I saw many netizens on the Internet discussing, saying that Xie Tieli "can't choose actors"? It’s always a “casting failure.” To prove this point, we gave several examples. For example, he chose Wu Haiyan to play the role of Haixia in the movie "Haixia". ....

I saw many netizens on the Internet discussing, saying that Xie Tieli "can't choose actors"?

is always "casting failed".

To prove this point, we gave several examples.

For example, he chose Wu Haiyan as the actor of Haixia in the movie "Haixia".

But Wu Haiyan was an opera actor by background, and she could sing, read, act and fight easily.

But when she appeared in front of the movie camera, she looked so mechanical and nervous. Every move she made seemed like she was "appearing".

So much so that in the end, many scenes that were supposed to be the heroine's appearance could only be transferred to the supporting characters.

There is also the actor who plays Xiao Fengxian in the movie "Friends". Originally, there were so many more suitable actresses to choose from.

But he chose Zhang Yu, whose temperament and acting skills were not a good match.

Zhang Yu, who was at a loss as to what to do, just turned Xiao Fengxian into a "progressive female student".

There is also the series of movies "Dream of Red Mansions", such a good subject matter, but it was also because of the failure of casting that the ratings and reputation were not as good as the 1987 version of the TV series of the same period.

Indeed, he should not have chosen an actress to play Jia Baoyu when everyone already had a certain understanding of "Dream of Red Mansions", which seemed a bit out of place.

Second, we should not only focus on the actor’s reputation, but ignore the gap between the actor’s own temperament and the role. For example, Liu Xiaoqing’s role as Wang Xifeng, Li Xiuming’s role as Jia Yuanchun, etc. are obviously not the best choices.

So it seems that the "complaints" of netizens are not unreasonable.

In 2005, Xie Tieli and Xie Jin both won the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 25th Golden Rooster Award.

But in everyone's mind, Xie Jin is a famous star-maker - Zhu Xijuan, Xiang Mei, Li Xiuming, Chen Chong, Zhu Shimao, Cong Shan, Jiang Wen, etc., all became famous because they starred in the movies directed by him. purple.

It can be seen that he does have a pair of eyes that are different from ordinary people.

As for Xie Tieli, although he has discovered some new people, more often than not, he just "uses whoever is popular."

Therefore, compared with Xie Jinyi, he does appear to be too conservative and cautious in casting.

But Xie Tieli's achievements in film art are definitely no less than those of Xie Jin.

"Early Spring in February" alone is enough to make him "stand out from the crowd".

But why has he repeatedly failed in casting?

If we take a closer look at the reasons, maybe we can understand his difficulties and helplessness?


Xie Tieli and Xie Jin are almost the same age. He is only two years younger than Xie Jin.

But he started acting many years later than Xie Jin.

Moreover, Xie Jin’s choice to engage in film creation was his own initiative, while for Xie Tieli, it was an “organizational arrangement.”

From this we can see the biggest difference between the two, one is "very self-centered" and the other is "very obedient".

Xie Tieli said that the two most important steps he took in his life were that he signed up to join the army at the age of 15 and entered the revolutionary ranks, and that he entered the film industry at the age of 25.

He first worked as an instructor at the Institute of Performing Arts (the predecessor of Beijing Film Academy) for 3 years, imparting acting knowledge to Zhang Yuan, Li Yalin, Pang Xueqin, An Zhenjiang, etc., and then came to Tian Fang in 1953 to serve as the director of Beijing Film Academy. Executive deputy director of the Actors Theater Company.

He was transferred to Beijing Film Studio in 1956. At this time, Xie Jin already had more than ten years of filmmaking experience and independently directed films such as "Blue Bridge Club" and "Spring in the Water Town".

When Xie Tieli joined the crew of "Lin's Shop" directed by Xie Tian in 1959 as an assistant director, Xie Jin was already famous in the film industry for directing masterpieces such as "Women's Basketball Team No. 5".

But Xie Tieli has the tendency to catch up from behind.

In 1961, he independently directed the film "The Storm", which was also well received after its release.

