Recently, many netizens are paying attention to the topic of the live broadcast industry. I believe you have seen a lot of content in this area. During this period, one thing has aroused heated discussion among many people. That is what kind of live broadcast type is the fut

Recently, many netizens are paying attention to the topic of the live broadcast industry. I believe you have seen a lot of content in this area. During this period, one thing has aroused heated discussion among many people.

That is what kind of live broadcast type is the future direction now. Live streaming with goods is indeed very popular at present, but live streaming with goods is now too saturated. In such a saturated state, it is really difficult to start from scratch. .

As a result, many anchors began to change their thinking. Currently, there are two directions that are their main development directions. The first is short dramas. This does not yield results so quickly, but if you accumulate more and more, there will be considerable profits in the future.

The second direction is group broadcasting. This direction is easy to get results. Group broadcasting, as the name suggests, is a group of people live broadcasting together, usually female anchors. Their group broadcasting is to dance, and if you want them to dance, you have to buy gifts.

And each gift represents a certain female anchor. If you swipe the corresponding gift, the corresponding anchor will come out to dance, and the others will rest behind, so it often happens that one person dances all night.

Because everyone likes the feeling of exhausting one of them to death, torturing an anchor in one night and making the anchor sweat profusely. This feeling of teasing others satisfies some people's psychology, so this kind of group broadcast The method was very successful.

Recently, many netizens are paying attention to the topic of the live broadcast industry. I believe you have seen a lot of content in this area. During this period, one thing has aroused heated discussion among many people.

That is what kind of live broadcast type is the future direction now. Live streaming with goods is indeed very popular at present, but live streaming with goods is now too saturated. In such a saturated state, it is really difficult to start from scratch. .

As a result, many anchors began to change their thinking. Currently, there are two directions that are their main development directions. The first is short dramas. This does not yield results so quickly, but if you accumulate more and more, there will be considerable profits in the future.

The second direction is group broadcasting. This direction is easy to get results. Group broadcasting, as the name suggests, is a group of people live broadcasting together, usually female anchors. Their group broadcasting is to dance, and if you want them to dance, you have to buy gifts.

And each gift represents a certain female anchor. If you swipe the corresponding gift, the corresponding anchor will come out to dance, and the others will rest behind, so it often happens that one person dances all night.

Because everyone likes the feeling of exhausting one of them to death, torturing an anchor in one night and making the anchor sweat profusely. This feeling of teasing others satisfies some people's psychology, so this kind of group broadcast The method was very successful.

Some group broadcasts can even exceed 3.5 million live broadcasts in one night. Nowadays, beauty group broadcasts have become a new trend in live broadcasts. Although many female anchors are so tired from dancing that they become cross-eyed, there are still many people joining them one after another. What do you want to say about this? ?