In the long river of time, there are always some things that shine through persistence and become witnesses of time. For the Gaudian Group, initiating and continuing to promote the 9.9 International True Love Festival is such a meaningful persistence, and it has now gone through

In the long river of time, there are always some things that shine through persistence and become witnesses of time. For the Gaudian Group, initiating and continuing to promote the 9.9 International True Love Festival is such a meaningful persistence, and it has now gone through a full ten-year journey. On September 9, 2024, the 10th September 9 International True Love Festival will arrive as scheduled.

Ten years ago, Gaudian Group launched the first worldwide festival with the theme of "True Love" - ​​9.9 International True Love Day, with its true love of humanity, unique vision and innovative spirit. This initiative not only injected new cultural connotation into the company itself, but also set off a global wave of advocating family harmony, social harmony and world peace. In September 2015, Mr. Bhatnagar, Chairman of the World Federation of UNESCO Associations, praised the 9·9 International True Love Day as a “Nobel-like effort and contribution”.

In the past ten years, Gaudian Group has spread the humanistic concept of true love around the world, making the 9.9 International True Love Day gradually deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and becoming a global festival that transcends national boundaries, races, and cultures. The mutual love of family and beauty, the fraternity of social harmony, and the great love of world peace that it advocates coincide with people's deep yearning for a better life and inspire the resonance and pursuit of true love among people around the world.

True Love Palms Appeared in Times Square, New York

Over the past ten years, Goldian Group has consistently adhered to its commitment and pursuit of "9·9 True Love" and continuously deepened the connotation and extension of the 9·9 International True Love Festival. In the past ten years, Goldian Group has implemented the values ​​of "True Love for Humanity" with practical actions by organizing a variety of activities, carrying out charity projects, strengthening international exchanges, etc., and has been recognized and affirmed by all walks of life. .

In the past ten years, Erin has served as the true love ambassador of the 9·9 International True Love Festival, leading us from the world to China, from artistic image to technological innovation, and with her unique and charming personal characteristics, she has continued to practice the concept of the 9·9 International True Love Festival. . As the humanistic symbols of the 9.9 True Love Festival, the three humanistic and artistic treasures "Peace Irene, Seahorse Dragon, and Seahorse Phoenix" have penetrated into all aspects of the corporate culture and industrial development of the Goldian Group. Smart Eileen empowered by technology uses wisdom to serve people in all aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation, conveying the concepts of mutual love, fraternity and universal love with warmth, making millions of users inseparable from smart phones. Erin.

Three major cultural and artistic treasures are on display at the United Nations Headquarters in New York

For the past ten years, the Gordian Group has been making unremitting efforts to convey the spirit of "True Love for Humanity". The "9.9 True Love Special Fund" co-founded by the Group and the China Overseas Chinese Charity Foundation is committed to improving the quality and development of young people and children. The "9.9 True Love Special Fund" donated to build the Xiangmei Bookstore of Jianping Xiangmei Middle School in Shanghai. Many social celebrities, government leaders and admiring people came to visit and learn about the spirit of Ms. Chen Xiangmei, the world's overseas Chinese leader, and learn about this period of full The history and wisdom of national strength were also deeply moved by the transnational true love between Chen Xiangmei and American Flying Tigers General Chennault.

In June 2023, Gu Wenyuan, chairman of Goldian Group, accompanied Sha Hailin, president of Shanghai Public Relations Association, to visit Xiangmei Bookstore.

The flowers have fallen and their fragrance remains, but the plum blossoms have passed away and the spirit remains. March 2025 will usher in the centenary of the birth of Ms. Chen Xiangmei. As an outstanding overseas Chinese leader, Ms. Chen Xiangmei’s life is full of legend. This woman who spanned the ages not only left a profound mark on history with her outstanding wisdom and courage, but also influenced countless people with her unique spiritual charm. The Xiangmei spirit of perseverance, courage and caring for the motherland that she demonstrated has inspired generations after generations.

adheres to it for ten years and inherits it for a hundred years. In the light of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Ms. Chen Xiangmei, Goldian Group will join hands with people from all walks of life around the world to inherit the spirit of Xiangmei, practice true love humanity, and jointly write a new chapter in the second decade of the 9.9 International True Love Festival, and build a more harmonious society. Contribute to a better world.