Hupu launches film and television scoring system, positive PK Doumao Tao?

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angered Wu Yifan, and Hupu, a niche basketball community, quickly entered the public eye. As an online community focusing on sports, Hupu recently launched a film and television scoring system. This makes people ask: JRs (the name among netizens on the Hupu Sports website, translated as family members) not only love watching basketball, but also watching movies and TV shows?

At present, there are still visible differences between the audience circle of film and television dramas and the "indigenous residents" of Hupu. In the male-dominated vertical sports community, Hupu clearly has more ideas to introduce a more popular and entertaining film and television scoring system.

Hupu launches film and television scoring system, positive PK Doumao Tao? - Lujuba

Hupu film and television scoring system is online

On November 7th, Hupu film and television scoring system is launched. Users can score the film under the corresponding item of the movie, and the Hupu value (the number of'worth a look'/the number of participants in the evaluation) * 100, that is The number of participants exceeds 100 to show the score. Compared with the usual movie scoring software "Doomatao", Hupu is more direct when assessing the word-of-mouth of the film, with only two options: "worth a look" and "not worth seeing".

However, since the opening of the film and television scoring system a week ago, Xiaodianjun has searched many popular new and old movies such as "You are Young", "About Winter", "Wolf Warriors 2", etc., and the number of ratings has not reached the scoring standard for 100 participants. .

Hupu launches film and television scoring system, positive PK Doumao Tao? - Lujuba

Hupu "broken the circle" into the capital flow market

Before Hupu launched the film and television scoring system, in addition to the popular professional film and television scoring software Douban, Maoyan, Taopiao, Weibo and Zhihu also started film and television. grading system. All parties have successively introduced a film and television scoring mechanism, behind which there must be a set of value systems recognized by all parties.

Hupu launches film and television scoring system, positive PK Doumao Tao? - Lujuba

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. From the perspective of business logic, major platforms open film and television scoring systems to attract more traffic, and those who get traffic win the world. Hupu users don’t want to watch movies and TV shows, but Hupu can’t avoid traffic.

Hupu started as a basketball forum. The most famous "circle breaking" sports event is "660,000 Hupu Straight Guys vs. 33 million Wu Yifan fans".

On July 25, 2018, a netizen posted a live audio recording of Wu Yifan singing "bad girl" on "China New Rap" in Hupu Walking Street, with the text "Wu Yifan has no audio repair video, you can stick to it. The first few seconds", complained about Wu Yifan's poor singing skills.

Soon after the post was released, Wu Yifan fans stopped commenting. In view of Hupu's strict posting system that requires 18 correct answers to 20 questions before posting, Wu Yifan's fans launched an "anti-black" war on Weibo. The number of fans of

Hupu’s Weibo account "Hupu Walking Street" increased from 660,000 to 810,000 a day, which improved Hupu’s exposure and platform visibility to a certain extent. Afterwards, a series of events such as "diss Cai Xukun" and the Tiger Fight Goddess Contest have pushed the Tiger Fight into the air.

The "Tiger Fight vs. Wu Yifan" incident has increased the traffic and popularity of Tiger Fight.

Since then, Tiger Fight has been moving towards "decentralization of sports" and gradually moving closer to the pan-entertainment community. "Entertainment" brings huge traffic to Hupu, and traffic has become an important weight for commercial valuation. Tianyanchahupu Sports' financing time and valuation changes directly confirm this.

On January 12, 2018, Hupu completed Series E financing. CICC and others acquired 12.651% of Hupu Sports for 618 million yuan. Based on this calculation, the overall valuation of Hupu at that time was about 5 billion. On June 6, 2019, Hupu’s Pre-IPO round of financing was supported by Bytedance 1.26 billion, and the company was valued at 7.7 billion.

Tiger's financing history

From January 2018 to June 2019, both the amount of financing and the company's valuation, the tiger has significantly improved. This happened to experience the out-of-circle event of Tiger Fighting against Wu Yifan. For Hupu, the flow of traffic has directly or indirectly increased the company's reputation and has a certain boost to the company's soaring market value.

However, Conghupu currently does not have a film that meets the scoring standard of 100 participants, and there is no rating for both new and old movies. This also shows that straight men’s enthusiasm for discussion of film and television dramas is obviously not as good as football, basketball and other sports. It's fierce.

