"The last time Tianshui was so famous was during Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition." When Malatang became popular across the country and became a phenomenon-level IP, people in Tianshui often joked like this. This small town in northwest China is named after the "Tianhe Water Flo

"The last time Tianshui was so famous was during Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition." When Malatang became popular across the country and became a phenomenon-level IP, people in Tianshui often joked like this.

This small town in northwest China got its name from the "Tianhe Water Filling". This time, what fell from the sky was a huge amount of traffic. From the beginning of March to the end of June, online topics related to Tianshui were circulated 43.09 billion times; offline, a large number of tourists poured in from all over the country. Tianshui, with a population of only 3 million, received a total of more than 23.79 million tourists, and tourists spent more than 13.6 billion on travel. Yuan, a year-on-year increase of 46.94% and 48.65% respectively, and radiated the tourism market in Gansu province into the peak season two months ahead of schedule. Nowadays, the popularity of Malatang has stabilized, but Tianshui cultural tourism has not "cooled down". From the prosperity of one industry to the prosperity of all industries, how does Tianshui transform the temporary traffic efforts into an increase in development?

Check in advance to feel the pulse and fight a well-prepared battle

"Tianshui is probably going to be popular." At the end of February and early March, when the video about Tianshui Malatang spread online, the municipal party committee and city government were keenly aware of it and asked relevant functional departments Conduct on-site inspections, collect information at any time, and report to the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government in a timely manner. On March 6, the municipal government held a special meeting; on March 10, the main leaders of the municipal party committee and government went to the courtyard where the video was shot for on-site investigation and on-site meetings, and convened the Qinzhou District and Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, Market Supervision Bureau, Commerce Bureau, and Traffic Police Responsible comrades from the team and other relevant departments jointly planned the response and guidance after the Tianshui fire broke out. The traffic of

came unexpectedly, but to catch and take advantage of this wave of traffic requires real efforts. “Service guarantee has to compete with network communication.” Pei Kangji, deputy director of the Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, said, “In the Internet era, traffic is a ‘double-edged sword’. Our biggest feeling at that time was that we must respond quickly, the faster the better. If the service and guarantee run a little slower, problems will arise. "

For Tianshui, the first important thing is to set up a special team for Malatang guarantee service, with the main leaders of the municipal party committee and the municipal government as double team leaders. More than 20 staff members were assigned full-time to work together, and a working model of "provincial and municipal coordination, two districts as the main focus, five counties as the linkage, and department coordination" was established.

"There is no place to park, can you help me solve this problem?" "There is garbage over there, and the environment is messy and poor." The dedicated phone rings 24 hours a day. In mid-March, Tianshui painted walls, wiped railings, and repaired roads overnight; as soon as they left the high-speed rail station, volunteers guided tourists to take the special line, and party members took the lead in setting up a voluntary convoy to pick up the station; the municipal party committee and the municipal government opened the compound to provide free parking and boiled water for tourists. The traffic police moved the police car to make way for tourists... The rugged northwest men talk about "petting babies" and jokingly say that their main job is to "take advice".

But Tianshui's "ambition" goes far beyond that. It is necessary to seize the time, respond actively, listen to tourists' opinions with an open mind, and respond enthusiastically to tourists' needs; it is also necessary to plan for the long term, strengthen guidance, take advantage of the east wind of traffic, lay out and promote with "visible hands", and seize the initiative in development.

From the beginning, Tianshui’s leading cadres focused on more than just the bowl of Malatang. The service guarantee work plan issued in mid-March proposed to fully promote the deep integration of Malatang service guarantee work with the cultural tourism industry, and with the agricultural specialty industry. Bind, deeply fit with the city's image, and deeply related to people's livelihood and well-being, keep a close eye on small industries, and make big contributions. From the Malatang stall in the courtyard to the ancient city of Tianshui, from food culture to the promotion of tourism resources such as Maiji Mountain and Fuxi Temple, from cultural tourism consumption to promoting the development of agricultural industries such as peppers and vermicelli, from the local characteristics of Tianshui to other cities and states. "Setting up a stage to sing an opera", under the leadership of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, Tianshui launched a "combination punch" that mobilized the whole city and linked up with the whole province, increasing the "flow" and embarking on the fast lane of development.

