This is the 2160th real-life story we tell. My name is Andrea and I own a restaurant in Italy. In 2019, Hunan Satellite TV's variety show "Chinese Restaurant 3" came to my store to record. From then on, I started learning Chinese and Chinese food. I was obsessed with learnin

This is our 2160th real-life story

My name is Andrea and I own a restaurant in Italy. In 2019, the Hunan Satellite TV variety show "Chinese Restaurant 3" came to my store to record . From then on, I started learning Chinese and Chinese food.

In order to learn Chinese, I was stunned. On the streets of Chengdu, I would chat with everyone I saw. After I returned home, I wrote Pinyin all over my walls and body. When I was arguing with my ex-Chinese girlfriend, she was spouting off Chinese words that I couldn’t understand, but I was memorizing new vocabulary in my mind.

The restaurant I run has many Chinese elements and the employees are also Chinese. I plan to continue to study cooking in China in September this year.

(When I went to Hunan Satellite TV to record the Spring Festival Gala)

In 1988, I was born in Taormina, a small town in Sicily, Italy, with a population of only about 10,000.

My father is Italian and my mother is Scottish. I also have a younger sister. Both of us have Italian and British nationalities.

Our ancestors were in business. My grandparents used to run more than a dozen movie theaters, my father opened a two-story restaurant, and my mother was a tour guide. When I was a child, I did some odd jobs in movie theaters and restaurants.

I grew up by the sea, and my motor cells are well developed, so I can not only swim and dive, but also play football. I played for an Italian football club from the age of 16 to 19. Now, my sports skills include horse riding and karate.

(My restaurant still retains Chinese elements)

My hometown, Sicily, is a holiday resort. There are basically only Italians, or the occasional tourists from abroad, but they are not permanent residents.

I never thought that one day our restaurant would be associated with China. Not only did I become a long-time fan of China, I became a chef with Chef Lin, and I also fell in love with a Chinese girl. Before this, I didn’t know a single Chinese person and I knew very little about China.

In May 2019, two Chinese people came to me and wanted to rent my restaurant to open a Chinese restaurant. It took about a month. I agreed as soon as I heard it. The reason why I was so cheerful was that I thought they were joking. How could a Chinese person stay in such a small place for so long? It was definitely not true, so I just said it casually.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, someone came to me directly to discuss the specific details, and they not only needed to rent a restaurant on the first floor, but also several guest rooms.

(Guide the way to Wang Junkai)

Later I learned that this is a Chinese variety food show "Chinese Restaurant 3", with Huang Xiaoming , Qin Hailu , Yang Zi , Wang Junkai, Wang Hedi, and other stars , and Chef Lin.

After renting a house, I thought it was a simple business and we would not have any interactions in the future. Unexpectedly, only took about a month of filming to make me decide to go to China to learn cooking and Chinese.

When they opened the restaurant, there was a group of staff following them. They needed to take pictures and record sounds, but the power supply was insufficient, so I helped solve the problem. The program team had limited funds, but they had to buy a lot of ingredients, so I took them to intercede with the store. There were not enough tableware, so we could use them. I'm idle.

Originally, it was my responsibility as a landlord to help tenants solve their problems, but the celebrities were very polite and sincere, so I wanted to do more for them.

(When recording the show, I learned to cook Chinese food)

In order to get closer to the guests, celebrities such as Yang Zi, Wang Junkai, Qin Hailu, etc., without any pretense, often ask me for simple Italian and Eating habits.

I thought Huang Xiaoming’s translator was very useful, so I joked with him that I wanted one too. He readily agreed. Originally, I thought that since he was so busy and a celebrity, he would definitely forget about it afterwards. But within a few days, he gave me a translator.

They are all very nice people and work very hard. However, there are many problems in the restaurant every day: the food is too slow, the food is too spicy, and there is no ice water.

Once a customer left angrily because he had been waiting for too long. Huang Xiaoming apologized humbly and said "I'm sorry" many times. He didn't want Italians to leave a bad impression on China, but unfortunately the guests left in a hurry.

(I was in the restaurant)

Whether it is Huang Xiaoming or other celebrities, there are indeed areas where they cannot do well, and this is normal. There are specialties in the art industry, and celebrities are great at acting, but opening a restaurant is an amateur's job, and it is understandable that he can't do it well.

