Spiderman: Parallel Universe, an excellent superhero animated movie, breaking the traditional pattern!

has watched a lot of animated movies recently. Among them, the weather’s children, Inception are good, but I prefer to watch Spider-Man. The Marvel series of Spider-Man once again aroused my expectations for Spider-Man , I was still in school when I watched a Spider-Man movie, but now it turns out that a "Spider-Man: Into the Parallel Universe" is an animated film, and many plots and special effects are new, which makes me very burning! The animated film

has brought a lot of changes to people. Because of the plot setting, there will be many different kinds of Spider-Man, and the big belly version of Spider-Man, the Spider-Man played by a pig, etc. People laugh out loud, and the most novel thing is the appearance of the female version of Spider-Man. No one thought that Sony would challenge Disney with a superhero animated movie. Everyone knows that animated movies are usually made by Disney. More famous, so this time Spider-Man: Parallel Universe gave the audience a big surprise! The first thing that

​​is commendable is that the graphics are so cool. The Spider-Man is very interesting, the story is very complete, the black spider growth trajectory is clear and reasonable, and the front and back echo details are also great! I have never seen the style of Meiman on the screen. I put the comics on the screen and broke the pages of the book. I really regret not seeing it in the cinema!

As a person who likes the live-action version of Spider-Man, I also like the animated version very much. This version of Spider-Man shows me more of teamwork, and as a brave person, that is the hero, and Spider-Man is It is a good show to everyone what a "good house" hero is! Interested friends can go and find out!