For this reason, the Beijing Film Studio rewarded him to go to Beidaihe for vacation. Then he brought several novels with him. After reading Rou Shi's "February", he had a strong creative impulse, so he started to adapt it into a movie script "February". "Early Spring in February" was brought to the screen.

The poetic expression of "Early Spring in February" established Xie Tieli's status as a master in the film industry.

Generally, "master-level" directors have their own uniqueness in selecting actors.

For example, Xie Jin discovered "Wu Qionghua" Zhu Xijuan, Cui Wei discovered "Lin Daojing" Xie Fang, Lin Nong discovered "Xiao Liying" Wang Xiaotang, Su Li discovered "Liu Sanjie" Huang Wanqiu, etc.

However, as for Xie Tieli, although he has taught acting and was the leader of an actors troupe and is very familiar with actors, he does not have much initiative in selecting actors.

Whether it is due to foreign starring in "The Storm" or "Early Spring in February" starring Sun Daolin, Xie Fang, and Shangguan Yunzhu, basically the film crew puts forward the request, and then the actor troupe draws up the list, and then submits it to the film studio for review. It will be reported to the Central Film Bureau by the factory leaders.

In other words, the cast list is screened layer by layer in this way. When it comes to the director, it is usually only accepted.

html In 270, Metabolic Tieli directed several "model drama movies" and was therefore loved by "leaders".

But the choice of actors has nothing to do with him.

Like Yang Zirong, Liu Qingtang and Xue Jinghua who starred in "Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom", Hong Changqing, Wu Qinghua and Li Bingshu starred in "Red Detachment of Women", Jiang Shuiying in "Ode to the Dragon River", Li Lifang who starred in "Haigang" Fang Haizhen and Yang Chunxia starred in Ke Xiang in "Cuckoo Mountain", etc. They were all selected by their superiors long ago and were difficult to change.

It wasn’t until 1973 that Xie Tieli became the leader of the film studio and had a certain say. When he was preparing to direct the movie "Haixia", he began to select actors nationwide.

He chose Wu Haiyan to play Hai Xia in "Hai Xia" mainly because of her heroic temperament.

But I didn’t expect that she was too restrained in her performance, which made Qian Jiang and others who directed the scene deeply annoyed.

But when we look at the other young actors selected by Xie Tieli for the crew of "Haixia", they are very smart - including Cai Ming who plays Xiao Haixia, Hong Xuemin who plays Yuxiu, and Zhang Liwei who plays Caizhu.

They all presented very vivid and vivid performances in the film.

However, we have all discovered that when Xie Tieli directs movies, he does prefer to use already very successful movie stars.

For example, when he directed "The River Runs", he almost brought together a large group of the most influential actors in the film industry at that time - Zhang Ruifang, Wang Xingang, Chen Qiang, Wang Tiecheng, Ge Cunzhuang, Zhang Jinling, Li Xiuming, Song Xiaoying, etc.

When it came to directing "The Stars Are Bright Tonight" for Bayi Film Studio, there were originally many young actors to choose from, but in the end, to be on the safe side, he chose Tang Guoqiang, who was already popular for starring in "Little Flower", and for starring in "Spring" Li Xiuming, who became famous for "Miao", became the male and female lead in the film.

I think it is because of this that he left the impression to the majority of movie fans that "he will use whoever is popular", right?

But in fact, this is understandable.

Because only by enabling stars can the box office guarantee be increased.

However, he did not expect that when he directed the key film "Friends", he was "complained" by countless viewers because he chose the wrong actor.


On National Day in 1981, after everyone watched the movie "Friends", they generally thought that the story was very good, the scenes were grand, and the interlude sung by Li Guyi was nice, but the heroine was the one who played the heroine, which made it difficult to get into the movie.

The male and female protagonists in "Zhiyin" are Cai E and Xiao Fengxian respectively. One is a young general with a deep city and broad ideas, and the other is a famous lady from the capital with alert personality and full of amorous feelings.

However, Xie Tieli chose Wang Xingang and Zhang Yu to play the roles.

both are also big stars.

Needless to say, Wang Xingang is the spokesperson of "the most handsome soldier" on the screen, or in the hearts of the majority of movie fans.

