On the evening of August 20, Olympic champion Quan Hongchan posted a photo with Wang Junkai and Ge You on social platforms. Related terms topped the list of hot searches. Quan Hongchan wrote in the caption: "You Xiaozhi (Wang Junkai) is a bit handsome, and the uncle is even more

On the evening of August 20,

Olympic champion Quan Hongchan posted a photo of

with Wang Junkai and Ge You on the social platform.

related terms topped the list of hot searches.

Quan Hongchan wrote in the caption: "You Xiaozhi (Wang Junkai) is a bit handsome, and the uncle is even more handsome."

Later, Wang Junkai replied: "I declare: Xiaozhi is handsome, the uncle is even more handsome, and the water disappearing technique is super handsome!"

According to news from @ Movie Channel Media Center, Ge You successfully "chased stars" Quan Hongchan and asked her for her autograph. Some netizens said: I don’t know who to envy at the moment.

When seeing the photo of the two of them "Ge You lying down", many netizens said: It's too funny.

On the evening of August 20,

Olympic champion Quan Hongchan posted a photo of

with Wang Junkai and Ge You on the social platform.

related terms topped the list of hot searches.

Quan Hongchan wrote in the caption: "You Xiaozhi (Wang Junkai) is a bit handsome, and the uncle is even more handsome."

Later, Wang Junkai replied: "I declare: Xiaozhi is handsome, the uncle is even more handsome, and the water disappearing technique is super handsome!"

According to news from @ Movie Channel Media Center, Ge You successfully "chased stars" Quan Hongchan and asked her for her autograph. Some netizens said: I don’t know who to envy at the moment.

When seeing the photo of the two of them "Ge You lying down", many netizens said: It's too funny.

[Source: Yueniu News Client]