes before love. It's not that Qi Xiao doesn't love, but can't afford to love.

is like Robert and Francesca in the movie "The Bridge of Last Dream", don't they love each other? Is Francesca not willing to go with Robert? Neither, the greatest thing about love is not selfishness, but selflessness, not possession, but dedication. This is also the most distressing part of Qi Xiao.

"About Winter" is like the Chinese version of "The Bridge of Madison County". It is also the only romance film in this "winter ice and snow file" schedule. Qi Xiao is like Robert who lives in a different place. In Taiwan, he has his own relatives, his own girlfriend, or in order to make a living, for the sake of dreams, he came to Beijing to start a business. If he had never met An Ran, his life would have passed without a trace. If you marry your girlfriend and have children, you don't have deep love or deep pain. However, he met An Ran, the girl who made him fall in love at first sight.

"I don't know where the love arises, but I am deeply in love". There is no reason, no sign, so love. Because of reality, he had to sacrifice this relationship. He was unwilling and unwilling, but he had to give up. He also tried to recover and own, but he could not ignore the feelings of his relatives.

"About Winter" is a romance film made for adults and the best romance film in 2019. From An Ran, we can see ourselves when we were young, innocent and persistent, and from Qi Xiao, we can also see ourselves in middle age, struggling to win for what we love, but still can’t match the fowls of life.

Now the pace of life is accelerating, everything has become fast food, we are getting in love with someone more and more easily, and leaving someone more and more easily. We practice "love what I love", but forget what we shoulderresponsibility. The emotional story between An Ran and Qi Xiao has universal practical significance and provides an attitude and a way for all people who "cannot love".

is precisely because of the story told by the film, which pokes the pain and tears in everyone's heart. Therefore, as soon as the film was released, it received a warm response from the audience. The film was released for several consecutive days and has been the box office champion, defeating the two introduced films released in the same period: "Sea Pianist" and "Frozen 2". Romance movies are better made in China.

, whether it is the characters, regions or values ​​described in the film, is closer to our real life. This may be one of the reasons why "About Winter" was hotly discussed by the audience as soon as it was released. Youdao is that art comes from life and is higher than life. The love story told in "About Winter" is typical.

In the past two years, with the popularity of realism themes, the quality of domestic films has gradually improved. Whether it is a spy film, a criminal investigation film or a marriage romance film, there are in-depth discussions on the meaning of real life And show. "About Winter" has made some explorations and attempts in this regard.

The film abandoned the Qiongyao-style pure love model, and began to explore the original appearance of love in real life, the different attitudes of ordinary men and women when facing love, and the growth process of women in love. This is a meaningful attempt in domestic emotional films.

The weather is getting colder and the days of falling snow are getting closer. Whether you are single, in love, or in a broken relationship, you may wish to take a look at this "About Winter". Relive your love in the film, and then learn to be relieved like middle-aged An Ran; in love, you will definitely cherish the person in front of you even more, because not everyone can "love what I love"; if you are single, then Just learn the course of love in advance and face it bravely when fate comes. I believe everyone will find their own "warmness" in the film.

If there is an appointment in winter, please make an appointment with "About Winter".

Tags: movie