The community wall built by JRs using male hormones has resisted the attacks of traffic, but it has also become a flow.A stumbling block to enter. In terms of opening up a broader traffic map, Hupu is only a tentative step forward. The

film and television scoring platform has gradually become the main position for the announcement and distribution of

. From the market demand side, the scoring has become an important reference indicator for the audience to choose the movie series.

Currently, starring actors on existing film and television scoring platforms are concentrated on Douban, Maoyan, and Taopiao Piao. Weibo, Zhihu, and Hupu are all latecomers. As we all know, Maoyan and Taopiaopiao are scoring platforms dominated by ordinary audiences. Douban scores are usually based on senior movie fans; Weibo is the main position of the "fan circle", and the ratings are greatly affected by the fan economy; the Q&A platform Zhihushi High-tech movies such as science fiction are relatively more popular in the gathering place of Kochi elements; tiger flutter is conducive to the fermentation of men's reputation for movies.

From the scoring ecosystem, the addition of Hupu has a certain complementary effect on the platform. Since the main audiences of each rating platform have their own characteristics, the ratings of the same movie are also polarized.

takes "Predecessor 3: Goodbye to Predecessor" as an example. The film's Weibo big V recommendation rate is 37%, Douban scores 5.5, Maoyan scores 9.1, Taopin vote 8.7, Zhihu 5.6, Hupu has not yet scored. During this period of time, the school bullying-themed film "Young You", which has a double-bumping box office, is currently 98% recommended on Weibo, 8.4 points for Douban, 9.4 points for Maoyan, 9.3 points for Taoping votes, 7.1 points for Zhihu, Hupu Not yet rated.

"Predecessor 3" has a large difference in ratings on different platforms (Taotiao on the top, Douban on the bottom)

film and television scoring platform is also an important position for film and television publicity to a certain extent. The choice of platform is conducive to maximizing the diverted network traffic Of concentration. In the film promotion, different types of films and different platform tonality, adopting different forms of promotion can achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort.

On the eve of film release, film marketing methods on various platforms emerge in endlessly. There will always be the film master’s answering questions in the film-related questions on the Zhihu platform. Previously, some films had been promoted by taking advantage of the platform advantage of Hupu’s traffic, and the effects were different, and more should consider whether the type of film and the characteristics of the platform are consistent. Before the film "Fatty Action Team" directed by Bao Beier was released, he had registered a "Actor Xiaobao" Hupu account to interact with netizens online, but the publicity effect was not satisfactory. Although Bao Beier himself was prepared to be dissed, and he emphasized in his post that "Don't scold me, I will cry", but not many Hupu netizens bought it, and he was ridiculed by the group "Hupu the worst man." Celebrity".

Bao Beier was ridiculed as "the worst male star of the tiger"

's more masculine films such as "The Battle of Midway", "Fast and Furious: Special Operations", "My Boxing Boyfriend", "Terminator: Dark Fate", etc. Hupu can be used as a key propaganda position, and the more literary films "About Winter", "I'll Have You in My Life", "Sea Pianist", etc. can focus on Douban's propaganda platform.

Take this World War II war movie "The Battle of Midway" as an example. The movie’s current Weibo recommendation rate is 82% (82 judges’ comments), Douban scores 7.7, Maoyan scores 9.1, Taopiao votes 8.9, Zhihu 7.3. Hupu has not yet been rated. Among the people who want to watch Maoyan, men account for 72.5% and women account for 27.5%. This kind of more male-oriented film is more suitable on a platform with a large daily activity of men like Hupu Propaganda.

, as the male-frequency action film "Terminator: Dark Fate", starred in the "tough guy". Schwarzenegger also went to Hupu to promote the new film. Schwarzenegger registered a "ArnoldSchwarzenegger" user account and posted "Finally Turn I'm here, I'm Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Terminator. What do JRs want to ask?" Interacted with Hupu netizens online.

Schwarzenegger once airborne "Tiger Fight" to interact with netizens

At the same time, the Tiger Punch film and television scoring system has just started, and the proportion of male users is over 90%, and its platform is gradually becoming "decentralized". In the direction of development, the tendency of film and television ratings has its own limitations.

Hupu's new online film and television scoring system is to a certain extent also a kind of development of film publicity channels. At a time when movie ratings play an increasingly important role in the audience's decision-making for viewing movies, the film and television scoring platform will gradually become another main position for film and television advertising.

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