Recently, "Wang Hai Evaluation" released a video saying that the Winona Acne Clearing and Repairing Essence purchased on multiple e-commerce platforms had illegally added preservatives that had no ingredient labels and were over-registered. In response to an interview with a repo

Recently, "Wang Hai Evaluation" released a video saying that the Winona Acne Clearing Serum purchased on multiple e-commerce platforms had illegally added preservatives that had no ingredient labels and were not registered. In response to an interview with a reporter from Nandu Financial News, a relevant person from Winona's parent company, Bethany, stated that the product in question was launched in 2017, and the ingredients were self-contained in the compound raw materials (phenoxyethanol) and were not actively added (phenoxyethanol). ), and it is not illegally added. "The current ingredient content is in trace amounts and does not function as a preservative at all."

Regarding the company's response, the relevant person in charge of "Wang Hai Evaluation" told a reporter from Nanduwan Financial News that according to "Cosmetic Labeling "Management Measures", the corresponding content (Winona related products) is equivalent to more than 1,000 mg per kilogram. This is not a trace amount, but a constant. It cannot be included in the raw materials, because adding preservatives to the raw materials comes with a cost. "And after formula processing, such a high content can be detected."


Winona Acne Repair Essence

detected additive phenoxyethanol

"Wang Hai Evaluation" said in the video that the team obtained the results from Pinduoduo, The Winona Acne Clearing Serum purchased from the official flagship stores of and Tmall, the three major e-commerce platforms, passed third-party testing and found preservatives that were not registered in the ingredient label. Among them, 0.138% "phenoxyethanol" was detected in products purchased from Pinduoduo, 0.14% "phenoxyethanol" was detected in platform stores, and 0.137% "phenoxyethanol" was detected in Taobao Tmall stores.

comes from the "Wang Hai Evaluation" Weibo

The test report provided by "Wang Hai Evaluation" shows that the product tested this time is the 12g specification of Winona Acne Clearing Repair Essence, and the testing method is "Cosmetics Safety Technical Specifications (2015)" Year Edition)》Chapter 4.1-High Performance Liquid Chromatography, the testing company is Beijing Zhongjian Sifang Inspection and Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Regarding this evaluation, "Wang Hai Evaluation" said that the evaluation is not specific to a specific company, and basically only purchases products for inspection after receiving tips from consumers.

Public information shows that phenoxyethanol has many ingredients with various properties, and some ingredients can cause irritation to sensitive skin. Long-term use will cause the skin to become more and more sensitive, and even directly lead to skin allergies.

responded to

Bethany admitted that the product involved

did contain phenoxyethanol

Regarding the test results released by "Wang Hai Evaluation", a person related to Bethany said that Winona Acne Clearing and Repairing Essence did contain "phenoxyethanol" . In an interview with a reporter from Nanduwan Financial News, a relevant person from Beitaini said that in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the company listed the composition of raw materials in the National Food and Drug Administration registration materials and fully marked them, and registered the proportion of ingredients of phenoxyethanol and the total amount of phenoxyethanol. The theoretical dosage is 0.125%, and risk substance assessment has been conducted, and all test results meet the requirements. "0.125% phenoxyethanol is lower than the minimum inhibitory concentration mic and has no preservative effect in the formula. It is far lower than the toxic concentration."

The detected content of "Wang Hai Evaluation" is inconsistent with the "phenoxyethanol" content emphasized by the company For other issues, the relevant person in charge of "Wang Hai Evaluation" said that it is mainly because there will be certain errors in the precision of the instrument, but the error range is between 10% and 20%, which is reasonable. There is no problem with the detection method and the test results. question.

Winona Acne Clearing Essence Test Report, sourced from "Wang Hai Evaluation"

asked 1

whether Beitani was involved in

illegal addition of preservatives?

Is it illegal to add preservatives? There is a big controversy between "Wang Hai Evaluation" and Bethany.

"Wang Hai Evaluation" stated that the company's relevant actions violated Article 12 of the "Measures for the Administration of Cosmetic Labels". Cosmetic labels should indicate the standard Chinese names of all ingredients of cosmetics on the visible side of the sales package. Illegally added preservatives are hidden ingredients that have not been registered and are not marked in the ingredient list, which poses potential risks. "It is also recommended that consumers who buy it stop using it as soon as possible and complain to the market supervision and administration bureau where the manufacturer is located. The minimum requirement is a refund of one and three in compensation, with a starting price of 500 yuan.

According to Article 12 of the "Measures for the Administration of Cosmetic Labels": Cosmetic labels should indicate the raw material standard Chinese names of all ingredients of cosmetics on the visible side of the sales package, with "ingredients" as the guideline, and according to the content of each ingredient in the product formula. Listed in descending order. If there are ingredients in the cosmetic formula with a content not exceeding 0.1% (w/w), all ingredients not exceeding 0.1% (w/w) should be separately labeled with "other trace ingredients" as the guide. They do not need to be labeled according to the ingredient content. List in descending order.

