News from on August 22: Luo Yonghao has become active on Weibo recently, announcing that he will return to the social media world and has opened accounts on nine different platforms, promising to use "firepower" The "full open" attitude returns. At the suggestion of ne

Webmaster’s Home ( August 22 news: Luo Yonghao has become active on Weibo recently, announcing that he will return to the social media world, and has opened accounts on nine different platforms, promising to use The "full firepower" attitude returns.

At the suggestion of netizens, he even changed his Weibo account from "Luo Yonghao's Rumor Refutation Account" to "Luo Yonghao Niu Hulu". Niu Hulu is one of the eight most popular surnames in Manchuria. This surname was featured in the Qing palace drama "Zhen Huan" It is also reflected in "The Biography", the heroine Zhen Huan was given this surname, which symbolizes the improvement of status.

Luo Yonghao uploaded a photo of himself simulating "Concubine Xi returning to the palace" on Weibo, and announced that an important article of 15,000 words will be published next Monday. Previously, Luo Yonghao announced his withdrawal from social platforms in 2022, retaining only a rumor-refuting account on Weibo and focusing on clarifying some untrue news.

At that time, Luo Yonghao gave a candid explanation for his decision to withdraw from the social platform. He believed that he was born with a straightforward personality and sometimes had difficulty in self-discipline. As the person in charge of a company, this personality sometimes brought unnecessary trouble to the company. He admits that his personal influence can be a double-edged sword for the company as a whole.

Luo Yonghao’s return has undoubtedly brought new vitality and expectations to the social media industry. His outspoken style and insight into topics are expected to attract a lot of attention once again.

Webmaster’s Home ( August 22 news: Luo Yonghao has become active on Weibo recently, announcing that he will return to the social media world, and has opened accounts on nine different platforms, promising to use The "full firepower" attitude returns.

At the suggestion of netizens, he even changed his Weibo account from "Luo Yonghao's Rumor Refutation Account" to "Luo Yonghao Niu Hulu". Niu Hulu is one of the eight most popular surnames in Manchuria. This surname was featured in the Qing palace drama "Zhen Huan" It is also reflected in "The Biography", the heroine Zhen Huan was given this surname, which symbolizes the improvement of status.

Luo Yonghao uploaded a photo of himself simulating "Concubine Xi returning to the palace" on Weibo, and announced that an important article of 15,000 words will be published next Monday. Previously, Luo Yonghao announced his withdrawal from social platforms in 2022, retaining only a rumor-refuting account on Weibo and focusing on clarifying some untrue news.

At that time, Luo Yonghao gave a candid explanation for his decision to withdraw from the social platform. He believed that he was born with a straightforward personality and sometimes had difficulty in self-discipline. As the person in charge of a company, this personality sometimes brought unnecessary trouble to the company. He admits that his personal influence can be a double-edged sword for the company as a whole.

Luo Yonghao’s return has undoubtedly brought new vitality and expectations to the social media industry. His outspoken style and insight into topics are expected to attract a lot of attention once again.