Liu Miantang was just a chess piece accidentally saved by Cui Xingzhou at first. Cui Xingzhou used her amnesia to pretend to be her husband in order to capture Yangshan Lu Wen. But I didn't expect that Cui Xingzhou would fall in love with the chess piece in the end, and even

Liu Miantang was just a chess piece accidentally saved by Cui Xingzhou at first. Cui Xingzhou used her amnesia to pretend to be her husband in order to capture Yangshan Lu Wen.

But I didn’t expect Cui Xingzhou to fall in love with the chess piece in the end, and even end up marrying her in the end.

You must know that Cui Xingzhou is known as "Sai Xia Hui". In the end, such a person fell deeply in love with Liu Miantang.

Behind this lies the pain of Cui Xingzhou’s native family, as well as the good of Liu Miantang.

"Sai Xia Hui" Cui Xingzhou

First of all, I want to explain what "Sai Xia Hui" is.

In fact, the title "Sai Xia Hui" is a nickname given to Cui Xingzhou by many people in the original work.

The original work writes:

’s determination and determination were so admired by his colleagues that he was nicknamed “Sai Xia Hui”. If he plays like this again in the future, everyone will consciously avoid him.

After all, when you are wandering around, there is a person with clear eyes on the side, following you outside the sheepfold looking at the livestock. No one can stand this feeling.

This is not because Cui Xingzhou specifically adheres to the way of a gentleman, but because he feels that if he cannot control his desires at will, how will he be different from those reptiles and livestock?

Cui Xingzhou is a person who is born with a strong desire for control. He does not allow his desires to be controlled in the hands of others, let alone the hands of despicable women such as dancers and singers.

In the original work, Cui Xingzhou is a man with strong self-control, not a womanizer, and can control himself even if he is drugged.

He has always been very indifferent in the relationship between men and women. He had previously agreed to the marriage that his mother had arranged for him to marry his cousin Lian.

There is not much love between men and women. He agreed to this marriage, on the one hand, out of filial piety, and on the other hand, he felt that as long as this woman could be a good princess of Huaiyang and take care of the internal affairs, everything else was not important.

So he didn’t care who that person was, as long as it was suitable, so for him, Cousin Lian could be the Princess of Huaiyang and was willing to be, so he just let her be.

The reason why Cui Xingzhou doesn't care about his marriage is because Cui Xingzhou has not been in love before, and he still doesn't understand what true love is.

Why did Cui Xingzhou fall in love with Liu Miantang?

Cui Xingzhou did not love cousin Lian, but eventually fell in love with Liu Miantang, and even ended up hurting his own leg to cancel the marriage to the princess in order to be with Liu Miantang.

In the end, he refused to marry Liu Miantang, who was deeply in love with her. There were three reasons behind this.

Reason one: Trouble with the Cui family.

Although Cui Xingzhou is the only legitimate son of the Cui family, he ranks ninth.

This is one of the reasons why when Liu Miantang woke up and heard Zhao Quan calling Cui Xingzhou Cui Jiu, he mistook him for being her husband.

Because Zhao Quan called him Cui Jiu Zhenzhi because he was the ninth oldest child in the family.

Cui Xingzhou's father was very carefree when he was young, and although his mother was of noble birth, she could not win her husband's heart, and she was also incompetent.

Cui Xingzhou had a sister who was born from the same mother, and he had eight brothers who were born as concubines.

Cui Xingzhou's father had an unknown number of concubines when he was young, and he had no idea how many romantic accounts he had outside.

This led to the fact that Cui Xingzhou's mother in the Huaiyang Prince's Palace did not have an easy life when she was young, and it was also very difficult even when she gave birth to her legitimate son.

Cui Xingzhou grew up in such a complicated relationship and saw too many intrigues.

He paid too much to survive and successfully become the King of Huaiyang. Coupled with his mother's incompetence, he was precocious since he was a child.

You must know that by the time he took over the Huaiyang Palace, he only had one older brother left, and he could only survive in the Palace because of his disabled feet.

