Li Xiaolu posted a post late at night: I'm just an ordinary woman

Li Xiaolu said: "I am not a perfect person, I am just an ordinary woman among thousands of women. I just hope that people who have prejudices against me or those who have any purpose can be divided into two and look at me objectively. Don’t use the most vulgar vocabulary to swear at the harsh standards of the feudal society! Don’t use illegal means to steal the privacy of others for profit and harm!”

The following is the full text of Li Xiaolu’s Weibo:

each As long as she can remember, the girl will conceive fairy-tale dreams for herself. With age, step by step from naive to reality, it is not necessarily a fairy tale in a dream. The fission of

nuclear energy is caused by forces other than itself to promote its eruption...Everything is right and wrong, the beginning and the end are not as simple as people look at it from the surface...

2018 winter, I am unforgettable, the Internet is overwhelming. The verbal abuse and insults instantly turned me into a "target of all targets". I seemed to have fallen into the "Nile", and in an instant was swarmed by the "piranhas", and only the skeleton was left... In the middle, I remembered that when I was 9 years old, Changchun Film Studio invited me to shoot a movie "Living in the Village". The story is about a county party secretary going to a mountain village to help get rid of poverty. I played the daughter of the county party secretary. This film has won many domestic film awards. At that time, my father took time off to accompany me to the location, which was a truly impoverished mountain village. It was a tiring rush all the way, and arrived at night. Our father and daughter were on the road where they couldn't become a road, and we were led to a farmer's house assigned to us by the drama. With his knock on the door, the old wooden door creaked and slowly opened. In the bleak moonlight, I saw the person who opened the door...In an instant I was stunned: a person who has experienced extreme vicissitudes The distorted face appeared in front of me...In the cold of early winter at this moment, a hoarse voice broke the silence in the white breath of this person's mouth: "Quickly enter the room..." I understand: He will be our "landlord" for some time to come. I held my father's waist tremblingly, followed the staggering footsteps of the bent-leg grandfather before me, and walked into the room prepared for us. This is a house made of adobe. The room is small and the lights are dim, but what makes my nervous mood relax is: the Kang, which covers four-fifths of the ground, is warm and burnt, and the two sets of bedding on the Kang. It's not too thick, with the heat exuding a faint fragrance of soap... "There is hot water in the thermos, you two are tired, and your hot feet rest early...". Grandpa's simple farewell words immediately made me feel so harmonious with this warm house... This night, I slept very deep in a strange dream...

filming this main theme movie is very hard. With the encouragement of my father, I persevered day by day. What I want to talk about are those few things that happened these days: the toilet in the yard is a shed built with reeds, and there is a deep pit in the middle. The wooden frame above is nailed to a few boards, and you squat on it when you go to the toilet. , The spacing between the boards is very large. At first glance, it is clear that the "landlord" has set it up for his lap legs. But it was difficult for me. I had to draw my lunges to barely squat on it, facing the dungpit below. It was terrible... After returning from work on the first day, I hurried to the toilet and walked into the reed shed in fear. Suddenly it lit: I found that there were more boards on the top of the pit, so I made the pit cover tight, and the space left in the middle was just right for me to squat down...

It was cold and tired when I came back from work every day. Tired, but after walking into our hut, it is warm like spring... The hot kang is always cooked ahead of time, and a large iron pot of hot water is warmed on the charcoal fire left in the stove... , I missed the crew’s collective breakfast on the first morning... but came together the next morning. There was a pot of slag porridge covered with a lid to keep warm on the stove, and a few on the plate beside it. A hard-boiled egg, this kind of "treatment" lasted until the day we left...

The old man was afraid that his face would scare me again. He rarely meets us, but he can be heard at the stove at night. The sound of coughing when we burned the kang with firewood... His family is too poor, and there are only a few chickens in the poor pigsty...

When we were leaving, my father and I took our bodies He left all the remaining money and daily necessities. This is also the origin of my public welfare a few years later. The old man was very touched, he kept sending me and my father out of the village with his legs...After that, I knew that he had been alone all his life

2More than ten years have passed. At this moment, I miss the kindness and simplicity of that old man very much. But today, there are so-called honest people who use the most modern equipment to steal my whereabouts by tracking and taking photos. I clearly remember: On the first day when these secretly filmed videos appeared on the Internet, someone called me and said, "We captured your stuff, what do you think?!" I ignored it. The result I didn’t pay attention to was: after the secret shot video was sent out the next day, the whole network was boiled under the well-designed waves of fire...These secret shots sacrificed me to remind "descendants" And the purpose of obtaining illegal benefits from the other end has been achieved... The picture before my eyes is: After the wolf has captured the prey, the jackal should go... Some people who "seeking for food" on the Internet use Use your brains, display your skills, compose "reasoning", comic stories, pronouns, and take the opportunity to get up and down...Their "rations" are there, but I was pushed to the end of life... ..

I deeply feel: Behind me, there is a huge and unfathomable web of interests, challenging the country's human rights and laws!

I am not a perfect person, I am just an ordinary woman among thousands of women, an ordinary literary and art worker among millions of laborers. I interpret every role I play with my heart, and bring joy and enlightenment to the audience. I also have many shortcomings and shortcomings. Confucius said: No one can fault without a sage. I just hope that people who have prejudices against me or those who have any purpose can treat me objectively in two, and don't use the most vulgar words to curse people based on the harsh standards of feudal society for treating women! Don't use illegal means to steal the privacy of others for profit and harm! Because you do not understand the truth of the matter and the situation of the parties! Because other people's housework has nothing to do with you! Because I haven't violated any of you! Even more because you also have sisters and mothers!

The winter of 2018 was cold. How many times have I stood in front of the windows of high-rise houses, looking at the blue sky beyond the windows, and thought: If I merge into that world from here, maybe everything will be relieved... The daughter rushed to my side, hugged my legs tightly with her tender little hands, and called to my mother again and again. In an instant, I woke up, hugging my tearful daughter, crying: "Baby, mother always I won't leave you..." I don't want to say what

has experienced in my life and what kind of life I live, and please don't make up any more. Don't hurt my family and friends and everyone involved. And to inspire me to stand up now is the life-long responsibility of a mother. I hope my daughter can grow up healthy and happy like all children.

Winter is here again, I long for the warm sunshine, and look forward to the spring with flowers and stamens...