According to statistics, in the fixed asset investment in Tianshui in the first half of the year, the wholesale and retail industry increased by 180.5%, the railway transportation industry increased by 40.2%, and the entertainment industry increased by 63.8%. In addition, the improvement of the city's reputation has also released more word-of-mouth dividends, and funds received outside the province for newly signed investment projects and new and continued construction projects have increased. Tianshui not only gained attention and excitement, but also gained real money.

Take the initiative to go to the masses and ask the people for their plans and needs.

If the cultural and tourism departments are under great pressure to improve tourist experience and do a good job in city brand building and publicity, then for the market supervision departments, food hygiene and production safety are It is the "Sword of Damocles" hanging over their heads. Under the huge passenger flow and high exposure, there is no room for any problems.

Currently, there are 594 Malatang merchants in the city. They are multi-subject, widely dispersed, small-scale and difficult to manage. For example, Malatang merchants are accustomed to putting food bags on bowls, which is a headache for Dong Xiaoming, director of the Market Supervision Bureau.

To ensure food safety and enhance brand image, a small revolution in catering must be started. However, if administrative orders are issued blindly without helping merchants solve practical problems, it will be difficult to implement them. After conducting field surveys and visiting merchants, everyone reported that cost is the main obstacle to replacing disposable tableware. Therefore, on the one hand, the Market Supervision Bureau contacted and coordinated the relevant tableware production and operation enterprises in the city to exchange large quantities for low prices; on the other hand, it visited merchants door to door and did a good job in ideological work, ultimately achieving a win-win situation for manufacturers and merchants.

Not only that, raw material processing, tableware decontamination, gas safety, reasonable prices... every link cannot be missed. After the surge in tourists, grassroots market supervision departments face practical difficulties such as heavy pressure, heavy tasks and few manpower. It is better to go out on the streets and provide door-to-door service than to sit at the desk in the office and give orders. The Market Supervision Bureau has fully decentralized its work force. 7 county-level cadres and 125 department-level cadres have been sent to the front line. They provide scientific and technical services, person-to-person, and one-to-one on-the-spot guidance to serve 123 towns (subdistrict offices) and two key areas. Regional Malatang business entity. Since March, a total of 26,300 catering service units have been inspected, and 879 problems have been rectified, effectively ensuring the "safety on the tip of the tongue" for the masses.

Maiji Mountain, 20 kilometers away from Tianshui City, is also one of the popular gathering places for tourists to check in. From March 1 to June 30 alone, the number of tourists to Maiji Mountain Scenic Area increased by 102.45% year-on-year. It's so hot and you can enjoy the scenery. The scenic spot management committee not only takes the initiative to take over the Internet popularity, driving the "popularity" of the Maiji Mountain Scenic Spot; it also constantly listens to tourists' opinions, expands the capacity of the scenic spot, improves the service quality, and opens the urban area to solve the problem of traffic inconvenience. The special tourist line that goes directly to Maiji Mountain has promoted the "one-ticket three-day tour" of major scenic spots in response to the problem of tourist concentration, and has advanced the opening hours of scenic spots and delayed the departure time to meet the needs of tourists to the maximum extent. Online "traffic" is converted into offline "retention".

Improving the level of farmhouse catering is also an inevitable move to meet the needs of tourists. Huo Yanting, secretary of the Party Committee of Maiji Town at the foot of Maiji Mountain, has been busy with this matter recently.

