On September 19, some netizens posted a video reporting that the Internet celebrity "Juanzi Loves to Eat" (Juanzi for short) from Yancheng, Jiangsu, who had ridiculed the "September 18th Incident" in a live broadcast the day before, was taken to the hospital for a physical examin

On September 19, some netizens posted a video reporting that the Internet celebrity "Juanzi Loves to Eat" (Juanzi for short) from Yancheng, Jiangsu, who had ridiculed "September 18th" in a live broadcast the day before, was taken to the hospital for a physical examination by the police and was suspected of being arrested.

The scene where Juanzi was suspected to be captured and photographed by a netizen (video screenshot)

html On the afternoon of the 219th, the reporter contacted the netizen who posted the video, but received no response. The Yancheng City Public Security Bureau Office responded that the matter needs to be consulted with the police reception desk. The reporter called the Yancheng police hotline, and the staff who received the call said they had received alarm information related to the matter and were currently investigating. The staff did not respond to questions about whether Juanzi had been arrested.

A staff member from another department in Yancheng City told reporters that the matter is under investigation and verification.

According to previous media reports, this year marks the 93rd anniversary of the September 18th Incident. On September 18, Internet celebrity Juanzi laughed non-stop after mistakenly saying "September 18th" as "June 18th" during a live broadcast. When faced with questions from netizens, she responded online saying that she had "never gone to school". "I don't watch the news." "I've never heard of September 18th." After saying this, he covered his mouth and laughed. On the evening of the 18th, Juanzi’s social platform homepage showed that she had been banned.

Source: Jimu News

Reporting and rights protection channels: Download the "Morning Video" client from the application market and search "Help" for one-click access; or add reporting customer service on WeChat: xxcbcsp; or call the hotline 0731-85571188. If you need content cooperation, please call the government and enterprise service desk at 19176699651.

On September 19, some netizens posted a video reporting that the Internet celebrity "Juanzi Loves to Eat" (Juanzi for short) from Yancheng, Jiangsu, who had ridiculed "September 18th" in a live broadcast the day before, was taken to the hospital for a physical examination by the police and was suspected of being arrested.

The scene where Juanzi was suspected to be captured and photographed by a netizen (video screenshot)

html On the afternoon of the 219th, the reporter contacted the netizen who posted the video, but received no response. The Yancheng City Public Security Bureau Office responded that the matter needs to be consulted with the police reception desk. The reporter called the Yancheng police hotline, and the staff who received the call said they had received alarm information related to the matter and were currently investigating. The staff did not respond to questions about whether Juanzi had been arrested.

A staff member from another department in Yancheng City told reporters that the matter is under investigation and verification.

According to previous media reports, this year marks the 93rd anniversary of the September 18th Incident. On September 18, Internet celebrity Juanzi laughed non-stop after mistakenly saying "September 18th" as "June 18th" during a live broadcast. When faced with questions from netizens, she responded online saying that she had "never gone to school". "I don't watch the news." "I've never heard of September 18th." After saying this, he covered his mouth and laughed. On the evening of the 18th, Juanzi’s social platform homepage showed that she had been banned.

Source: Jimu News

Reporting and rights protection channels: Download the "Morning Video" client from the application market and search "Help" for one-click access; or add reporting customer service on WeChat: xxcbcsp; or call the hotline 0731-85571188. If you need content cooperation, please call the government and enterprise service desk at 19176699651.