In this regard, a relevant person from Bethany emphasized that the "phenoxyethanol" contained in the corresponding product is a "trace amount." She said: "The existing ingredient content is a trace amount and does not play the role of a preservative at all. This product has been well received since its launch. Consumers like that there have been no complaints related to quality and safety, and consumers can use it with confidence. "

Some products at Winona counters, photographed by Nanduwan Financial News reporter

" (Winona related products) contain 'phenoxyethanol'. It is equivalent to more than 1,000 mg per kilogram, and is higher than 0.1%. This is not a trace amount, but a constant amount. "The relevant person in charge of "Wang Hai Evaluation" said, "The function of 'phenoxyethanol' is anti-corrosion and antioxidant, even if it is only a small amount. Adding 0.001 grams is also a preservative and cannot change this property. "

" According to the public reply from the State Food and Drug Administration, cosmetic ingredients are intentionally added to the product formula during the production process and play a certain role in the final product. Ingredients. Although trace amounts of stabilizers, preservatives, antioxidants and other ingredients added to the raw materials to ensure the quality of cosmetic raw materials should be reported in the product formula, they do not belong to the category of cosmetic ingredients and do not need to be reported on the product label. Mark it." someone related to Bethany emphasized.

Does Winona

, which focuses on anti-allergy effects, use "allergenic ingredients"?

Company official website information shows that Yunnan Beitaini Biotechnology Group Co., Ltd. was established in 2010. It is a large health industry group that integrates R&D, production and marketing and is positioned as a skin health Internet +. The company's "Winona" brand has ranked first in my country's dermatology-grade skin care products market for many consecutive years, and claims to be dedicated to sensitive skin.

Does Winona, which focuses on anti-allergy effects, really use "allergenic ingredients"? In response to this, relevant people from Bethany responded that phenoxyethanol is an approved preservative that meets regulatory requirements and has been used in cosmetics for more than 40 years. "It is still widely used in the industry, including baby products." "Preservatives." "The trace amount does not constitute the definition of a preservative. It is safe for consumers with sensitive skin. Our products have passed strict in vivo/in vitro safety/efficacy screening. The products are safe and effective." Safety is guaranteed, and the safety test report can prove it.

Recently, "Wang Hai Evaluation" released a video saying that the Winona Acne Clearing Serum purchased on multiple e-commerce platforms had illegally added preservatives that had no ingredient labels and were not registered. In response to an interview with a reporter from Nandu Financial News, a relevant person from Winona's parent company, Bethany, stated that the product in question was launched in 2017, and the ingredients were self-contained in the compound raw materials (phenoxyethanol) and were not actively added (phenoxyethanol). ), and it is not illegally added. "The current ingredient content is in trace amounts and does not function as a preservative at all."

Regarding the company's response, the relevant person in charge of "Wang Hai Evaluation" told a reporter from Nanduwan Financial News that according to "Cosmetic Labeling "Management Measures", the corresponding content (Winona related products) is equivalent to more than 1,000 mg per kilogram. This is not a trace amount, but a constant. It cannot be included in the raw materials, because adding preservatives to the raw materials comes with a cost. "And after formula processing, such a high content can be detected."


Winona Acne Repair Essence

detected additive phenoxyethanol

"Wang Hai Evaluation" said in the video that the team obtained the results from Pinduoduo, The Winona Acne Clearing Serum purchased from the official flagship stores of and Tmall, the three major e-commerce platforms, passed third-party testing and found preservatives that were not registered in the ingredient label. Among them, 0.138% "phenoxyethanol" was detected in products purchased from Pinduoduo, 0.14% "phenoxyethanol" was detected in platform stores, and 0.137% "phenoxyethanol" was detected in Taobao Tmall stores.

comes from the "Wang Hai Evaluation" Weibo

The test report provided by "Wang Hai Evaluation" shows that the product tested this time is the 12g specification of Winona Acne Clearing Repair Essence, and the testing method is "Cosmetics Safety Technical Specifications (2015)" Year Edition)》Chapter 4.1-High Performance Liquid Chromatography, the testing company is Beijing Zhongjian Sifang Inspection and Testing Technology Co., Ltd. Regarding this evaluation, "Wang Hai Evaluation" said that the evaluation is not specific to a specific company, and basically only purchases products for inspection after receiving tips from consumers.