"Maijishan Farmhouse started early, but in the past 10 years it has remained stuck in the previous model, unable to keep up with the pace of development and consumer demand." Visited villages and households to find out the situation and demands of each of the 275 farmhouses. Later, on the one hand, the town sought financial support and obtained loans from the Provincial Agricultural Development Bank of China. The district subsidized interest rates for three years and has now helped more than 40 farmhouses to upgrade and transform. On the other hand, the town strengthened the construction of farmhouse industry associations and promoted the platform for good work. , those who engage in cheating and other behaviors will be included in the blacklist to promote orderly competition and standardized development of the industry.

"This year's farmhouse income has at least doubled compared to last year. Farmers are happy, tourists are satisfied, and we also have a sense of accomplishment." Huo Yanting said.

From the prosperity of one industry to the prosperity of all industries, Tianshui firmly seizes the development opportunities.

Burden reduction and energy increase meet the traffic express to stimulate endogenous power

From Zibo to Harbin, from Guazhou to Tianshui, people are thinking, when will party members and cadres start to show a new atmosphere and drive the city to show a new look?

"If we don’t have a good style, will we have fighting ability? If we don’t have a good style, can we win this battle? Then we will lose. Not only will we not be able to catch this wave of traffic, but we will also turn from an Internet celebrity city to an Internet black city. City." From the words of the director of Tianshui City Culture and Tourism Bureau, we can get a glimpse of the answer.

's sudden large traffic and high exposure, as well as the influx of tourists from all directions, test a city's management and service capabilities and development planning capabilities. This is when it is time to go to the battlefield with real swords and test the styles of cadres, and there is no tolerance. Those formalistic and vain things. Combating formalism to reduce the burden on the grassroots and encourage party members and cadres to take on their responsibilities is the right time for Tianshui, which is facing the test of cultural tourism.

On the one hand, the orientation of reducing burdens on the grassroots and promoting responsibilities has been clearly established throughout the party, and the atmosphere of advocating hard work has become increasingly strong. Just as a certain town party committee secretary lamented during the interview, "Before the burden was reduced at the grassroots level, it was really meetings during the day and work at night; meetings during the week and work on weekends. Homework was assigned every day, but we were not given time to do it." Grassroots level Since the burden reduction, especially this year, everyone has generally reported that the burden reduction is strong, the problems are accurately grasped, and the grassroots comrades have really seen changes. In the first half of the year, Tianshui City's municipal-level inspection and assessment activities were reduced by 22%, discussion and coordination agencies were reduced by 85.6%, more than 1,500 unnecessary work groups were disbanded, and more than 1,500 plaques of various types were cleared... The common feeling of the interviewed comrades is ——"Freeing us from our desks will give us more time to go out to the masses and understand their needs."

On the other hand, Party members, cadres and officers have more intrinsic motivation to start their own businesses when they see the value of their work through hard work. . The situation is booming, and the people who benefit most directly are ordinary people. The income of taxi drivers has doubled from five to six thousand yuan a month in the past to tens of thousands of yuan. The stall selling mineral water used to sell 20 bottles a day, but now it sells more than 200 bottles. Restaurants, hotels, and fruit shops have all caught on to the traffic express. , the retail sales of the 22 restricted enterprises that carry out large cherry sales business increased by 103.2% year-on-year. "There are more smiling faces among the people, and we are more motivated." Tianshui became popular, and the pride of Tianshui people also increased greatly. "When I used to go to Beijing for meetings, and people asked me where I came from, I could only say it was near Xi'an. Now people all over the country know about Tianshui." The cadres are full of confidence, and have enriched the pockets of the common people and won a good reputation for their hometown. Full of sense of accomplishment and eager to achieve greater results again.

Tianshui catches the flow, like an unexpected class test, measuring the results of ten years of improvement in style; Tianshui catches the flow, and in the smiles of the people and the development of real money, advocating hard work becomes more and more people. choose. When the new trends of the times hit traffic opportunities, when the persistent improvement in work styles truly promotes political integration and people-building, stories like this in Tianshui continue to emerge just like "thousands of pear trees blooming".