As for Zhang Yu, she has just finished starring in the popular "Love in Lushan Mountain" and "Rain on the Bashan Mountain", and won the title of Double Best Actress at the Golden Rooster Award and the Hundred Flowers Award for her spirited performance.

both have strong appeal among the audience. Putting them together, there will definitely be a wonderful chemical reaction, right?

However, the actual situation is embarrassing.

Because Zhang Yu’s pure temperament is obviously far different from Xiao Fengxian.

In addition, when she acted opposite her predecessor Wang Xingang, she was inevitably nervous and couldn't let go, which resulted in the effect being more like a reserved "female student".

As for Wang Xingang, although he has a majestic appearance and a tall posture, he is nearly 50 years old after all, so the weather of the years cannot be concealed on his face.

In short, Zhang Yu and Wang Xingang are standing together in the same frame, which makes people feel particularly "awkward".

However, if we take a closer look at the reason, we will know that Xie Tieli actually considered it from the box office of the film.

And in the end, the movie "Friends" did achieve better attendance.

Later, Xie Tieli also invited Zhang Yu to play the role of Gu Tingting in "Clear Water Bay, Tamsui Bay" directed by him. The effect presented is much more real and believable than the little fairy in "Friends". In the mid-1980s, Xie Tieli devoted most of his energy to the adaptation of the masterpiece "A Dream of Red Mansions".

However, almost at the same time, CCTV was also busy filming 36 episodes of the TV series "Dream of Red Mansions".

The two film crews showed a "fighting" trend.

In the end, it was the 1987 version of "Dream of Red Mansions" that took the lead, triggering a viewing frenzy among the audience.

As for Xie Tieli's version of "A Dream of Red Mansions", it seems a bit full of twists and turns.

First of all, because of the large investment, Xie Tieli spent a long time just "begging".

However, after the crew was established, it was disbanded once again. The reason was that since the TV series was already being filmed, the movie should not continue.

Later, with everyone’s repeated efforts, the six eight-episode film version of "Dream of Red Mansions" was finally completed and was released to the audience in 1989.

Unfortunately, after its release, the response was mediocre.

The reasons are of course multifaceted.

The first and most important thing is that China's film market at that time has actually entered a trough. Those "fighting and killing" entertainment films can hardly attract audiences into the cinema, let alone something like "A Dream of Red Mansions" It is an art film that has a certain viewing threshold.

In addition, the 1987 version of "A Dream of Red Mansions" has had a huge influence on the audience, and the movie version was released so close to each other.

Another reason is that the actors in the film version were chosen somewhat "unexpectedly".

Although it has an almost all-star cast, they are generally older. It is obviously "incongruous" for a group of actresses in their 30s to play teenage girls.

Although these actors have worked very hard in their performances, they still cannot get the appreciation and recognition of the audience.

"Casting failed" has almost become everyone's consensus.

I think it is probably because of this version of "A Dream of Red Mansions" that "Xie Tieli never chooses actors" has become a hot topic among everyone.

But in the series of films directed by Xie Tieli, there are several casting choices that are irreplaceable.

Yaqing will also give you some examples.

For example, Guan Zongxiang and Liu Changwei in "Bao and Sons", he chose them very well, with both spirit and form.

Another example is the mother Yao played by Peng Yu in "Never Forget", which is also very realistic.

and Shangguan Yunzhu in "Early Spring in February" are really lifelike.

In addition, Lin Moyu who plays Jia Mu, Zhao Lirong who plays Grandma Liu, Tao Huimin who plays Lin Daiyu, and He Qing who plays Qin Keqing in "A Dream of Red Mansions" also have their own unique talents.

However, compared with directors such as Xie Jin who have discovered many stars, Xie Tieli does have a big gap in actor selection.

He has also focused on creating several actors, such as Wu Haiyan, Xia Qin, etc., but in the end he did not achieve good results.

But this cannot be entirely blamed on Xie Tieli. After all, he also has too many limitations and helplessness.

And the selection of actors is inherently a special task.

No matter what, I would like to thank Xie Tieli for directing "Storm", "Early Spring in February", "Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom", "Red Detachment of Women", "Cuckoo Mountain", "Bao and Son", "Dream of Red Mansions", etc. A popular and good movie.

