In order to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War in 2025, the Northeast Anti-Japanese League-themed TV series "Return to the Team" organized and created by the State Admi

To celebrate the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War in 2025, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance-themed TV series "Return to the Team" organized and created by the State Administration of Radio and Television was launched in Baishan City on September 2.

"Returning to the Army" is based on the 14-year arduous course of the Northeast Anti-Japanese War. It cuts into the story from the perspective of ordinary anti-Japanese soldiers, intertwining personal destiny with the current of the times, showing the great anti-war spirit of the Chinese people and the role of the Northeast battlefield in the world anti-fascist war. important contribution.

The play is written by the famous screenwriter Gao Mantang and others, and is directed by Zang Xichuan and Zhao Yang. The cast includes three generations of powerful actors, old, middle and young. In the early stage, the crew has conducted on-site survey in Baishan City, identified more than 20 alternative locations for filming in Hunjiang District, Jiangyuan District, Linjiang City and other places, and built real scenes in Tongtiangou, Hekou Painter Village and other places in Hunjiang District. base.

Starring Hu Jun said: "This is my first time starring in the Northeast Anti-Resistance League. The purpose of filming this TV series is to remember. Let future generations remember the sacrifices made by our ancestors and remember the sacrifices we live in today and in the peaceful era. Hard-won."

Baishan City is located in the heart of Changbai Mountain. It owns 60% of the area of ​​Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve. It is named after Changbai Mountain and has "one famous mountain (Changbai Mountain) and two famous rivers (Songhua River and Yalu River)". and other beautiful natural scenery, including "one battalion and three places" (the main battlefield of the Northeast Anti-Japanese War, the base camp of the Linjiang Campaign of the Four Protections, the support site for the expedition to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, the old industrial base supporting the construction of New China, "Two Mountains" "The place where the concept of loyalty is practiced) red culture and other humanistic advantages, as well as the rich film and television cultural heritage of more than 40 well-known film locations such as " Takes Tiger Mountain " and "Five Golden Flowers".

The beautiful natural scenery, superior red resources, colorful national folk culture and rich historical heritage highlight the unique charm of the "natural studio" and provide a solid foundation for the creation of the film and television cultural industry. Baishan City attaches great importance to the ecological film and television industry in Changbai Mountain, actively creates the best service soft environment for film and television, and the best film and television location locations. It has established the Baishan City Cultural Development Promotion Center to promote the development and construction of the city's cultural industry and film and television industry, focusing on professional film and television Services, providing information consultation, filming services, supporting services, actor agencies, equipment rental, publicity and promotion and other comprehensive, coordinated and high-quality services to the crew. In recent years, it has attracted many film and television dramas such as "The World", "Glory of Our Fathers", "Ice and Snow Knife Company" and "Sniper" to be filmed in Baishan. The continuous entry of big platforms, big directors, and big works has formed a good reputation in the industry for Baishan's creative environment to "produce works and high-quality products", and promoted the formation of a unique Baishan film and television phenomenon. Wang Ligang, the art director of the film and television drama "Return to the Team" said: "We decided to shoot in Baishan because this place used to be the place where General Yang Jingyu fought and lived, and it was also the place where he died for his country. Another reason is the strong support of Baishan City for our crew. ."

" Baishan City is the main battlefield of the Northeast Anti-Japanese War First Route Army led by Yang Jingyu, and there are traces of fighting everywhere. I hope Baishan City can fully explore the red history, inherit it and make good use of it, and promote the economic development of Baishan City. "Ma Jizhi, the grandson of General Yang Jingyu, has high hopes for Baishan City.

To celebrate the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War in 2025, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance-themed TV series "Return to the Team" organized and created by the State Administration of Radio and Television was launched in Baishan City on September 2.

"Returning to the Army" is based on the 14-year arduous course of the Northeast Anti-Japanese War. It cuts into the story from the perspective of ordinary anti-Japanese soldiers, intertwining personal destiny with the current of the times, showing the great anti-war spirit of the Chinese people and the role of the Northeast battlefield in the world anti-fascist war. important contribution.

The play is written by the famous screenwriter Gao Mantang and others, and is directed by Zang Xichuan and Zhao Yang. The cast includes three generations of powerful actors, old, middle and young. In the early stage, the crew has conducted on-site survey in Baishan City, identified more than 20 alternative locations for filming in Hunjiang District, Jiangyuan District, Linjiang City and other places, and built real scenes in Tongtiangou, Hekou Painter Village and other places in Hunjiang District. base.

Starring Hu Jun said: "This is my first time starring in the Northeast Anti-Resistance League. The purpose of filming this TV series is to remember. Let future generations remember the sacrifices made by our ancestors and remember the sacrifices we live in today and in the peaceful era. Hard-won."

Baishan City is located in the heart of Changbai Mountain. It owns 60% of the area of ​​Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve. It is named after Changbai Mountain and has "one famous mountain (Changbai Mountain) and two famous rivers (Songhua River and Yalu River)". and other beautiful natural scenery, including "one battalion and three places" (the main battlefield of the Northeast Anti-Japanese War, the base camp of the Linjiang Campaign of the Four Protections, the support site for the expedition to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, the old industrial base supporting the construction of New China, "Two Mountains" "The place where the concept of loyalty is practiced) red culture and other humanistic advantages, as well as the rich film and television cultural heritage of more than 40 well-known film locations such as " Takes Tiger Mountain " and "Five Golden Flowers".

The beautiful natural scenery, superior red resources, colorful national folk culture and rich historical heritage highlight the unique charm of the "natural studio" and provide a solid foundation for the creation of the film and television cultural industry. Baishan City attaches great importance to the ecological film and television industry in Changbai Mountain, actively creates the best service soft environment for film and television, and the best film and television location locations. It has established the Baishan City Cultural Development Promotion Center to promote the development and construction of the city's cultural industry and film and television industry, focusing on professional film and television Services, providing information consultation, filming services, supporting services, actor agencies, equipment rental, publicity and promotion and other comprehensive, coordinated and high-quality services to the crew. In recent years, it has attracted many film and television dramas such as "The World", "Glory of Our Fathers", "Ice and Snow Knife Company" and "Sniper" to be filmed in Baishan. The continuous entry of big platforms, big directors, and big works has formed a good reputation in the industry for Baishan's creative environment to "produce works and high-quality products", and promoted the formation of a unique Baishan film and television phenomenon. Wang Ligang, the art director of the film and television drama "Return to the Team" said: "We decided to shoot in Baishan because this place used to be the place where General Yang Jingyu fought and lived, and it was also the place where he died for his country. Another reason is the strong support of Baishan City for our crew. ."

" Baishan City is the main battlefield of the Northeast Anti-Japanese War First Route Army led by Yang Jingyu, and there are traces of fighting everywhere. I hope Baishan City can fully explore the red history, inherit it and make good use of it, and promote the economic development of Baishan City. "Ma Jizhi, the grandson of General Yang Jingyu, has high hopes for Baishan City.(Gao Yuan)