The costumed Machiavellian romance drama "Flowing Water" starring Ren Jialun and Li Landi is currently on the air. For Jiang Ci and to find out the truth about the arms case, Wei Zhao managed to go to Nanling together. After arriving in Nanling, Marquis Pei Yan always asked

The ancient costume Machiavellian romance drama "The Far Away " starring Ren Jialun and Li Landi is currently on the air. Wei Zhao managed to go to Nanling together for Jiang Ci and to find out the truth about the arms case.

After arriving in Nanling, Marquis Pei Yan always asked Jiang Ci to stay at home, fearing danger outside. But Jiang Cicai didn't listen to those soft words. She had her own thoughts, was sober and independent, and always quietly investigated cases with Wei Zhao. She also learned about the suffering suffered by the people here and felt compassion.

The arms case, under the operation of the governor and the marquis, finally ended with Pei's corruption. A Yan, the boatman's daughter, stood up at this time, hoping that the Marquis could do justice to her dead husband. It turned out that Ayan's husband was burned to death in the workshop because he discovered the secret of the foundry department. Ayan told the secret to the Marquis Pei Yan, hoping to seek justice for her husband, but for the sake of her mother and family, the Marquis would not help her seek justice.

He Yonglin, the son of the governor, wanted to get rid of Ayan to avoid future troubles, so he designed to trick Ayan into going to the work shed and humiliate her. A Yan had already lost her virginity when Jiang Ci arrived, but He Yonglin was confident and relied on his power to think that no one would sue him.

Jiang Ci was worried about Ayan, so she took off her clothes and put them on Ayan, and spoke domineeringly, "You can't insult her innocence, you are the one who is dirty, and you are also the one who is wrong!" Transparent and brave.

In order to seek justice for A Yan, Jiang Ci had to visit the women who had been insulted by He Yonglin one by one, trying to persuade them to testify in court together. At first, they were reluctant, thinking that their innocence would be ruined if they went to testify. Chastity was always the most important thing in that environment.

experienced several twists and turns. Fortunately, during the second trial, He Yonglin stood up bravely. Seeing someone taking the lead, other women also came forward one after another. 12 women came to testify. Jiang Ci took the lead and put pressure on the Marquis to give everyone justice. The Marquis could only imprison He Yonglin and his son. The bad guys were punished and the victim girls were forgiven by their relatives.

Ayan didn’t have many roles, but she left a deep impression on people. When watching her come in a boat wearing a red dress, people can feel the water spirit of the women in the Jiangnan water town. The red dress makes her delicate and pretty, she smiles very sweetly, and when she cries she feels broken, which is really eye-catching.

At first glance, I think she looks like Lu Yuxiao , but a little more delicate. I didn’t expect that she is Jinglan, the maid of the heroine in The Great Age of China starring Zhang Linghe and Zhao Jinmai . He had a different hairstyle and almost didn’t recognize him.

The actor's name is Zeng Youzhen. He was born in 2001. He is 23 years old this year, 2 years younger than Lu Yuxiao. Many viewers are also unfamiliar with this name. She has only been an actress for three years, so she is indeed a newcomer in the entertainment industry.

She used to be a short video blogger. She had an account called "Running Brother Zhen" earlier. She used short videos to imitate various characters. has quite a desire and talent for acting. Because of his sweet appearance, friendly personality and resemblance to many classic characters, he quickly gained millions of fans.

But after her account improved, she did not choose to continue being an internet celebrity. Instead, she chose to go to Hengdian to pursue her dream in the entertainment industry. also went to Beijing specialized film and television academy to study acting skills. Although he walked slowly, he was not impatient and worked hard to practice his lines, expressions and acting skills.

She has acted in many dramas in the past few years, such as " When the Night Is Dark", " Chaoge·Youth Journey ", " Youth Pi 2", " Perfect Match with Crispy Heart Tang", " "Dragon City", "The Boy Who Calls the Dragon", etc., although they are all supporting roles, they have finally succeeded in moving from Internet celebrities to the entertainment industry, fulfilling their former dream of being an actor.