I own a restaurant, and it’s not easy to do well. When I’m busy, I have to shoulder the tasks of boss, waiter, chef, cashier, purchaser, cleaner, etc.

Every day I see them working very hard and being complained by customers. I want to explain, but I don’t know Chinese and I feel anxious. This is also the reason why I later decided to learn Chinese.

Because of this program, I met many Chinese friends and ate delicious Chinese food, which was completely different from Italian food. I admire Chef Lin’s skills very much and want to go to China to learn Chinese and Chinese food.

told Chef Lin his idea, and he asked me to go to the hotel where he worked in Chengdu to learn.

(Photo with my chefs, Chef Lin and Wang Junkai)

However, Before I went to China, I met Xiaoyun, a Chinese girl who is kind, beautiful and loves to laugh. We had a very beautiful memory, and falling in love with her was like the plot of an idol drama.

She is a makeup artist working in Italy. She accompanied a newlywed couple to Sicily for their honeymoon. Because of "Chinese Restaurant", she came to have dinner. I happened to be on vacation that day, so Xiaoyun sent me a private message on social media to ask why. I didn’t want the newlyweds to have regrets on their honeymoon, so I came over to open the door and make them pizza for free.

The next night, Xiaoyun came to tell me that she posted a video about me on the social platform and it was very popular. I originally had a good impression of China. When I saw that I was "famous", I asked her to teach me how to make videos.

Men and women have a mutual affection for each other. Without any words, just by looking at the other person’s unspoken look in his eyes, you will know whether to take a step forward or not.

(a surprise for Xiaoyun)

The third time we met, I invited her out for a drink after get off work.In a cozy pub, I had a few drinks, listened to soothing music, and looked at the smiling girl next to me. I suddenly leaned over and kissed her cheek.

She was a little frightened, as if she was not used to such a fast pace, and in Italy, this is normal.

I arrived in Chengdu in November 2019 and have kept in touch with Xiaoyun. At that time, my Chinese proficiency was limited to simple expressions such as "hello and thank you", but I was brave and confident.

After arriving in Chengdu, I went to the university to study Chinese in the morning, and learned cooking from the chefs in the hotel in the afternoon and evening. Chef Lin became my chef, but he was the chef of a star-rated hotel and was very busy. I could only see him twice a week.

There is a language barrier, and the chefs only know simple English words. I can only see them constantly adding various condiments while cooking, and no one explains to me why they are doing it.

(When I was in Chengdu)

When I had nothing to do, I went out to hang out and eat delicious food. Unexpectedly, because of the different customs, I even made a joke.

When we Italians eat roast duck and chicken, we only eat the meat and never the skin. So when I ate Peking duck for the first time, I peeled off the skin and threw it away. Everyone around me looked at me and laughed.

Later I learned that Chinese roast duck skin is also the essence. It is red and shiny in color and has a crisp texture. When I eat it later, every bite leaves a fragrance on my lips and teeth.

After arriving in China, Xiaoyun came to Chengdu from Italy to see me. I was very touched, but we kept quarreling during the more than ten days we got together.

I really want to learn Chinese. When I walk on the street, no matter whether I meet men, women, old or young, I always say hello and chat with others. She felt that we were boyfriend and girlfriend, and my behavior was very disrespectful to her. She quarreled with me several times, and in a fit of rage, she returned to her hometown.

And I think we just have a mutual affection and need to get along for a while before confirming our relationship. After staying in Chengdu for more than a month, Hunan Satellite TV invited me to record the Spring Festival Gala. Unfortunately, due to the epidemic, the final part I recorded was not broadcast.

After the epidemic, I returned to Italy and continued to run my own small restaurant, but the business went from bad to worse. All the previous fifteen employees left, leaving only my sister and me.

Later, Xiaoyun also returned to Italy to work. Originally, some people in Italy were not very friendly, and the epidemic made her life even more difficult.

I invited Xiaoyun to work in my restaurant and he can leave at any time.

During those few months of getting along, we became lovers. I took her to the island where I grew up, set off fireworks and made her a loving breakfast. And she taught me how to cook snail noodles and cooked Chinese food for me.

