Marvel Independent Animation: Carter becomes Captain Britain, Steve becomes Iron Man, Panther becomes Star Lord

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After the expiration of a large number of actor contracts in the Avengers 4, it is true that Marvel gradually fell out of the public’s field of vision. As a successful manga movie, Marvel actually relies on more of the charm of actors and then the plot. However, The independent film animation "If" created by Marvel recently surprised us!

Marvel Independent Animation: Carter becomes Captain Britain, Steve becomes Iron Man, Panther becomes Star Lord - Lujuba

We all know that Marvel likes to play parallel universes, but this time the parallel universe of "What If" is a bit too strong!

US team changed to British team, Iron Man replaced

Marvel Independent Animation: Carter becomes Captain Britain, Steve becomes Iron Man, Panther becomes Star Lord - Lujuba

Does this picture surprise you? Some people may say that there is nothing surprising, but I want to tell you this timeline is the Second World War, do you feel a bit unclear? In the story line of "What If", it was not Steve who participated in the Super Soldier Project and became Carter, but Steve did not take it easy. Although his body is weak, his intelligence has replaced Iron Man's father Howard!

Marvel Independent Animation: Carter becomes Captain Britain, Steve becomes Iron Man, Panther becomes Star Lord - Lujuba

So this super soldier plan made Carter become Captain of the United Kingdom (after all, he is British), but Steve built Iron Man Mark 1 more than 70 years earlier than Tony, and Carter and Steve became partners. To complete the mission given by the coalition forces in World War II!

It is worth mentioning that Agent Carter’s voice will be performed by Carter’s actor Hayley Atwell in the movie, but the US team’s voice will be replaced. After all, the US actor Chris’ contract expired!

US team (Steve) becomes a zombie

Judging from the appearance of two Steves in the trailer, this "What If" should not be an independent timeline, but a few separate stories! And the second scene is about the Winter Soldiers and the US team, but this time the plot is reversed a bit.

has not been brainwashed because the Winter Soldier has not only become the righteous party, but the US team has become a zombie even more exaggeratedly, and this outfit is obviously the suit worn by Steve of the Avengers 4!

Black Panther variable star

​​The third one is Black Panther variable star. In fact, these two roles are simply impossible to play. However, many fans in the United States have asked what would happen if the Panther becomes a star. Maybe Marvel made this parallel universe just because the voice was too loud!

And the personalities of the Black Panther and Xingjue are simply too different. One is funny and the other is cold and cool. The Xingjue under the Black Panther believes that there must be many differences. If the Black Panther version of Star Lord still retains the identity of Prince Wakanda, this version of Star Lord is believed to be very interesting!

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