Being diagnosed with cancer is depressing and bad news for anyone. Recently, bad news has happened to the three brothers of the Chen family in Ningbo one after another, and the family is puzzled. "It's not surprising! The three brothers have been hepatitis B patients for many yea

Being diagnosed with cancer is depressing bad news for everyone. Recently, bad news has happened to the three brothers of the Chen family in Ningbo one after another, and the family is puzzled.

"It's not surprising! The three brothers have been hepatitis B patients for many years. Because they usually have no symptoms, they don't take it seriously." Shu Ming, director of the first ward of the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Department of Ningbo Second Hospital, has been working in hepatobiliary surgery for more than 30 years and has seen many patients. Many cases of liver cancer are caused by not paying enough attention to hepatitis B.

He said that hepatitis B and liver cancer are closely related, and 70%-80% of liver cancers develop on the basis of viral hepatitis. "Antiviral treatment is the best strategy to prevent liver cancer. The cheapest medicine only costs a few yuan per box."

The second brother was diagnosed with liver cancer, the eldest brother and the younger brother panicked.

Even after checking, they did not escape the bad luck.

In the past three months, in Ningbo City In the first ward of the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Department of the Second Hospital, 68-year-old Chen (surnamed Hua), 65-year-old Da Chen, and 55-year-old Xiao Chen were admitted successively. They are liver cancer patients and brothers.

The second brother, Da Chen, was first diagnosed with liver cancer.

Da Chen is a local farmer in Ningbo. He has always been in good health and has never had any serious illnesses. Three months ago, he went to a local hospital for a physical examination and had an abdominal ultrasound. The doctor said that "space-occupying lesions" were found in his liver. He did not rule out the possibility of liver cancer and suggested that he go to a major hospital for further examination as soon as possible.

Da Chen was stunned when he heard that it might be a tumor. Accompanied by his family, he went to Shu Ming, director of the first ward of the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Department of Ningbo Second Hospital. After further examination, it was found that there were two tumors in the right liver with diameters of 1.5 cm and 0.9 cm respectively. Two days later, Shu Ming's team performed laparoscopic liver cancer resection on him. Although

unfortunately suffered from liver cancer, fortunately, it was discovered and treated promptly. The tumor was not too big and was still in its early stage.

Less than a month later, Chen’s 68-year-old eldest brother Lao Chen also found Shu Ming.

Lao Chen’s test results were worse than expected. The whole abdominal contrast-enhanced CT report showed: liver S3 subcapsular nodules, considered small liver cancer; local mild expansion of the intrahepatic bile duct adjacent to the lesion; liver cirrhosis, , the formation of multiple regenerative nodules, and splenomegaly.

After learning the test results, Lao Chen did not come back to his senses for a long time, "Director Shu, you are not mistaken, I usually eat delicious food and have no symptoms."

Three days later, Shu Ming's team performed a laparoscopy for Lao Chen Chen underwent a left hemihepatectomy, which went well. A week later, Lao Chen improved and was discharged from the hospital.

I thought it was just a coincidence that the two brothers were diagnosed with liver cancer one after another. Unexpectedly, the day before Lao Chen was discharged from the hospital, 55-year-old Xiao Chen was also admitted to the same ward.

Upper abdominal MR enhancement suggests the presence of liver S6 occupying space. Three days later, Shu Ming performed laparoscopic liver cancer resection for Xiao Chen. A week later, Xiao Chen also improved and was discharged from the hospital.

Is it related to genetics? Is it related to heredity?

"After asking about the medical history, we found that one of the parents of the three brothers of the Chen family has hepatitis B, and they are all infected. But for decades, the three brothers have never paid attention to it, let alone received anti-viral treatment and regular examinations."

In fact, it is not uncommon for the three Chen brothers to suffer from liver cancer. In addition to the three brothers of the Chen family, there were two other brothers that impressed him deeply. "A pair are brothers from Ningbo. The eldest is in the engineering business, and the second is a carpenter. Their father died of liver ascites. The two brothers both suffered from liver cancer and were hospitalized for surgery at almost the same time. However, they refused to live in the same ward because they were afraid of being laughed at. ';The other family is three brothers from Zhoushan. The second brother was the first to be diagnosed with liver cancer 11 years ago, and his younger brother was diagnosed with liver cancer three years ago. The 70-year-old eldest brother was also diagnosed with liver cancer this year, and it has reached an advanced stage."