Once she bought a pair of shoes that I liked very much and hid them in the refrigerator. When I got up in the morning and opened the refrigerator, I saw a big surprise.

When we were in a good relationship, we hugged and held each other high, but many times, we often quarreled because of cultural differences.

(Learning about Italian wedding customs, Xiaoyun sighed omg)

I once took her to attend a friend’s wedding, and when I told her, When getting married in Italy, men don’t need to pay a bride price, they only need to buy a suit and dress themselves up. Be handsome To force people, just marry the woman you love with full love. The woman has to prepare the wedding banquet and buy all the wedding items herself.

After listening to this, Xiaoyun’s eyes were as big as bells.

Every time I make her angry, she scolds me in Chinese so fast that I can’t understand and dare not say it, but I silently write down the new words she says.

In 2022, we finally broke up due to our different views and became good friends. She will also cooperate with me in making videos, and I will do my best to help her.

After breaking up, I was very sad and started learning Chinese like crazy. Pinyin is written all over the walls of my home, as well as on my arms and feet.

(Introducing China on the radio)

I am a person with strong self-esteem, but in order to learn Chinese without fear of being laughed at, I study with teachers online when I have time.

I hold my phone and watch Chinese short videos all day long. My parents think that I am not doing my job properly, but I know that what I do is meaningful, so I don’t care what they say.

After learning Chinese, I stopped watching Italian TV. I only watched Chinese news, film and television dramas, and also watched "Heroes of Fire" played by Huang Xiaoming.

When I am not busy, I post Chinese videos and texts on social media. Many people find it strange that I, an Italian, can post Chinese content.

I do this because I love China and want to spread Chinese culture and let more people understand China. In Taormina, many people know me not because of "Chinese Restaurant", but because I can speak Chinese.

(A red envelope given to me by the Chinese)

The filming locations of "Chinese Restaurant" in other countries returned to their original state after the show ended, but my restaurant has always maintained Chinese elements. I laugh and call myself a Chinese here.

Last year, I also cooperated with a friend and invested in an online Chinese learning platform. The teacher is a Chinese who can speak Italian, and so far there have been more than 60 students. Although the platform has not been profitable, I will stick to it because it is a good thing for China.

After the epidemic, it was difficult to find workers. Last year, I asked for help on social platforms, and two Chinese people came to help me. Now my restaurant business is back to business as usual, with more than ten employees.

I plan to go to Hainan in September this year to learn Chinese cuisine and Chinese. I also want to try film and television shooting related to China. Whether I play a hero, a minor character, or a bad guy, I can play anything as long as it is good for China.

(Chinese people who come to my restaurant for dinner)

But I didn’t expect that before I went to China, I became a “news figure” in China because of my brave actions on the streets of Rome.

In March this year, my friend and I were shopping in Rome. Suddenly I heard someone shouting "help". When I looked, I saw a woman pointing to the man running in front of me and asking for help.

Theft or robbery often happens in Italy. I knew it must be the man who robbed the lady of her belongings, so I hurried over. I have been exercising since I was a child and have good physical strength. I ran more than 50 meters and caught a thief.

Later I learned that the lady was a Chinese and had a law firm in Italy. She kept bowing to me and thanking me, and invited me to join her team as her translator.

But I had to be busy with the restaurant, so I refused.

(acting bravely on the streets of Rome)

Comparing my previous experiences in China, whether in Chengdu or Changsha, I have never encountered such a thing. Because China is really safe. There are cameras everywhere, and there are police boxes in the streets and alleys. You can walk around the streets with confidence even if you have cash.

And in a few months, I will come to this safe and beautiful country again. Now my Chinese level has improved a lot, and I can learn cooking skills well, instead of just knowing how delicious it is and wondering why chefs do what they do.

I am very lucky to be accompanied by delicious food in this life. Every mouthful of hot breath I swallow is the courage to continue living. When you encounter something unpleasant, make a favorite food and eat it, and you can get through it.

I hope that one day, I can meet the Chinese girl I like. She came to me wearing a hash brown, marshmallows on her feet, and a barbecue chicken leg in hand. The person you love is the person in front of you. Let’s enjoy the delicacies or simple meals on the table together, and taste the ups and downs of the world together.

