On August 25th, Wang Xiaofei’s ex-girlfriend Zhang Yingying went all out. She revealed that Zhang Lan used this to force Uncle Wang into marrying her. She also angrily accused Wang Xiaofei of being an incompetent and incompetent baby with neither sex nor sex. She also broke the n

On August 25, Wang Xiaofei’s ex-girlfriend Zhang Yingying was in full force. She broke the news that Zhang Lan took the ball to the top and used this to force Uncle Wang to marry. She also angrily accused Wang Xiaofei of being an incompetent and incompetent baby who has neither sex nor sex. She also broke the news. Some other inside stories are definitely explosive enough anyway.

Zhang Yingying’s content also attracted a large number of attention and comments from netizens and fans. Indeed, there were all kinds of voices. Many netizens naturally support Zhang Yingying. After all, Zhang Yingying is a girlfriend who got pregnant for Wang Xiaofei. How could she be an undercover agent as the paparazzi said?

In addition, many netizens sneered at Zhang Yingying’s actions and said bluntly: No matter how much you trust someone, you must be on guard, because she may reveal what you have confided to her at any time, and it will become a public issue in the future. The means by which she attacks you and even destroys you.

I have to say that this netizen’s words are also very reasonable. I can only say that "it is reasonable for the public to speak to the public, and it is reasonable for the mother-in-law to speak to the mother-in-law."

Everyone knows that Zhang Yingying’s revelation is indeed violent enough, but obviously Zhang Lan will never sit still and wait for death. As expected, Zhang Lan has chosen to fight back, and it seems that it has already begun.

Just yesterday Zhang Lan also responded in the video. Zhang Lan said this: "When you are crossing a single-plank bridge, a mad dog comes from the opposite side and bites you. As a human being, will you bite it back? ? Of course not, the correct way is to find a hunter and shoot it. The hunter is the lawyer, and everything will be handled by the law." From Zhang Lan's words, it can be heard that she has alluded to Zhang Yingying. Mad dog. As for why Zhang Lan didn’t attack Zhang Yingying as mentioned by netizens, Zhang Lan thinks that if a mad dog bites you, shouldn’t you bite you back? Obviously this approach is wrong, and the most correct approach is to leave it to the law.

We can hear that Zhang Lan firmly believes that the law is on his side, so it seems that Zhang Yingying will be dealt with by the law this time.

In fact, during this period of time, Zhang Yingying repeatedly bombarded Zhang Lan’s mother and son. Lawyer Hu also mentioned in the video that she believed Zhang Yingying’s behavior was stupid and constituted three criminal offenses.

First of all, Zhang Yingying’s words constituted the crime of insulting Zhang Lan’s mother and son;

Secondly, Zhang Yingying was suspected of following the trend and spreading the problem of Ma Liuji products. After all, the food problems of Ma Liuji have not been tested by authoritative organizations, and others are not allowed to do so at will. To spread rumors and slander.

Furthermore, Zhang Yingying established a group and then organized many people to fabricate various false news to slander and insult Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei. This undoubtedly involves the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

On August 25, Wang Xiaofei’s ex-girlfriend Zhang Yingying was in full force. She broke the news that Zhang Lan took the ball to the top and used this to force Uncle Wang to marry. She also angrily accused Wang Xiaofei of being an incompetent and incompetent baby who has neither sex nor sex. She also broke the news. Some other inside stories are definitely explosive enough anyway.

Zhang Yingying’s content also attracted a large number of attention and comments from netizens and fans. Indeed, there were all kinds of voices. Many netizens naturally support Zhang Yingying. After all, Zhang Yingying is a girlfriend who got pregnant for Wang Xiaofei. How could she be an undercover agent as the paparazzi said?

In addition, many netizens sneered at Zhang Yingying’s actions and said bluntly: No matter how much you trust someone, you must be on guard, because she may reveal what you have confided to her at any time, and it will become a public issue in the future. The means by which she attacks you and even destroys you.

I have to say that this netizen’s words are also very reasonable. I can only say that "it is reasonable for the public to speak to the public, and it is reasonable for the mother-in-law to speak to the mother-in-law."

Everyone knows that Zhang Yingying’s revelation is indeed violent enough, but obviously Zhang Lan will never sit still and wait for death. As expected, Zhang Lan has chosen to fight back, and it seems that it has already begun.

Just yesterday Zhang Lan also responded in the video. Zhang Lan said this: "When you are crossing a single-plank bridge, a mad dog comes from the opposite side and bites you. As a human being, will you bite it back? ? Of course not, the correct way is to find a hunter and shoot it. The hunter is the lawyer, and everything will be handled by the law." From Zhang Lan's words, it can be heard that she has alluded to Zhang Yingying. Mad dog. As for why Zhang Lan didn’t attack Zhang Yingying as mentioned by netizens, Zhang Lan thinks that if a mad dog bites you, shouldn’t you bite you back? Obviously this approach is wrong, and the most correct approach is to leave it to the law.

We can hear that Zhang Lan firmly believes that the law is on his side, so it seems that Zhang Yingying will be dealt with by the law this time.

In fact, during this period of time, Zhang Yingying repeatedly bombarded Zhang Lan’s mother and son. Lawyer Hu also mentioned in the video that she believed Zhang Yingying’s behavior was stupid and constituted three criminal offenses.

First of all, Zhang Yingying’s words constituted the crime of insulting Zhang Lan’s mother and son;

Secondly, Zhang Yingying was suspected of following the trend and spreading the problem of Ma Liuji products. After all, the food problems of Ma Liuji have not been tested by authoritative organizations, and others are not allowed to do so at will. To spread rumors and slander.

Furthermore, Zhang Yingying established a group and then organized many people to fabricate various false news to slander and insult Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei. This undoubtedly involves the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

To be honest, Zhang Yingying did get into trouble this time. Let’s talk about Ma Liuji. You must know that Ma Liuji is a big company. Even if Wang Xiaofei and his son let you go, other Ma Liuji shareholders will. you?

And we have to say that Zhang Yingying’s behavior during this period is indeed a bit strange. After all, it was the paparazzi Ge Siqi who provoked her. People angrily accused her of being an undercover agent planted by Wang Xiaofei, but Zhang Yingying did the opposite. Then, he spread his anger on Wang Xiaofei and her son. Isn't this suspicious?

Furthermore, some netizens analyzed it and it makes sense. Even if the past events Zhang Yingying said were true, it was because Wang Xiaofei treated her as one of her own when they were in love and confessed with all her heart. She also bought the house and didn’t take it back. It’s normal. If a person doesn't say he's grateful, then he shouldn't say anything bad. It's good for her. Taking out Wang Xiaofei's private words and family matters that she said during their passionate relationship and insulting her mother and son, she's more of a white-eyed wolf than a white-eyed wolf!

Will everyone support Wang Xiaofei and her son or Zhang Yingying this time?