Is liver cancer a "brother's cancer"?

Shu Ming explained that although genetic factors are one of the causes of liver cancer, liver cancer is not a genetic disease. Clinically, it has been found that patients with liver cancer have familial clustering of the disease, which is mainly related to viral hepatitis. Related.

Viral hepatitis can be transmitted to family members through mother-to-child vertical transmission, blood, and body fluid transmission, forming a family cluster of viral hepatitis. These pathogenic factors will significantly increase the risk of liver cancer.

Hepatitis B and liver cancer are closely related.

"Regular review is required even if it is not painful or itchy"

Viral hepatitis is one of the important causes of liver cancer. A considerable proportion of liver cancers slowly develop into cirrhosis and then liver cancer based on viral hepatitis. In our country, hepatitis B and liver cancer are most closely related, so "hepatitis B - liver cirrhosis - liver cancer" is called the "trilogy" of liver cancer development. Shu Ming said that the early symptoms of liver cancer are not obvious because the liver has no symptoms. The pain-sensing nerve is a “dumb organ.” Cancer cells continue to grow, and by the time symptoms such as pain, fatigue, abdominal distension, and weight loss appear in the liver area, it is often in the middle and advanced stages. If you are diagnosed with liver diseases such as hepatitis B or cirrhosis, you must follow the doctor's instructions for regular review and follow-up. "

It is understood that it takes an average of about 20 years for patients with viral hepatitis to develop from chronic hepatitis to liver cancer. During this process, as long as we pay close attention to the hepatitis B viral load and take active treatment, most patients can avoid developing liver cancer.

Targets hepatitis B For people infected with the virus, he recommended that hepatitis B-related tests be done at least every 3-6 months, including liver function, hepatitis B viral load, tumor markers, and liver B-ultrasound.

Shuming particularly emphasized that people infected with hepatitis B should pay attention to it. Maintain a regular diet, work and rest, do not drink alcohol, do not stay up late, and eat less greasy food to prevent the progression of the disease, especially if you do not drink alcohol. If patients with hepatitis B drink alcohol for a long time, the speed of developing liver cancer will be greatly increased.

Being diagnosed with cancer is depressing bad news for everyone. Recently, bad news has happened to the three brothers of the Chen family in Ningbo one after another, and the family is puzzled.

"It's not surprising! The three brothers have been hepatitis B patients for many years. Because they usually have no symptoms, they don't take it seriously." Shu Ming, director of the first ward of the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Department of Ningbo Second Hospital, has been working in hepatobiliary surgery for more than 30 years and has seen many patients. Many cases of liver cancer are caused by not paying enough attention to hepatitis B.

He said that hepatitis B and liver cancer are closely related, and 70%-80% of liver cancers develop on the basis of viral hepatitis. "Antiviral treatment is the best strategy to prevent liver cancer. The cheapest medicine only costs a few yuan per box."

The second brother was diagnosed with liver cancer, the eldest brother and the younger brother panicked.

Even after checking, they did not escape the bad luck.

In the past three months, in Ningbo City In the first ward of the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Department of the Second Hospital, 68-year-old Chen (surnamed Hua), 65-year-old Da Chen, and 55-year-old Xiao Chen were admitted successively. They are liver cancer patients and brothers.

The second brother, Da Chen, was first diagnosed with liver cancer.

Da Chen is a local farmer in Ningbo. He has always been in good health and has never had any serious illnesses. Three months ago, he went to a local hospital for a physical examination and had an abdominal ultrasound. The doctor said that "space-occupying lesions" were found in his liver. He did not rule out the possibility of liver cancer and suggested that he go to a major hospital for further examination as soon as possible.

Da Chen was stunned when he heard that it might be a tumor. Accompanied by his family, he went to Shu Ming, director of the first ward of the Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Department of Ningbo Second Hospital. After further examination, it was found that there were two tumors in the right liver with diameters of 1.5 cm and 0.9 cm respectively. Two days later, Shu Ming's team performed laparoscopic liver cancer resection on him. Although

unfortunately suffered from liver cancer, fortunately, it was discovered and treated promptly. The tumor was not too big and was still in its early stage.