They are like treasures, exuding bright light in the world of light and shadow.

I saw many netizens on the Internet discussing, saying that Xie Tieli "can't choose actors"?

is always "casting failed".

To prove this point, we gave several examples.

For example, he chose Wu Haiyan as the actor of Haixia in the movie "Haixia".

But Wu Haiyan was an opera actor by background, and she could sing, read, act and fight easily.

But when she appeared in front of the movie camera, she looked so mechanical and nervous. Every move she made seemed like she was "appearing".

So much so that in the end, many scenes that were supposed to be the heroine's appearance could only be transferred to the supporting characters.

There is also the actor who plays Xiao Fengxian in the movie "Friends". Originally, there were so many more suitable actresses to choose from.

But he chose Zhang Yu, whose temperament and acting skills were not a good match.

Zhang Yu, who was at a loss as to what to do, just turned Xiao Fengxian into a "progressive female student".

There is also the series of movies "Dream of Red Mansions", such a good subject matter, but it was also because of the failure of casting that the ratings and reputation were not as good as the 1987 version of the TV series of the same period.

Indeed, he should not have chosen an actress to play Jia Baoyu when everyone already had a certain understanding of "Dream of Red Mansions", which seemed a bit out of place.

Second, we should not only focus on the actor’s reputation, but ignore the gap between the actor’s own temperament and the role. For example, Liu Xiaoqing’s role as Wang Xifeng, Li Xiuming’s role as Jia Yuanchun, etc. are obviously not the best choices.

So it seems that the "complaints" of netizens are not unreasonable.

In 2005, Xie Tieli and Xie Jin both won the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 25th Golden Rooster Award.

But in everyone's mind, Xie Jin is a famous star-maker - Zhu Xijuan, Xiang Mei, Li Xiuming, Chen Chong, Zhu Shimao, Cong Shan, Jiang Wen, etc., all became famous because they starred in the movies directed by him. purple.

It can be seen that he does have a pair of eyes that are different from ordinary people.

As for Xie Tieli, although he has discovered some new people, more often than not, he just "uses whoever is popular."

Therefore, compared with Xie Jinyi, he does appear to be too conservative and cautious in casting.

But Xie Tieli's achievements in film art are definitely no less than those of Xie Jin.

"Early Spring in February" alone is enough to make him "stand out from the crowd".

But why has he repeatedly failed in casting?

If we take a closer look at the reasons, maybe we can understand his difficulties and helplessness?


Xie Tieli and Xie Jin are almost the same age. He is only two years younger than Xie Jin.

But he started acting many years later than Xie Jin.

Moreover, Xie Jin’s choice to engage in film creation was his own initiative, while for Xie Tieli, it was an “organizational arrangement.”

From this we can see the biggest difference between the two, one is "very self-centered" and the other is "very obedient".

Xie Tieli said that the two most important steps he took in his life were that he signed up to join the army at the age of 15 and entered the revolutionary ranks, and that he entered the film industry at the age of 25.

He first worked as an instructor at the Institute of Performing Arts (the predecessor of Beijing Film Academy) for 3 years, imparting acting knowledge to Zhang Yuan, Li Yalin, Pang Xueqin, An Zhenjiang, etc., and then came to Tian Fang in 1953 to serve as the director of Beijing Film Academy. Executive deputy director of the Actors Theater Company.

He was transferred to Beijing Film Studio in 1956. At this time, Xie Jin already had more than ten years of filmmaking experience and independently directed films such as "Blue Bridge Club" and "Spring in the Water Town".

When Xie Tieli joined the crew of "Lin's Shop" directed by Xie Tian in 1959 as an assistant director, Xie Jin was already famous in the film industry for directing masterpieces such as "Women's Basketball Team No. 5".

But Xie Tieli has the tendency to catch up from behind.

In 1961, he independently directed the film "The Storm", which was also well received after its release.

For this reason, the Beijing Film Studio rewarded him to go to Beidaihe for vacation. Then he brought several novels with him. After reading Rou Shi's "February", he had a strong creative impulse, so he started to adapt it into a movie script "February". "Early Spring in February" was brought to the screen.

