Cover News Reporter Lu Dang Du Yubo, the 69-year-old former Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education, was confirmed to have been "lost" in the month of his birthday. On September 18, 2024, the first day of work after the "Mid

Cover News Reporter Lu Dang

html Du Yubo, the 269-year-old former deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education, was confirmed to have been "lost" in the month of his birthday.

On September 18, 2024, the first day of work after the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, news released on the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission showed that Du Yubo is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation for being suspected of serious violations of discipline and law.

Picture source: The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

43 days before his ouster

published a "signed article"

Cover news reporters noticed that the China Higher Education Society, where Du Yubo is currently the president, has not updated its relevant information on the official website.

Image source: China Higher Education Association website

Public information shows that just 43 days before Du Yubo was announced as "dismissed", that is, on August 6, he also published an article in the media titled "Deepening the Model of Education in Colleges and Universities" Reform and Strengthen the Independent Cultivation of Top-notch Innovative Talents" article.

On July 31, he attended the 4th National College Teacher Teaching Innovation Competition hosted by the China Higher Education Association in Chengdu, Sichuan and delivered a speech.

On September 13, he was absent from the president’s office meeting held by the China Higher Education Society.

22 years ago, he was promoted to deputy ministerial level at Beihang University

. His resume shows that Du Yubo was born in September 1955 in Jinzhou, Hebei. He joined the Communist Party of China in June 1975 and started working as a researcher in February 1974. He enjoys the State Council. Special government subsidies.

The "starting point" of Du Yubo's work was the full-time deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee and commune correspondent of Tiancun Commune, Jin County, Hebei Province, from 1974 to 1975. After that, he entered the Department of Optical Engineering of the then Beijing Institute of Technology and became a student majoring in optical instrument structure. Stay in school after graduation.

Du Yubo served as executive deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Institute of Technology and secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. It was also at Beihang University that in 2002, at the age of 47, he was promoted to deputy minister level. Eight years later, he was transferred to Deputy Minister of Education and Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group.

has published more than 200 academic papers

and won more than 30 academic awards

It is worth noting that Du Yubo has published many academic works and more than 200 academic papers, and has presided over and participated in the completion of nearly 20 key research projects at the provincial and ministerial level or above. , and won more than 30 academic awards of various kinds.

Reporters noticed that in recent years, anti-corruption in the education system has been ongoing. Two years ago, in August 2022, Wang Dengfeng, director of the Department of Sports, Health and Arts Education of the Ministry of Education, was investigated for suspected serious violations of discipline and law. Half a year ago, on March 18, 2024, Wang Dengfeng was sentenced to 17 years in prison and fined RMB 5 million in the first instance by the Intermediate People's Court of Dezhou City, Shandong Province.

Picture source: China Higher Education Association website

[If you have news clues, please report them to us. Once adopted, there will be a fee.

Cover News Reporter Lu Dang

html Du Yubo, the 269-year-old former deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education, was confirmed to have been "lost" in the month of his birthday.

On September 18, 2024, the first day of work after the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, news released on the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission showed that Du Yubo is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation for being suspected of serious violations of discipline and law.

Picture source: The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

43 days before his ouster

published a "signed article"

Cover news reporters noticed that the China Higher Education Society, where Du Yubo is currently the president, has not updated its relevant information on the official website.

Image source: China Higher Education Association website

Public information shows that just 43 days before Du Yubo was announced as "dismissed", that is, on August 6, he also published an article in the media titled "Deepening the Model of Education in Colleges and Universities" Reform and Strengthen the Independent Cultivation of Top-notch Innovative Talents" article.

On July 31, he attended the 4th National College Teacher Teaching Innovation Competition hosted by the China Higher Education Association in Chengdu, Sichuan and delivered a speech.

On September 13, he was absent from the president’s office meeting held by the China Higher Education Society.

22 years ago, he was promoted to deputy ministerial level at Beihang University

. His resume shows that Du Yubo was born in September 1955 in Jinzhou, Hebei. He joined the Communist Party of China in June 1975 and started working as a researcher in February 1974. He enjoys the State Council. Special government subsidies.

The "starting point" of Du Yubo's work was the full-time deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee and commune correspondent of Tiancun Commune, Jin County, Hebei Province, from 1974 to 1975. After that, he entered the Department of Optical Engineering of the then Beijing Institute of Technology and became a student majoring in optical instrument structure. Stay in school after graduation.

Du Yubo served as executive deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Institute of Technology and secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. It was also at Beihang University that in 2002, at the age of 47, he was promoted to deputy minister level. Eight years later, he was transferred to Deputy Minister of Education and Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group.

has published more than 200 academic papers

and won more than 30 academic awards

It is worth noting that Du Yubo has published many academic works and more than 200 academic papers, and has presided over and participated in the completion of nearly 20 key research projects at the provincial and ministerial level or above. , and won more than 30 academic awards of various kinds.

Reporters noticed that in recent years, anti-corruption in the education system has been ongoing. Two years ago, in August 2022, Wang Dengfeng, director of the Department of Sports, Health and Arts Education of the Ministry of Education, was investigated for suspected serious violations of discipline and law. Half a year ago, on March 18, 2024, Wang Dengfeng was sentenced to 17 years in prison and fined RMB 5 million in the first instance by the Intermediate People's Court of Dezhou City, Shandong Province.

Picture source: China Higher Education Association website

[If you have news clues, please report them to us. Once adopted, there will be a fee.Follow us on WeChat for reporting materials: ihxdsb, reporting materials qq: 3386405712】