"The last time Tianshui was so famous was during Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition." When Malatang became popular across the country and became a phenomenon-level IP, people in Tianshui often joked like this.

This small town in northwest China got its name from the "Tianhe Water Filling". This time, what fell from the sky was a huge amount of traffic. From the beginning of March to the end of June, online topics related to Tianshui were circulated 43.09 billion times; offline, a large number of tourists poured in from all over the country. Tianshui, with a population of only 3 million, received a total of more than 23.79 million tourists, and tourists spent more than 13.6 billion on travel. Yuan, a year-on-year increase of 46.94% and 48.65% respectively, and radiated the tourism market in Gansu province into the peak season two months ahead of schedule. Nowadays, the popularity of Malatang has stabilized, but Tianshui cultural tourism has not "cooled down". From the prosperity of one industry to the prosperity of all industries, how does Tianshui transform the temporary traffic efforts into an increase in development?

Check in advance to feel the pulse and fight a well-prepared battle

"Tianshui is probably going to be popular." At the end of February and early March, when the video about Tianshui Malatang spread online, the municipal party committee and city government were keenly aware of it and asked relevant functional departments Conduct on-site inspections, collect information at any time, and report to the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government in a timely manner. On March 6, the municipal government held a special meeting; on March 10, the main leaders of the municipal party committee and government went to the courtyard where the video was shot for on-site investigation and on-site meetings, and convened the Qinzhou District and Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, Market Supervision Bureau, Commerce Bureau, and Traffic Police Responsible comrades from the team and other relevant departments jointly planned the response and guidance after the Tianshui fire broke out. The traffic of

came unexpectedly, but to catch and take advantage of this wave of traffic requires real efforts. “Service guarantee has to compete with network communication.” Pei Kangji, deputy director of the Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, said, “In the Internet era, traffic is a ‘double-edged sword’. Our biggest feeling at that time was that we must respond quickly, the faster the better. If the service and guarantee run a little slower, problems will arise. "

For Tianshui, the first important thing is to set up a special team for Malatang guarantee service, with the main leaders of the municipal party committee and the municipal government as double team leaders. More than 20 staff members were assigned full-time to work together, and a working model of "provincial and municipal coordination, two districts as the main focus, five counties as the linkage, and department coordination" was established.

"There is no place to park, can you help me solve this problem?" "There is garbage over there, and the environment is messy and poor." The dedicated phone rings 24 hours a day. In mid-March, Tianshui painted walls, wiped railings, and repaired roads overnight; as soon as they left the high-speed rail station, volunteers guided tourists to take the special line, and party members took the lead in setting up a voluntary convoy to pick up the station; the municipal party committee and the municipal government opened the compound to provide free parking and boiled water for tourists. The traffic police moved the police car to make way for tourists... The rugged northwest men talk about "petting babies" and jokingly say that their main job is to "take advice".

But Tianshui's "ambition" goes far beyond that. It is necessary to seize the time, respond actively, listen to tourists' opinions with an open mind, and respond enthusiastically to tourists' needs; it is also necessary to plan for the long term, strengthen guidance, take advantage of the east wind of traffic, lay out and promote with "visible hands", and seize the initiative in development.

From the beginning, Tianshui’s leading cadres focused on more than just the bowl of Malatang. The service guarantee work plan issued in mid-March proposed to fully promote the deep integration of Malatang service guarantee work with the cultural tourism industry, and with the agricultural specialty industry. Bind, deeply fit with the city's image, and deeply related to people's livelihood and well-being, keep a close eye on small industries, and make big contributions. From the Malatang stall in the courtyard to the ancient city of Tianshui, from food culture to the promotion of tourism resources such as Maiji Mountain and Fuxi Temple, from cultural tourism consumption to promoting the development of agricultural industries such as peppers and vermicelli, from the local characteristics of Tianshui to other cities and states. "Setting up a stage to sing an opera", under the leadership of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, Tianshui launched a "combination punch" that mobilized the whole city and linked up with the whole province, increasing the "flow" and embarking on the fast lane of development.

