Today’s weather ● Today is September 13, 2024, the eleventh day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, a Friday. It is cloudy and the temperature is 23~34℃. What to watch today Tonight (September 13) 7:00 The 2024 Shiyan City Tour Guide Competition and the "Meet Shiyan" Cultu

Tonight (September 13) at 7:00

In this event

the top 10 contestants who entered the finals were determined through citywide audition scores and online voting

self-selected theme guided tours, impromptu explanations, etc.

compete in the competition one, two, three Prize-winning

There are also wonderful cultural programs on site

Welcome tourists and citizens to come and watch the competition

Cheer for these 10 contestants


Who is the champion player in your heart

Current Affairs News

Department News

Zhushan County Bathroom The Provincial Quality Inspection Center for Hardware Products will complete the main construction of the laboratory and the purchase of instruments and equipment in September 2022. The total laboratory area is nearly 1,700 square meters. It has currently obtained the inspection and testing capabilities for 253 parameters of 17 types of bathroom hardware products, covering ceramic sheet sealing Faucets, stainless steel faucets, sanitary ware, angle valves for heating pipes and other bathroom hardware products.

passed the on-site review, and the expert group unanimously believed that the quality inspection center met the acceptance standards. (Zhou Yongbin and Chen Jun)

The theme of this job fair is "Xiangshi Collaboration to Lead the Future", with more than 30 companies from inside and outside the county participating, providing 1,100 jobs, and targeting unemployed college graduates and retired military personnel in our county , returning migrant workers, especially long-term registered unemployed people, people with employment difficulties and other special groups, the site attracted a large number of job seekers to come for consultation and application, a total of 233 people reached employment intentions, and 52 people (times) signed employment agreements on site, involving catering services , hotel services, clothing processing, electronics and electricians, mechanical processing , new energy production and other industries. (Tao Yisheng)

The training adopts an assessment point system. The participating employees are divided into four ability improvement groups. Employees with outstanding performance will win points. After the training, the individual and team with the most points will win the individual breakthrough award and the team championship award respectively. This training aims to improve the execution ability and service level of employees and promote the standardized management of Zhushan catering enterprises. (Zhang Hao)

Trade union stations are open 24 hours a day. The stations are equipped with air conditioning, water dispensers, emergency medicine kits and other facilities to ensure that workers can enjoy comfort and convenience after hard work. The station has also carefully set up a book reading area, rest area and etc. processing area, which not only enriches the spiritual and cultural life of workers, but also improves service efficiency and effectively solves the problem of new business groups such as sanitation workers, couriers, truck drivers and outdoor workers. Problems faced at work include "difficulty in drinking water, difficulty in hot meals, difficulty in resting, and difficulty in using the toilet." (Peng Yuyang)

Township Information

staff conducted inspections of key areas such as primary and secondary arterial roads, residential areas, shops along the streets, hotels, etc. in the area; they also investigated and rectified potential safety hazards such as flying wire charging and occupied fire escapes in old communities. At the same time, we actively promote safety prevention knowledge such as fire safety, anti-drowning, and anti-electricity fraud to residents, enhance the safety awareness and self-protection capabilities of residents in the jurisdiction, and create a good atmosphere of group prevention and group treatment. (Zhang Zhiyang Xiao Shujie)

●The fragrance of rice flowers means a good year. Since the beginning of September, rice has been harvested in the Tianjiahe area of ​​Leigu Town. Farmers are taking advantage of the fine weather to harvest rice and ensure that the grains are returned to the warehouse. What is different from the past is that this year, the local agricultural machinery department organized multiple harvesters to go deep into the fields to carry out harvesting operations. The sound of roaring machinery was everywhere. Mechanized harvesting has become the "main force" in the local rice harvest. (Peng Xiaoyu and Tao Disheng)

" Zhushan Comprehensive Broadcasting " frequency is "fm96.8". Each broadcast time is from 6:30 in the morning to 10:30 in the evening. The program content covers news information, culture and entertainment, and life. Services and other content .

Drafting and broadcasting/Xia Tian

First trial/He Rongjing Second trial/Dong Qian Final trial/Chen Biming