The poetic expression of "Early Spring in February" established Xie Tieli's status as a master in the film industry.

Generally, "master-level" directors have their own uniqueness in selecting actors.

For example, Xie Jin discovered "Wu Qionghua" Zhu Xijuan, Cui Wei discovered "Lin Daojing" Xie Fang, Lin Nong discovered "Xiao Liying" Wang Xiaotang, Su Li discovered "Liu Sanjie" Huang Wanqiu, etc.

However, as for Xie Tieli, although he has taught acting and was the leader of an actors troupe and is very familiar with actors, he does not have much initiative in selecting actors.

Whether it is due to foreign starring in "The Storm" or "Early Spring in February" starring Sun Daolin, Xie Fang, and Shangguan Yunzhu, basically the film crew puts forward the request, and then the actor troupe draws up the list, and then submits it to the film studio for review. It will be reported to the Central Film Bureau by the factory leaders.

In other words, the cast list is screened layer by layer in this way. When it comes to the director, it is usually only accepted.

html In 270, Metabolic Tieli directed several "model drama movies" and was therefore loved by "leaders".

But the choice of actors has nothing to do with him.

Like Yang Zirong, Liu Qingtang and Xue Jinghua who starred in "Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom", Hong Changqing, Wu Qinghua and Li Bingshu starred in "Red Detachment of Women", Jiang Shuiying in "Ode to the Dragon River", Li Lifang who starred in "Haigang" Fang Haizhen and Yang Chunxia starred in Ke Xiang in "Cuckoo Mountain", etc. They were all selected by their superiors long ago and were difficult to change.

It wasn’t until 1973 that Xie Tieli became the leader of the film studio and had a certain say. When he was preparing to direct the movie "Haixia", he began to select actors nationwide.

He chose Wu Haiyan to play Hai Xia in "Hai Xia" mainly because of her heroic temperament.

But I didn’t expect that she was too restrained in her performance, which made Qian Jiang and others who directed the scene deeply annoyed.

But when we look at the other young actors selected by Xie Tieli for the crew of "Haixia", they are very smart - including Cai Ming who plays Xiao Haixia, Hong Xuemin who plays Yuxiu, and Zhang Liwei who plays Caizhu.

They all presented very vivid and vivid performances in the film.

However, we have all discovered that when Xie Tieli directs movies, he does prefer to use already very successful movie stars.

For example, when he directed "The River Runs", he almost brought together a large group of the most influential actors in the film industry at that time - Zhang Ruifang, Wang Xingang, Chen Qiang, Wang Tiecheng, Ge Cunzhuang, Zhang Jinling, Li Xiuming, Song Xiaoying, etc.

When it came to directing "The Stars Are Bright Tonight" for Bayi Film Studio, there were originally many young actors to choose from, but in the end, to be on the safe side, he chose Tang Guoqiang, who was already popular for starring in "Little Flower", and for starring in "Spring" Li Xiuming, who became famous for "Miao", became the male and female lead in the film.

I think it is because of this that he left the impression to the majority of movie fans that "he will use whoever is popular", right?

But in fact, this is understandable.

Because only by enabling stars can the box office guarantee be increased.

However, he did not expect that when he directed the key film "Friends", he was "complained" by countless viewers because he chose the wrong actor.


On National Day in 1981, after everyone watched the movie "Friends", they generally thought that the story was very good, the scenes were grand, and the interlude sung by Li Guyi was nice, but the heroine was the one who played the heroine, which made it difficult to get into the movie.

The male and female protagonists in "Zhiyin" are Cai E and Xiao Fengxian respectively. One is a young general with a deep city and broad ideas, and the other is a famous lady from the capital with alert personality and full of amorous feelings.

However, Xie Tieli chose Wang Xingang and Zhang Yu to play the roles.

both are also big stars.

Needless to say, Wang Xingang is the spokesperson of "the most handsome soldier" on the screen, or in the hearts of the majority of movie fans.