According to statistics, in the fixed asset investment in Tianshui in the first half of the year, the wholesale and retail industry increased by 180.5%, the railway transportation industry increased by 40.2%, and the entertainment industry increased by 63.8%. In addition, the improvement of the city's reputation has also released more word-of-mouth dividends, and funds received outside the province for newly signed investment projects and new and continued construction projects have increased. Tianshui not only gained attention and excitement, but also gained real money.

Take the initiative to go to the masses and ask the people for their plans and needs.

If the cultural and tourism departments are under great pressure to improve tourist experience and do a good job in city brand building and publicity, then for the market supervision departments, food hygiene and production safety are It is the "Sword of Damocles" hanging over their heads. Under the huge passenger flow and high exposure, there is no room for any problems.

Currently, there are 594 Malatang merchants in the city. They are multi-subject, widely dispersed, small-scale and difficult to manage. For example, Malatang merchants are accustomed to putting food bags on bowls, which is a headache for Dong Xiaoming, director of the Market Supervision Bureau.

To ensure food safety and enhance brand image, a small revolution in catering must be started. However, if administrative orders are issued blindly without helping merchants solve practical problems, it will be difficult to implement them. After conducting field surveys and visiting merchants, everyone reported that cost is the main obstacle to replacing disposable tableware. Therefore, on the one hand, the Market Supervision Bureau contacted and coordinated the relevant tableware production and operation enterprises in the city to exchange large quantities for low prices; on the other hand, it visited merchants door to door and did a good job in ideological work, ultimately achieving a win-win situation for manufacturers and merchants.

Not only that, raw material processing, tableware decontamination, gas safety, reasonable prices... every link cannot be missed. After the surge in tourists, grassroots market supervision departments face practical difficulties such as heavy pressure, heavy tasks and few manpower. It is better to go out on the streets and provide door-to-door service than to sit at the desk in the office and give orders. The Market Supervision Bureau has fully decentralized its work force. 7 county-level cadres and 125 department-level cadres have been sent to the front line. They provide scientific and technical services, person-to-person, and one-to-one on-the-spot guidance to serve 123 towns (subdistrict offices) and two key areas. Regional Malatang business entity. Since March, a total of 26,300 catering service units have been inspected, and 879 problems have been rectified, effectively ensuring the "safety on the tip of the tongue" for the masses.

Maiji Mountain, 20 kilometers away from Tianshui City, is also one of the popular gathering places for tourists to check in. From March 1 to June 30 alone, the number of tourists to Maiji Mountain Scenic Area increased by 102.45% year-on-year. It's so hot and you can enjoy the scenery. The scenic spot management committee not only takes the initiative to take over the Internet popularity, driving the "popularity" of the Maiji Mountain Scenic Spot; it also constantly listens to tourists' opinions, expands the capacity of the scenic spot, improves the service quality, and opens the urban area to solve the problem of traffic inconvenience. The special tourist line that goes directly to Maiji Mountain has promoted the "one-ticket three-day tour" of major scenic spots in response to the problem of tourist concentration, and has advanced the opening hours of scenic spots and delayed the departure time to meet the needs of tourists to the maximum extent. Online "traffic" is converted into offline "retention".

Improving the level of farmhouse catering is also an inevitable move to meet the needs of tourists. Huo Yanting, secretary of the Party Committee of Maiji Town at the foot of Maiji Mountain, has been busy with this matter recently.

"Maijishan Farmhouse started early, but in the past 10 years it has remained stuck in the previous model, unable to keep up with the pace of development and consumer demand." Visited villages and households to find out the situation and demands of each of the 275 farmhouses. Later, on the one hand, the town sought financial support and obtained loans from the Provincial Agricultural Development Bank of China. The district subsidized interest rates for three years and has now helped more than 40 farmhouses to upgrade and transform. On the other hand, the town strengthened the construction of farmhouse industry associations and promoted the platform for good work. , those who engage in cheating and other behaviors will be included in the blacklist to promote orderly competition and standardized development of the industry.

