"Reunion 4" Exposes deleted clips, Iron Man bids farewell to his adult daughter

"Avengers 4" Iron Man and his daughter cut clip first exposed

"Avengers 4" Iron Man and his daughter cut clip first exposed collapse

Duration: 02:33 It is recommended to turn on

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Iron Man bids farewell to his daughter

1905. After that, he came to the world of soul gems, where he saw his grown-up daughter Morgan.

Tony found solace in Morgan's words. He kissed his daughter: "If you are happy, then I will be happy too." Morgan said: "I love you", Tony said "I love you 3000". Fans of

were pricked with tears again, saying: "My tears are not worth money." "From the first second to the last second, I went back to the scene of crying dogs after watching the Fourth Revenge."