Less than a month later, Chen’s 68-year-old eldest brother Lao Chen also found Shu Ming.

Lao Chen’s test results were worse than expected. The whole abdominal contrast-enhanced CT report showed: liver S3 subcapsular nodules, considered small liver cancer; local mild expansion of the intrahepatic bile duct adjacent to the lesion; liver cirrhosis, , the formation of multiple regenerative nodules, and splenomegaly.

After learning the test results, Lao Chen did not come back to his senses for a long time, "Director Shu, you are not mistaken, I usually eat delicious food and have no symptoms."

Three days later, Shu Ming's team performed a laparoscopy for Lao Chen Chen underwent a left hemihepatectomy, which went well. A week later, Lao Chen improved and was discharged from the hospital.

I thought it was just a coincidence that the two brothers were diagnosed with liver cancer one after another. Unexpectedly, the day before Lao Chen was discharged from the hospital, 55-year-old Xiao Chen was also admitted to the same ward.

Upper abdominal MR enhancement suggests the presence of liver S6 occupying space. Three days later, Shu Ming performed laparoscopic liver cancer resection for Xiao Chen. A week later, Xiao Chen also improved and was discharged from the hospital.

Is it related to genetics? Is it related to heredity?

"After asking about the medical history, we found that one of the parents of the three brothers of the Chen family has hepatitis B, and they are all infected. But for decades, the three brothers have never paid attention to it, let alone received anti-viral treatment and regular examinations."

In fact, it is not uncommon for the three Chen brothers to suffer from liver cancer. In addition to the three brothers of the Chen family, there were two other brothers that impressed him deeply. "A pair are brothers from Ningbo. The eldest is in the engineering business, and the second is a carpenter. Their father died of liver ascites. The two brothers both suffered from liver cancer and were hospitalized for surgery at almost the same time. However, they refused to live in the same ward because they were afraid of being laughed at. ';The other family is three brothers from Zhoushan. The second brother was the first to be diagnosed with liver cancer 11 years ago, and his younger brother was diagnosed with liver cancer three years ago. The 70-year-old eldest brother was also diagnosed with liver cancer this year, and it has reached an advanced stage."

Is liver cancer a "brother's cancer"?

Shu Ming explained that although genetic factors are one of the causes of liver cancer, liver cancer is not a genetic disease. Clinically, it has been found that patients with liver cancer have familial clustering of the disease, which is mainly related to viral hepatitis. Related.

Viral hepatitis can be transmitted to family members through mother-to-child vertical transmission, blood, and body fluid transmission, forming a family cluster of viral hepatitis. These pathogenic factors will significantly increase the risk of liver cancer.

Hepatitis B and liver cancer are closely related.

"Regular review is required even if it is not painful or itchy"

Viral hepatitis is one of the important causes of liver cancer. A considerable proportion of liver cancers slowly develop into cirrhosis and then liver cancer based on viral hepatitis. In our country, hepatitis B and liver cancer are most closely related, so "hepatitis B - liver cirrhosis - liver cancer" is called the "trilogy" of liver cancer development. Shu Ming said that the early symptoms of liver cancer are not obvious because the liver has no symptoms. The pain-sensing nerve is a “dumb organ.” Cancer cells continue to grow, and by the time symptoms such as pain, fatigue, abdominal distension, and weight loss appear in the liver area, it is often in the middle and advanced stages. If you are diagnosed with liver diseases such as hepatitis B or cirrhosis, you must follow the doctor's instructions for regular review and follow-up. "

It is understood that it takes an average of about 20 years for patients with viral hepatitis to develop from chronic hepatitis to liver cancer. During this process, as long as we pay close attention to the hepatitis B viral load and take active treatment, most patients can avoid developing liver cancer.

Targets hepatitis B For people infected with the virus, he recommended that hepatitis B-related tests be done at least every 3-6 months, including liver function, hepatitis B viral load, tumor markers, and liver B-ultrasound.

Shuming particularly emphasized that people infected with hepatitis B should pay attention to it. Maintain a regular diet, work and rest, do not drink alcohol, do not stay up late, and eat less greasy food to prevent the progression of the disease, especially if you do not drink alcohol. If patients with hepatitis B drink alcohol for a long time, the speed of developing liver cancer will be greatly increased.

Source: Ningbo Second Hospital