Public information shows that phenoxyethanol has many ingredients with various properties, and some ingredients can cause irritation to sensitive skin. Long-term use will cause the skin to become more and more sensitive, and even directly lead to skin allergies.

responded to

Bethany admitted that the product involved

did contain phenoxyethanol

Regarding the test results released by "Wang Hai Evaluation", a person related to Bethany said that Winona Acne Clearing and Repairing Essence did contain "phenoxyethanol" . In an interview with a reporter from Nanduwan Financial News, a relevant person from Beitaini said that in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the company listed the composition of raw materials in the National Food and Drug Administration registration materials and fully marked them, and registered the proportion of ingredients of phenoxyethanol and the total amount of phenoxyethanol. The theoretical dosage is 0.125%, and risk substance assessment has been conducted, and all test results meet the requirements. "0.125% phenoxyethanol is lower than the minimum inhibitory concentration mic and has no preservative effect in the formula. It is far lower than the toxic concentration."

The detected content of "Wang Hai Evaluation" is inconsistent with the "phenoxyethanol" content emphasized by the company For other issues, the relevant person in charge of "Wang Hai Evaluation" said that it is mainly because there will be certain errors in the precision of the instrument, but the error range is between 10% and 20%, which is reasonable. There is no problem with the detection method and the test results. question.

Winona Acne Clearing Essence Test Report, sourced from "Wang Hai Evaluation"

asked 1

whether Beitani was involved in

illegal addition of preservatives?

Is it illegal to add preservatives? There is a big controversy between "Wang Hai Evaluation" and Bethany.

"Wang Hai Evaluation" stated that the company's relevant actions violated Article 12 of the "Measures for the Administration of Cosmetic Labels". Cosmetic labels should indicate the standard Chinese names of all ingredients of cosmetics on the visible side of the sales package. Illegally added preservatives are hidden ingredients that have not been registered and are not marked in the ingredient list, which poses potential risks. "It is also recommended that consumers who buy it stop using it as soon as possible and complain to the market supervision and administration bureau where the manufacturer is located. The minimum requirement is a refund of one and three in compensation, with a starting price of 500 yuan.

According to Article 12 of the "Measures for the Administration of Cosmetic Labels": Cosmetic labels should indicate the raw material standard Chinese names of all ingredients of cosmetics on the visible side of the sales package, with "ingredients" as the guideline, and according to the content of each ingredient in the product formula. Listed in descending order. If there are ingredients in the cosmetic formula with a content not exceeding 0.1% (w/w), all ingredients not exceeding 0.1% (w/w) should be separately labeled with "other trace ingredients" as the guide. They do not need to be labeled according to the ingredient content. List in descending order.

In this regard, a relevant person from Bethany emphasized that the "phenoxyethanol" contained in the corresponding product is a "trace amount." She said: "The existing ingredient content is a trace amount and does not play the role of a preservative at all. This product has been well received since its launch. Consumers like that there have been no complaints related to quality and safety, and consumers can use it with confidence. "

Some products at Winona counters, photographed by Nanduwan Financial News reporter

" (Winona related products) contain 'phenoxyethanol'. It is equivalent to more than 1,000 mg per kilogram, and is higher than 0.1%. This is not a trace amount, but a constant amount. "The relevant person in charge of "Wang Hai Evaluation" said, "The function of 'phenoxyethanol' is anti-corrosion and antioxidant, even if it is only a small amount. Adding 0.001 grams is also a preservative and cannot change this property. "

" According to the public reply from the State Food and Drug Administration, cosmetic ingredients are intentionally added to the product formula during the production process and play a certain role in the final product. Ingredients. Although trace amounts of stabilizers, preservatives, antioxidants and other ingredients added to the raw materials to ensure the quality of cosmetic raw materials should be reported in the product formula, they do not belong to the category of cosmetic ingredients and do not need to be reported on the product label. Mark it." someone related to Bethany emphasized.

Does Winona

, which focuses on anti-allergy effects, use "allergenic ingredients"?

Company official website information shows that Yunnan Beitaini Biotechnology Group Co., Ltd. was established in 2010. It is a large health industry group that integrates R&D, production and marketing and is positioned as a skin health Internet +. The company's "Winona" brand has ranked first in my country's dermatology-grade skin care products market for many consecutive years, and claims to be dedicated to sensitive skin.

Does Winona, which focuses on anti-allergy effects, really use "allergenic ingredients"? In response to this, relevant people from Bethany responded that phenoxyethanol is an approved preservative that meets regulatory requirements and has been used in cosmetics for more than 40 years. "It is still widely used in the industry, including baby products." "Preservatives." "The trace amount does not constitute the definition of a preservative. It is safe for consumers with sensitive skin. Our products have passed strict in vivo/in vitro safety/efficacy screening. The products are safe and effective." Safety is guaranteed, and the safety test report can prove it.”

Winona related product test report, sourced from Beitaini

Written by: Zhang Haixia, trainee reporter of Nandu Bay Financial Society