"This year's farmhouse income has at least doubled compared to last year. Farmers are happy, tourists are satisfied, and we also have a sense of accomplishment." Huo Yanting said.

From the prosperity of one industry to the prosperity of all industries, Tianshui firmly seizes the development opportunities.

Burden reduction and energy increase meet the traffic express to stimulate endogenous power

From Zibo to Harbin, from Guazhou to Tianshui, people are thinking, when will party members and cadres start to show a new atmosphere and drive the city to show a new look?

"If we don’t have a good style, will we have fighting ability? If we don’t have a good style, can we win this battle? Then we will lose. Not only will we not be able to catch this wave of traffic, but we will also turn from an Internet celebrity city to an Internet black city. City." From the words of the director of Tianshui City Culture and Tourism Bureau, we can get a glimpse of the answer.

's sudden large traffic and high exposure, as well as the influx of tourists from all directions, test a city's management and service capabilities and development planning capabilities. This is when it is time to go to the battlefield with real swords and test the styles of cadres, and there is no tolerance. Those formalistic and vain things. Combating formalism to reduce the burden on the grassroots and encourage party members and cadres to take on their responsibilities is the right time for Tianshui, which is facing the test of cultural tourism.

On the one hand, the orientation of reducing burdens on the grassroots and promoting responsibilities has been clearly established throughout the party, and the atmosphere of advocating hard work has become increasingly strong. Just as a certain town party committee secretary lamented during the interview, "Before the burden was reduced at the grassroots level, it was really meetings during the day and work at night; meetings during the week and work on weekends. Homework was assigned every day, but we were not given time to do it." Grassroots level Since the burden reduction, especially this year, everyone has generally reported that the burden reduction is strong, the problems are accurately grasped, and the grassroots comrades have really seen changes. In the first half of the year, Tianshui City's municipal-level inspection and assessment activities were reduced by 22%, discussion and coordination agencies were reduced by 85.6%, more than 1,500 unnecessary work groups were disbanded, and more than 1,500 plaques of various types were cleared... The common feeling of the interviewed comrades is ——"Freeing us from our desks will give us more time to go out to the masses and understand their needs."

On the other hand, Party members, cadres and officers have more intrinsic motivation to start their own businesses when they see the value of their work through hard work. . The situation is booming, and the people who benefit most directly are ordinary people. The income of taxi drivers has doubled from five to six thousand yuan a month in the past to tens of thousands of yuan. The stall selling mineral water used to sell 20 bottles a day, but now it sells more than 200 bottles. Restaurants, hotels, and fruit shops have all caught on to the traffic express. , the retail sales of the 22 restricted enterprises that carry out large cherry sales business increased by 103.2% year-on-year. "There are more smiling faces among the people, and we are more motivated." Tianshui became popular, and the pride of Tianshui people also increased greatly. "When I used to go to Beijing for meetings, and people asked me where I came from, I could only say it was near Xi'an. Now people all over the country know about Tianshui." The cadres are full of confidence, and have enriched the pockets of the common people and won a good reputation for their hometown. Full of sense of accomplishment and eager to achieve greater results again.

Tianshui catches the flow, like an unexpected class test, measuring the results of ten years of improvement in style; Tianshui catches the flow, and in the smiles of the people and the development of real money, advocating hard work becomes more and more people. choose. When the new trends of the times hit traffic opportunities, when the persistent improvement in work styles truly promotes political integration and people-building, stories like this in Tianshui continue to emerge just like "thousands of pear trees blooming".

(This article was published in the 2024 issue 16 of the "China Discipline Inspection and Supervision" magazine, author: Wang Bin Huangyue)