As for Zhang Yu, she has just finished starring in the popular "Love in Lushan Mountain" and "Rain on the Bashan Mountain", and won the title of Double Best Actress at the Golden Rooster Award and the Hundred Flowers Award for her spirited performance.

both have strong appeal among the audience. Putting them together, there will definitely be a wonderful chemical reaction, right?

However, the actual situation is embarrassing.

Because Zhang Yu’s pure temperament is obviously far different from Xiao Fengxian.

In addition, when she acted opposite her predecessor Wang Xingang, she was inevitably nervous and couldn't let go, which resulted in the effect being more like a reserved "female student".

As for Wang Xingang, although he has a majestic appearance and a tall posture, he is nearly 50 years old after all, so the weather of the years cannot be concealed on his face.

In short, Zhang Yu and Wang Xingang are standing together in the same frame, which makes people feel particularly "awkward".

However, if we take a closer look at the reason, we will know that Xie Tieli actually considered it from the box office of the film.

And in the end, the movie "Friends" did achieve better attendance.

Later, Xie Tieli also invited Zhang Yu to play the role of Gu Tingting in "Clear Water Bay, Tamsui Bay" directed by him. The effect presented is much more real and believable than the little fairy in "Friends". In the mid-1980s, Xie Tieli devoted most of his energy to the adaptation of the masterpiece "A Dream of Red Mansions".

However, almost at the same time, CCTV was also busy filming 36 episodes of the TV series "Dream of Red Mansions".

The two film crews showed a "fighting" trend.

In the end, it was the 1987 version of "Dream of Red Mansions" that took the lead, triggering a viewing frenzy among the audience.

As for Xie Tieli's version of "A Dream of Red Mansions", it seems a bit full of twists and turns.

First of all, because of the large investment, Xie Tieli spent a long time just "begging".

However, after the crew was established, it was disbanded once again. The reason was that since the TV series was already being filmed, the movie should not continue.

Later, with everyone’s repeated efforts, the six eight-episode film version of "Dream of Red Mansions" was finally completed and was released to the audience in 1989.

Unfortunately, after its release, the response was mediocre.

The reasons are of course multifaceted.

The first and most important thing is that China's film market at that time has actually entered a trough. Those "fighting and killing" entertainment films can hardly attract audiences into the cinema, let alone something like "A Dream of Red Mansions" It is an art film that has a certain viewing threshold.

In addition, the 1987 version of "A Dream of Red Mansions" has had a huge influence on the audience, and the movie version was released so close to each other.

Another reason is that the actors in the film version were chosen somewhat "unexpectedly".

Although it has an almost all-star cast, they are generally older. It is obviously "incongruous" for a group of actresses in their 30s to play teenage girls.

Although these actors have worked very hard in their performances, they still cannot get the appreciation and recognition of the audience.

"Casting failed" has almost become everyone's consensus.

I think it is probably because of this version of "A Dream of Red Mansions" that "Xie Tieli never chooses actors" has become a hot topic among everyone.

But in the series of films directed by Xie Tieli, there are several casting choices that are irreplaceable.

Yaqing will also give you some examples.

For example, Guan Zongxiang and Liu Changwei in "Bao and Sons", he chose them very well, with both spirit and form.

Another example is the mother Yao played by Peng Yu in "Never Forget", which is also very realistic.

and Shangguan Yunzhu in "Early Spring in February" are really lifelike.

In addition, Lin Moyu who plays Jia Mu, Zhao Lirong who plays Grandma Liu, Tao Huimin who plays Lin Daiyu, and He Qing who plays Qin Keqing in "A Dream of Red Mansions" also have their own unique talents.

However, compared with directors such as Xie Jin who have discovered many stars, Xie Tieli does have a big gap in actor selection.

He has also focused on creating several actors, such as Wu Haiyan, Xia Qin, etc., but in the end he did not achieve good results.

But this cannot be entirely blamed on Xie Tieli. After all, he also has too many limitations and helplessness.

And the selection of actors is inherently a special task.

No matter what, I would like to thank Xie Tieli for directing "Storm", "Early Spring in February", "Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom", "Red Detachment of Women", "Cuckoo Mountain", "Bao and Son", "Dream of Red Mansions", etc. A popular and good movie.

They are like treasures, exuding bright light in the world of light and shadow.