This is our 2160th real-life story

My name is Andrea and I own a restaurant in Italy. In 2019, the Hunan Satellite TV variety show "Chinese Restaurant 3" came to my store to record . From then on, I started learning Chinese and Chinese food.

In order to learn Chinese, I was stunned. On the streets of Chengdu, I would chat with everyone I saw. After I returned home, I wrote Pinyin all over my walls and body. When I was arguing with my ex-Chinese girlfriend, she was spouting off Chinese words that I couldn’t understand, but I was memorizing new vocabulary in my mind.

The restaurant I run has many Chinese elements and the employees are also Chinese. I plan to continue to study cooking in China in September this year.

(When I went to Hunan Satellite TV to record the Spring Festival Gala)

In 1988, I was born in Taormina, a small town in Sicily, Italy, with a population of only about 10,000.

My father is Italian and my mother is Scottish. I also have a younger sister. Both of us have Italian and British nationalities.

Our ancestors were in business. My grandparents used to run more than a dozen movie theaters, my father opened a two-story restaurant, and my mother was a tour guide. When I was a child, I did some odd jobs in movie theaters and restaurants.

I grew up by the sea, and my motor cells are well developed, so I can not only swim and dive, but also play football. I played for an Italian football club from the age of 16 to 19. Now, my sports skills include horse riding and karate.

(My restaurant still retains Chinese elements)

My hometown, Sicily, is a holiday resort. There are basically only Italians, or the occasional tourists from abroad, but they are not permanent residents.

I never thought that one day our restaurant would be associated with China. Not only did I become a long-time fan of China, I became a chef with Chef Lin, and I also fell in love with a Chinese girl. Before this, I didn’t know a single Chinese person and I knew very little about China.

In May 2019, two Chinese people came to me and wanted to rent my restaurant to open a Chinese restaurant. It took about a month. I agreed as soon as I heard it. The reason why I was so cheerful was that I thought they were joking. How could a Chinese person stay in such a small place for so long? It was definitely not true, so I just said it casually.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, someone came to me directly to discuss the specific details, and they not only needed to rent a restaurant on the first floor, but also several guest rooms.

(Guide the way to Wang Junkai)

Later I learned that this is a Chinese variety food show "Chinese Restaurant 3", with Huang Xiaoming , Qin Hailu , Yang Zi , Wang Junkai, Wang Hedi, and other stars , and Chef Lin.

After renting a house, I thought it was a simple business and we would not have any interactions in the future. Unexpectedly, only took about a month of filming to make me decide to go to China to learn cooking and Chinese.

When they opened the restaurant, there was a group of staff following them. They needed to take pictures and record sounds, but the power supply was insufficient, so I helped solve the problem. The program team had limited funds, but they had to buy a lot of ingredients, so I took them to intercede with the store. There were not enough tableware, so we could use them. I'm idle.

Originally, it was my responsibility as a landlord to help tenants solve their problems, but the celebrities were very polite and sincere, so I wanted to do more for them.

(When recording the show, I learned to cook Chinese food)

In order to get closer to the guests, celebrities such as Yang Zi, Wang Junkai, Qin Hailu, etc., without any pretense, often ask me for simple Italian and Eating habits.

I thought Huang Xiaoming’s translator was very useful, so I joked with him that I wanted one too. He readily agreed. Originally, I thought that since he was so busy and a celebrity, he would definitely forget about it afterwards. But within a few days, he gave me a translator.

They are all very nice people and work very hard. However, there are many problems in the restaurant every day: the food is too slow, the food is too spicy, and there is no ice water.

Once a customer left angrily because he had been waiting for too long. Huang Xiaoming apologized humbly and said "I'm sorry" many times. He didn't want Italians to leave a bad impression on China, but unfortunately the guests left in a hurry.

(I was in the restaurant)

Whether it is Huang Xiaoming or other celebrities, there are indeed areas where they cannot do well, and this is normal. There are specialties in the art industry, and celebrities are great at acting, but opening a restaurant is an amateur's job, and it is understandable that he can't do it well.

I own a restaurant, and it’s not easy to do well. When I’m busy, I have to shoulder the tasks of boss, waiter, chef, cashier, purchaser, cleaner, etc.

