[Source: Xinhuanet] As the National Science Popularization Day in 2024 is approaching, the China Science and Technology Museum recently launched the "Light and Shadow Inheritance, Pursuing Dreams" China Science and Technology Museum science film charity exhibition monthly event.

As the National Science Popularization Day in 2024 is approaching, the China Science and Technology Museum has recently launched the "Light and Shadow Inheritance, Pursuing Dreams" China Science and Technology Museum science film charity exhibition monthly event. During the event, the museum's dome theater, giant screen theater, and 4D theater launched the first free movie viewing event, including a total of 12 science fiction, popular science, and scientist-spiritual films.

China Science and Technology Museum science film charity screening month event poster. (Photo provided by China Science and Technology Museum)

It is understood that these 12 films include "Chen Ning Yang: A Century of Science", "Mission to Mars", "Night Sky with Shining Stars", "Panda Legend: Black Hole Kiss", etc. Viewers need to log in to "China Purchase 0 yuan movie tickets through the official account of Science and Technology Museum.

In addition, the China Science and Technology Museum also launched a series of activities such as "Science Movies on Campus" and "Science Movie Fans Parent-Child Salon" at the same time, aiming to promote the spirit of scientists through the charm of light and shadow and lead young people to embark on the path of scientific exploration. The China Science and Technology Museum’s science film charity screening month event will last until September 30.

As the National Science Popularization Day in 2024 is approaching, the China Science and Technology Museum has recently launched the "Light and Shadow Inheritance, Pursuing Dreams" China Science and Technology Museum science film charity exhibition monthly event. During the event, the museum's dome theater, giant screen theater, and 4D theater launched the first free movie viewing event, including a total of 12 science fiction, popular science, and scientist-spiritual films.

China Science and Technology Museum science film charity screening month event poster. (Photo provided by China Science and Technology Museum)

It is understood that these 12 films include "Chen Ning Yang: A Century of Science", "Mission to Mars", "Night Sky with Shining Stars", "Panda Legend: Black Hole Kiss", etc. Viewers need to log in to "China Purchase 0 yuan movie tickets through the official account of Science and Technology Museum.

In addition, the China Science and Technology Museum also launched a series of activities such as "Science Movies on Campus" and "Science Movie Fans Parent-Child Salon" at the same time, aiming to promote the spirit of scientists through the charm of light and shadow and lead young people to embark on the path of scientific exploration. The China Science and Technology Museum’s science film charity screening month event will last until September 30.(Reporter Wen Jinghua)