Ever since Cui Xingzhou successfully ascended the throne and became the Queen of Huaiyang, the old princess's life began to get better.

And the palace began to become simple and clean, and behind this was Cui Xingzhou who had been burdened too much since childhood.

This is also the reason why Cui Xingzhou has been indifferent to matters between men and women since he was a child. Because he hates his father and because he has been busy surviving and surviving in the palace, he fell in love relatively late.

Reason two: The Lian family’s greed.

The Lian family and the Cui family are cousins, and the mistress of the Lian family and Cui Xingzhou's mother, Princess Chu, are biological sisters.

So the two families are related, and Cui Xingzhou has made military exploits over the years and successfully ascended the throne. Concubine Chu's life has also improved.

The Lian family's aunt often came to the Cui Mansion to accompany Concubine Chu, and she also brought her daughter Lian Ruilan with her. In fact, their idea was very simple, they just wanted to get married to the Cui family.

After all, the Cui family today is much more prosperous than the Lian family, and the children of the Lian family are all incompetent. Lian Ruilan's father has not made any achievements, and her brothers are not outstanding either.

Therefore, the Lian family wanted to climb up to the Cui family and fly up the branches to become a phoenix. However, Princess Chu was soft-hearted and agreed to the marriage between the two families.

From the beginning, Cui Xingzhou followed his mother's wishes and accepted the marriage with the Lian family, and also helped the Lian family in every way.

But the Lian family was too greedy, and their food looked ugly, which made Cui Xingzhou feel disgusted from the bottom of his heart.

The original work writes:

After he got engaged to Lian Binlan, the Lian family would have trouble with him from time to time, and he would try his best to deal with them one by one as patiently as possible.

In comparison, the population of Miantang's family is simple, the Liu family is almost extinct, and the children of the Lu family have been warned by Mr. Lu that they are not allowed to cling to Miantang, climb up dragons and phoenixes, and only guard their own family business to support themselves without giving any income. Liu Yatou is causing trouble.

The Lian family not only seeks official positions for themselves, but also for their children and nephews, but those people are often unable to be reused. The Lian family is very greedy.

Even so, Cui Xingzhou has done everything he can, but deep down he still hates this kind of greedy family.

Especially after he married Liu Miantang, the contrast between the Lu family and the Lian family deepened Cui Xingzhou's disdain for the Lian family.

Reason three: Liu Miantang is good.

Of course, the most important reason why Cui Xingzhou fell in love with Liu Miantang was because Liu Miantang was a very good person.

First of all, as a woman, Liu Miantang has one obvious advantage, which is her beauty.

The original work writes:

When they found out that she was the fiancée of the King of Huaiyang, they all suddenly realized, thinking: No wonder she quit the marriage with the Lian family and turned around to marry such a beautiful woman who is alluring to the country!

Liu Miantang is extremely beautiful, and she is considered to be the most beautiful girl in the original work. Even when she lost her memory and was kept in Lingquan Town by Cui Xingzhou, the men and women there would stop to witness her beauty.

Because she is so beautiful. Although this advantage of

is a bit tacky, it is very useful to Cui Xingzhou. Cui Xingzhou has always had the reputation of being a "satisfied person", but Liu Miantang broke his bottom line.

Secondly, it was because Liu Miantang treated him sincerely and felt really sorry for him when he lost his memory.

When Liu Miantang lost his memory, he really regarded Cui Xingzhou as his husband Cui Jiu.

At that time, in order to deceive Liu Miantang, Cui Xingzhou said that he was playing chess outside to please the powerful and support his family.

He drank too much at the palace that day. When he returned to Lingquan Town, Liu Miantang thought it was because of the pressure in his life and said some personal words to him.

Although those words were a misunderstanding, they spoke to Cui Xingzhou's heart.

The original work writes:

At this time, although Cui Xingzhou's drunkenness had faded a little, his body was still tired. When Miantang asked, he said: "No one has ever said that I can rest, and I felt a little emotional for a moment... Xiaomen Xiaohu , and it has its own benefits..."

His words were half-truths, but the feelings in his heart were true. His mother was weak, and since he was a child, he had to compete with several aunts and concubine brothers who were pressing down on his mother and son.