Every day I see them working very hard and being complained by customers. I want to explain, but I don’t know Chinese and I feel anxious. This is also the reason why I later decided to learn Chinese.

Because of this program, I met many Chinese friends and ate delicious Chinese food, which was completely different from Italian food. I admire Chef Lin’s skills very much and want to go to China to learn Chinese and Chinese food.

told Chef Lin his idea, and he asked me to go to the hotel where he worked in Chengdu to learn.

(Photo with my chefs, Chef Lin and Wang Junkai)

However, Before I went to China, I met Xiaoyun, a Chinese girl who is kind, beautiful and loves to laugh. We had a very beautiful memory, and falling in love with her was like the plot of an idol drama.

She is a makeup artist working in Italy. She accompanied a newlywed couple to Sicily for their honeymoon. Because of "Chinese Restaurant", she came to have dinner. I happened to be on vacation that day, so Xiaoyun sent me a private message on social media to ask why. I didn’t want the newlyweds to have regrets on their honeymoon, so I came over to open the door and make them pizza for free.

The next night, Xiaoyun came to tell me that she posted a video about me on the social platform and it was very popular. I originally had a good impression of China. When I saw that I was "famous", I asked her to teach me how to make videos.

Men and women have a mutual affection for each other. Without any words, just by looking at the other person’s unspoken look in his eyes, you will know whether to take a step forward or not.

(a surprise for Xiaoyun)

The third time we met, I invited her out for a drink after get off work.In a cozy pub, I had a few drinks, listened to soothing music, and looked at the smiling girl next to me. I suddenly leaned over and kissed her cheek.

She was a little frightened, as if she was not used to such a fast pace, and in Italy, this is normal.

I arrived in Chengdu in November 2019 and have kept in touch with Xiaoyun. At that time, my Chinese proficiency was limited to simple expressions such as "hello and thank you", but I was brave and confident.

After arriving in Chengdu, I went to the university to study Chinese in the morning, and learned cooking from the chefs in the hotel in the afternoon and evening. Chef Lin became my chef, but he was the chef of a star-rated hotel and was very busy. I could only see him twice a week.

There is a language barrier, and the chefs only know simple English words. I can only see them constantly adding various condiments while cooking, and no one explains to me why they are doing it.

(When I was in Chengdu)

When I had nothing to do, I went out to hang out and eat delicious food. Unexpectedly, because of the different customs, I even made a joke.

When we Italians eat roast duck and chicken, we only eat the meat and never the skin. So when I ate Peking duck for the first time, I peeled off the skin and threw it away. Everyone around me looked at me and laughed.

Later I learned that Chinese roast duck skin is also the essence. It is red and shiny in color and has a crisp texture. When I eat it later, every bite leaves a fragrance on my lips and teeth.

After arriving in China, Xiaoyun came to Chengdu from Italy to see me. I was very touched, but we kept quarreling during the more than ten days we got together.

I really want to learn Chinese. When I walk on the street, no matter whether I meet men, women, old or young, I always say hello and chat with others. She felt that we were boyfriend and girlfriend, and my behavior was very disrespectful to her. She quarreled with me several times, and in a fit of rage, she returned to her hometown.

And I think we just have a mutual affection and need to get along for a while before confirming our relationship. After staying in Chengdu for more than a month, Hunan Satellite TV invited me to record the Spring Festival Gala. Unfortunately, due to the epidemic, the final part I recorded was not broadcast.

After the epidemic, I returned to Italy and continued to run my own small restaurant, but the business went from bad to worse. All the previous fifteen employees left, leaving only my sister and me.

Later, Xiaoyun also returned to Italy to work. Originally, some people in Italy were not very friendly, and the epidemic made her life even more difficult.

I invited Xiaoyun to work in my restaurant and he can leave at any time.

During those few months of getting along, we became lovers. I took her to the island where I grew up, set off fireworks and made her a loving breakfast. And she taught me how to cook snail noodles and cooked Chinese food for me.

Once she bought a pair of shoes that I liked very much and hid them in the refrigerator. When I got up in the morning and opened the refrigerator, I saw a big surprise.

