Facing the disaster, take the wandering earth, domestic science fiction film step forward

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"Wandering Earth" is a sci-fi film released in February this year, which is the Spring Festival file. The starring role is Wu Jing who once played the leading role in "Wolf Warrior 2". After the film was released, it ushered in an explosive box office, and the box office continued to refresh historical records, brushing most people's social circles with labels such as high-level production, national innovation, and new standards.

Facing the disaster, take the wandering earth, domestic science fiction film step forward - Lujuba

1. exquisite sci-fi scene production

​​This is indeed a rare sci-fi film for a long time in China, has taken a big step forward especially in special effects and scene production. One of the more impressive is the vast snowfield when the protagonist Liu Qi walks on the ground. The snowstorm is very violent, and human beings appear small in front of the tyrannical nature. The picture is then placed on the reactor and the space station in the universe. The huge reactor is built by humans and stands in the wind and snow. This on the other hand shows the strength and determination of human beings against nature and the universe.

Facing the disaster, take the wandering earth, domestic science fiction film step forward - Lujuba

These pictures and special effects are done enough to allow the audience to deeply experience the magnificent scene when watching, giving people a strong visual impact, and there will be no drama . In addition, the post-disaster modeling of some buildings in China is also very successful. Even buildings familiar to the audience can bring a terrible sense of disaster. These all reflect the success of this sci-fi production attempt.

Facing the disaster, take the wandering earth, domestic science fiction film step forward - Lujuba

2. has a grand world view and exquisite ideas and creativity

. In addition, the world view construction is also refreshing. After all, Liu Cixin is in charge. While imagining the future, "Wandering Earth" also incorporates many elements.

There is no doubt that the development of science is the most obvious part of , and there are also unique cultures of that era after the advancing of the times, such as the Spring Festival guns. Humanities and science are connected and intertwined, and jointly build this grand worldview. The characterization of

3. still has defects

, but in terms of characterization, there is a lack of imbalance with production. Whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, 's image and character are too typical, highlighting the thin of their image. Among them, the protagonist Liu Qi is a 19-year-old boy, and his actions show more impulse and passion. The mental journey of 's growth is not well connected with the crisis and changes of the earth. , so that it suddenly "Sensible" makes people feel abrupt. Compared with the protagonist,

's portrayal of other supporting characters is more one-sided . When the characters experienced huge disasters, did not show their own growth and changes . The single character image is compared with the prominent world view and special effects. The collision of the traditional character personality and the innovative world view will definitely expose the shortcomings of the traditional plot, and it is easy for the audience to feel the cliché plot line, which is not enough for the film. Good impression.

4. The narrative rhythm is chaotic and disorderly, and there are minor problems in the logical performance.

is still lacking in grasping the rhythm of the story, and the explanation of the plot and the transition are slightly rigid. , there are some logical problems, and the grand world view is in the film It is not well-structured enough. The

​​film has more pictures in the narration of the details of the characters, but it does not make the characters plump, and appears to be protracted. It is not enough to explain the background of the times, so that when disasters occur, people feel caught off guard. The unknown cause of the disaster can easily make the audience feel confused.

On the other hand, the changes on the earth and the changes in the space station are not well connected. The two travel independently, and when they intersect, they seem a little sudden.

​​may be because there are too many things to express, causing a little confusion in the rhythm of the plot. The many elements that merge with this film are necessarily related to .

Generally speaking, "The Wandering Earth" is an excellent science fiction work. Although there are some big or small problems, the flaws of do not conceal . China has always been a weak field in the production of science fiction films, "The Wandering Earth" represents a big step forward for China's science fiction films . Pioneers will always experience some setbacks, these are valuable experiences left to the latecomers.

canIt is predicted that China's science fiction films will develop better and better !

Tags: movie