After inheriting his father's throne, he had to fight against the courtiers who wanted to remove the king and take away the land.

No one has ever said to him, "Take a break and go play." However, there are always people who remind him that if he falls, he will be defeated and everything will be lost. Don't even think about making a comeback...

At that time, Liu Miantang wanted to start her own business to support her family. She didn’t want to put too much pressure on her husband, so she comforted him to take a break whenever he wanted and let him live as he pleased.

But he had never heard anyone say these words to him since he was a child. Even his biological mother, Princess Chu, had never understood his son's difficulties.

Since he was a child, he has shouldered too much in order to survive and live a decent life. His tiredness has never been seen by anyone, but Liu Miantang truly not only talks about it but also does it.

This made Cui Xingzhou feel for the first time that he could rely on someone and not be so tired.

Because Liu Miantang gave him the feeling of fighting side by side, which satisfied the love and security he lacked in his native family, it was inevitable that he would fall in love with Liu Miantang.

In the end, Cui Xingzhou fell in love with Liu Miantang because she was Lu Wen.

Cui Xingzhou originally kept Liu Miantang because he thought Liu Miantang was Lu Wen's concubine and wanted to use her to fish out Lu Wen.

Cui Xingzhou has complicated feelings for Lu Wen. Although the two have different positions, Cui Xingzhou has always admired Lu Wen's talent and ability.

He always wanted to capture Yangshan, but he suffered a lot from Lu Wen. He always had a feeling of sympathy for Lu Wen.

So when he learned that Liu Miantang was Lu Wen, although he was shocked, he also admired him even more.

Because such a woman turned out to be the Lu Wen he had been thinking about day and night. This identity gave Liu Miantang more personality charm.

also made Cui Xingzhou fall in love with her even more, because such a person is not only a lover, but also an opponent, and a comrade who can fight side by side.

Princess Huaiyang like this can be said to be a match made in heaven for Cui Xingzhou. The two are equally matched. Not only that, they also understand each other. This kind of connection will make Cui Xingzhou fall in love with Liu Miantang instead of the vain and selfish one. Cousin Lian.

Liu Miantang was just a chess piece accidentally saved by Cui Xingzhou at first. Cui Xingzhou used her amnesia to pretend to be her husband in order to capture Yangshan Lu Wen.

But I didn’t expect Cui Xingzhou to fall in love with the chess piece in the end, and even end up marrying her in the end.

You must know that Cui Xingzhou is known as "Sai Xia Hui". In the end, such a person fell deeply in love with Liu Miantang.

Behind this lies the pain of Cui Xingzhou’s native family, as well as the good of Liu Miantang.

"Sai Xia Hui" Cui Xingzhou

First of all, I want to explain what "Sai Xia Hui" is.

In fact, the title "Sai Xia Hui" is a nickname given to Cui Xingzhou by many people in the original work.

The original work writes:

’s determination and determination were so admired by his colleagues that he was nicknamed “Sai Xia Hui”. If he plays like this again in the future, everyone will consciously avoid him.

After all, when you are wandering around, there is a person with clear eyes on the side, following you outside the sheepfold looking at the livestock. No one can stand this feeling.

This is not because Cui Xingzhou specifically adheres to the way of a gentleman, but because he feels that if he cannot control his desires at will, how will he be different from those reptiles and livestock?

Cui Xingzhou is a person who is born with a strong desire for control. He does not allow his desires to be controlled in the hands of others, let alone the hands of despicable women such as dancers and singers.

In the original work, Cui Xingzhou is a man with strong self-control, not a womanizer, and can control himself even if he is drugged.

He has always been very indifferent in the relationship between men and women. He had previously agreed to the marriage that his mother had arranged for him to marry his cousin Lian.

There is not much love between men and women. He agreed to this marriage, on the one hand, out of filial piety, and on the other hand, he felt that as long as this woman could be a good princess of Huaiyang and take care of the internal affairs, everything else was not important.