When we were in a good relationship, we hugged and held each other high, but many times, we often quarreled because of cultural differences.

(Learning about Italian wedding customs, Xiaoyun sighed omg)

I once took her to attend a friend’s wedding, and when I told her, When getting married in Italy, men don’t need to pay a bride price, they only need to buy a suit and dress themselves up. Be handsome To force people, just marry the woman you love with full love. The woman has to prepare the wedding banquet and buy all the wedding items herself.

After listening to this, Xiaoyun’s eyes were as big as bells.

Every time I make her angry, she scolds me in Chinese so fast that I can’t understand and dare not say it, but I silently write down the new words she says.

In 2022, we finally broke up due to our different views and became good friends. She will also cooperate with me in making videos, and I will do my best to help her.

After breaking up, I was very sad and started learning Chinese like crazy. Pinyin is written all over the walls of my home, as well as on my arms and feet.

(Introducing China on the radio)

I am a person with strong self-esteem, but in order to learn Chinese without fear of being laughed at, I study with teachers online when I have time.

I hold my phone and watch Chinese short videos all day long. My parents think that I am not doing my job properly, but I know that what I do is meaningful, so I don’t care what they say.

After learning Chinese, I stopped watching Italian TV. I only watched Chinese news, film and television dramas, and also watched "Heroes of Fire" played by Huang Xiaoming.

When I am not busy, I post Chinese videos and texts on social media. Many people find it strange that I, an Italian, can post Chinese content.

I do this because I love China and want to spread Chinese culture and let more people understand China. In Taormina, many people know me not because of "Chinese Restaurant", but because I can speak Chinese.

(A red envelope given to me by the Chinese)

The filming locations of "Chinese Restaurant" in other countries returned to their original state after the show ended, but my restaurant has always maintained Chinese elements. I laugh and call myself a Chinese here.

Last year, I also cooperated with a friend and invested in an online Chinese learning platform. The teacher is a Chinese who can speak Italian, and so far there have been more than 60 students. Although the platform has not been profitable, I will stick to it because it is a good thing for China.

After the epidemic, it was difficult to find workers. Last year, I asked for help on social platforms, and two Chinese people came to help me. Now my restaurant business is back to business as usual, with more than ten employees.

I plan to go to Hainan in September this year to learn Chinese cuisine and Chinese. I also want to try film and television shooting related to China. Whether I play a hero, a minor character, or a bad guy, I can play anything as long as it is good for China.

(Chinese people who come to my restaurant for dinner)

But I didn’t expect that before I went to China, I became a “news figure” in China because of my brave actions on the streets of Rome.

In March this year, my friend and I were shopping in Rome. Suddenly I heard someone shouting "help". When I looked, I saw a woman pointing to the man running in front of me and asking for help.

Theft or robbery often happens in Italy. I knew it must be the man who robbed the lady of her belongings, so I hurried over. I have been exercising since I was a child and have good physical strength. I ran more than 50 meters and caught a thief.

Later I learned that the lady was a Chinese and had a law firm in Italy. She kept bowing to me and thanking me, and invited me to join her team as her translator.

But I had to be busy with the restaurant, so I refused.

(acting bravely on the streets of Rome)

Comparing my previous experiences in China, whether in Chengdu or Changsha, I have never encountered such a thing. Because China is really safe. There are cameras everywhere, and there are police boxes in the streets and alleys. You can walk around the streets with confidence even if you have cash.

And in a few months, I will come to this safe and beautiful country again. Now my Chinese level has improved a lot, and I can learn cooking skills well, instead of just knowing how delicious it is and wondering why chefs do what they do.

I am very lucky to be accompanied by delicious food in this life. Every mouthful of hot breath I swallow is the courage to continue living. When you encounter something unpleasant, make a favorite food and eat it, and you can get through it.

I hope that one day, I can meet the Chinese girl I like. She came to me wearing a hash brown, marshmallows on her feet, and a barbecue chicken leg in hand. The person you love is the person in front of you. Let’s enjoy the delicacies or simple meals on the table together, and taste the ups and downs of the world together.

[Oral: Andre]

[Editor: Xin Yue]

We cannot live through different lives, but we can experience other people’s real stories here, and every story has real photos! Thank you for your likes!