So he didn’t care who that person was, as long as it was suitable, so for him, Cousin Lian could be the Princess of Huaiyang and was willing to be, so he just let her be.

The reason why Cui Xingzhou doesn't care about his marriage is because Cui Xingzhou has not been in love before, and he still doesn't understand what true love is.

Why did Cui Xingzhou fall in love with Liu Miantang?

Cui Xingzhou did not love cousin Lian, but eventually fell in love with Liu Miantang, and even ended up hurting his own leg to cancel the marriage to the princess in order to be with Liu Miantang.

In the end, he refused to marry Liu Miantang, who was deeply in love with her. There were three reasons behind this.

Reason one: Trouble with the Cui family.

Although Cui Xingzhou is the only legitimate son of the Cui family, he ranks ninth.

This is one of the reasons why when Liu Miantang woke up and heard Zhao Quan calling Cui Xingzhou Cui Jiu, he mistook him for being her husband.

Because Zhao Quan called him Cui Jiu Zhenzhi because he was the ninth oldest child in the family.

Cui Xingzhou's father was very carefree when he was young, and although his mother was of noble birth, she could not win her husband's heart, and she was also incompetent.

Cui Xingzhou had a sister who was born from the same mother, and he had eight brothers who were born as concubines.

Cui Xingzhou's father had an unknown number of concubines when he was young, and he had no idea how many romantic accounts he had outside.

This led to the fact that Cui Xingzhou's mother in the Huaiyang Prince's Palace did not have an easy life when she was young, and it was also very difficult even when she gave birth to her legitimate son.

Cui Xingzhou grew up in such a complicated relationship and saw too many intrigues.

He paid too much to survive and successfully become the King of Huaiyang. Coupled with his mother's incompetence, he was precocious since he was a child.

You must know that by the time he took over the Huaiyang Palace, he only had one older brother left, and he could only survive in the Palace because of his disabled feet.

Ever since Cui Xingzhou successfully ascended the throne and became the Queen of Huaiyang, the old princess's life began to get better.

And the palace began to become simple and clean, and behind this was Cui Xingzhou who had been burdened too much since childhood.

This is also the reason why Cui Xingzhou has been indifferent to matters between men and women since he was a child. Because he hates his father and because he has been busy surviving and surviving in the palace, he fell in love relatively late.

Reason two: The Lian family’s greed.

The Lian family and the Cui family are cousins, and the mistress of the Lian family and Cui Xingzhou's mother, Princess Chu, are biological sisters.

So the two families are related, and Cui Xingzhou has made military exploits over the years and successfully ascended the throne. Concubine Chu's life has also improved.

The Lian family's aunt often came to the Cui Mansion to accompany Concubine Chu, and she also brought her daughter Lian Ruilan with her. In fact, their idea was very simple, they just wanted to get married to the Cui family.

After all, the Cui family today is much more prosperous than the Lian family, and the children of the Lian family are all incompetent. Lian Ruilan's father has not made any achievements, and her brothers are not outstanding either.

Therefore, the Lian family wanted to climb up to the Cui family and fly up the branches to become a phoenix. However, Princess Chu was soft-hearted and agreed to the marriage between the two families.

From the beginning, Cui Xingzhou followed his mother's wishes and accepted the marriage with the Lian family, and also helped the Lian family in every way.

But the Lian family was too greedy, and their food looked ugly, which made Cui Xingzhou feel disgusted from the bottom of his heart.

The original work writes:

After he got engaged to Lian Binlan, the Lian family would have trouble with him from time to time, and he would try his best to deal with them one by one as patiently as possible.

In comparison, the population of Miantang's family is simple, the Liu family is almost extinct, and the children of the Lu family have been warned by Mr. Lu that they are not allowed to cling to Miantang, climb up dragons and phoenixes, and only guard their own family business to support themselves without giving any income. Liu Yatou is causing trouble.

The Lian family not only seeks official positions for themselves, but also for their children and nephews, but those people are often unable to be reused. The Lian family is very greedy.

Even so, Cui Xingzhou has done everything he can, but deep down he still hates this kind of greedy family.

Especially after he married Liu Miantang, the contrast between the Lu family and the Lian family deepened Cui Xingzhou's disdain for the Lian family.

Reason three: Liu Miantang is good.

Of course, the most important reason why Cui Xingzhou fell in love with Liu Miantang was because Liu Miantang was a very good person.

First of all, as a woman, Liu Miantang has one obvious advantage, which is her beauty.

The original work writes:

When they found out that she was the fiancée of the King of Huaiyang, they all suddenly realized, thinking: No wonder she quit the marriage with the Lian family and turned around to marry such a beautiful woman who is alluring to the country!

Liu Miantang is extremely beautiful, and she is considered to be the most beautiful girl in the original work. Even when she lost her memory and was kept in Lingquan Town by Cui Xingzhou, the men and women there would stop to witness her beauty.

Because she is so beautiful. Although this advantage of

is a bit tacky, it is very useful to Cui Xingzhou. Cui Xingzhou has always had the reputation of being a "satisfied person", but Liu Miantang broke his bottom line.

Secondly, it was because Liu Miantang treated him sincerely and felt really sorry for him when he lost his memory.

When Liu Miantang lost his memory, he really regarded Cui Xingzhou as his husband Cui Jiu.

At that time, in order to deceive Liu Miantang, Cui Xingzhou said that he was playing chess outside to please the powerful and support his family.

He drank too much at the palace that day. When he returned to Lingquan Town, Liu Miantang thought it was because of the pressure in his life and said some personal words to him.

Although those words were a misunderstanding, they spoke to Cui Xingzhou's heart.

The original work writes:

At this time, although Cui Xingzhou's drunkenness had faded a little, his body was still tired. When Miantang asked, he said: "No one has ever said that I can rest, and I felt a little emotional for a moment... Xiaomen Xiaohu , and it has its own benefits..."

His words were half-truths, but the feelings in his heart were true. His mother was weak, and since he was a child, he had to compete with several aunts and concubine brothers who were pressing down on his mother and son.

After inheriting his father's throne, he had to fight against the courtiers who wanted to remove the king and take away the land.

No one has ever said to him, "Take a break and go play." However, there are always people who remind him that if he falls, he will be defeated and everything will be lost. Don't even think about making a comeback...

At that time, Liu Miantang wanted to start her own business to support her family. She didn’t want to put too much pressure on her husband, so she comforted him to take a break whenever he wanted and let him live as he pleased.

But he had never heard anyone say these words to him since he was a child. Even his biological mother, Princess Chu, had never understood his son's difficulties.

Since he was a child, he has shouldered too much in order to survive and live a decent life. His tiredness has never been seen by anyone, but Liu Miantang truly not only talks about it but also does it.

This made Cui Xingzhou feel for the first time that he could rely on someone and not be so tired.

Because Liu Miantang gave him the feeling of fighting side by side, which satisfied the love and security he lacked in his native family, it was inevitable that he would fall in love with Liu Miantang.

In the end, Cui Xingzhou fell in love with Liu Miantang because she was Lu Wen.

Cui Xingzhou originally kept Liu Miantang because he thought Liu Miantang was Lu Wen's concubine and wanted to use her to fish out Lu Wen.

Cui Xingzhou has complicated feelings for Lu Wen. Although the two have different positions, Cui Xingzhou has always admired Lu Wen's talent and ability.

He always wanted to capture Yangshan, but he suffered a lot from Lu Wen. He always had a feeling of sympathy for Lu Wen.

So when he learned that Liu Miantang was Lu Wen, although he was shocked, he also admired him even more.

Because such a woman turned out to be the Lu Wen he had been thinking about day and night. This identity gave Liu Miantang more personality charm.

also made Cui Xingzhou fall in love with her even more, because such a person is not only a lover, but also an opponent, and a comrade who can fight side by side.

Princess Huaiyang like this can be said to be a match made in heaven for Cui Xingzhou. The two are equally matched. Not only that, they also understand each other. This kind of connection will make Cui Xingzhou fall in love with Liu Miantang instead of the vain and selfish one. Cousin Lian.