China News Service, Beijing, August 17 (Reporter Wang Shiyao) The original musical "Dongguan East" will be performed at the Erqi Theater in Beijing for two consecutive days on August 15 and 16. It is also the finale of the show's 2024 national tour. . At the same time, the "Searc

China News Service, Beijing, August 17th (Reporter Wang Shiyao) The original musical "Dongguan East" will be performed at the Erqi Theater in Beijing on August 15th and 16th. It is also the finale of the show's 2024 national tour. do. At the same time, the nearly three-month-long "Looking for the 1/200 million "Dongguan East" invites you to revisit your hometown" activity also came to a successful conclusion in Beijing.

Dongguan East - Heading towards the other side of pursuing dreams

According to incomplete statistics, more than 200 million people have worked and lived in Dongguan since the reform and opening up. The "Dongguan East" railway station is located in Changping Town, Dongguan City, and is their first stop on their way south. "Dongguan East" is not only a geographical coordinate, but also a microcosm of an era, a place full of memories of the times and witnessing the struggle of countless people.

Stills from the original musical "Dongguan East". Picture provided by the organizer

The original musical "Dongguan East" is guided by Dongguan East, with reform and opening up as the background, and countless ordinary people who came to Dongguan to work hard as a group. It slowly unfolds from the main line of rural girl Wang Xueying going south to work and personal growth. It tells the story of the rise, fall and transformation of the Jinhu Handbag Factory, the prototype of the Taiping Handbag Factory, China's first "three-replenishment and one-replenishment" enterprise in the early days of reform and opening up, shows the difficulties of reform and opening up, and pays tribute to all strivers and dream chasers.

Li Danyang, the famous soprano singer and national first-class actor, told a reporter from China News Service that the musical "Dongguan East" is all-round in terms of historical background and actors' stage performances. It describes the working girls who go to Dongguan in order to realize their dreams in life. This story of changing destiny in a strange place shows the spirit of never giving up and the fighting spirit of the Chinese people. The live singing is fresh and down-to-earth, the performance is very real, and the scenes are touching.

"This is a rare masterpiece." Li Xiangqun, vice chairman of the Chinese Artists Association and senior professor of liberal arts at Tsinghua University, said after watching the show that the stage of "Dongguan East" is beautiful and has strong visual impact, slowly taking the audience away. Get into the story. "I am also a person of that era. Seeing the ups and downs experienced by the characters in it, I also remembered the difficulties of starting a business when I was young. But we just have to prove ourselves. If we don't stand up, we will be drowned. If we can stand up, That life was very broad. I saw the courage and firm belief of that era, just like seeing that the train must arrive at the station. "

On the occasion of the national tour of "Dongguan East", Dongguan launched the "Looking for One in 200 Million" nationwide. The "Dongguan East Invites You to Revisit Home" campaign invites 200 million people who have worked and lived in Dongguan to go back "home" to visit and reconnect with each other.

Dongguan - their second hometown

53-year-old Li Jianxin is one of the first batch of non-local doctors to work and live in Dongguan. He has lived in Dongguan for 20 years and still uses his Dongguan mobile phone number. He cherishes Dongguan. Have deep feelings.

Li Jianxin’s deepest impression of Dongguan is the city’s inclusiveness. When he moved from the north to the south alone, he was worried that he would be surrounded by the loneliness of being in a foreign land. The unfamiliar language environment also gave him a headache. "At that time, I couldn't even understand the factory broadcast, and I felt like I wasn't accepted."

However, this sense of dissociation was soon broken. The hospitable Cantonese people often warmly invited Li Jianxin to various gatherings, even though everyone at the scene He was still speaking Cantonese, with a few Mandarin words occasionally mixed in, which already made him feel more friendly. Later, he left Dongguan to work in Beijing. Once when he was eating alone, he heard the guest at the next table speaking Cantonese. A long-lost sense of familiarity hit him, and it brought back many memories from the past.

Stills from the original musical "Dongguan East". Picture provided by the organizer

This time, Li Jianxin was shocked to see the performance of "Dongguan East". The magnificent stage and the deeply rooted lines and songs made him admire again and again. What impressed him the most was the protagonist's life in Dongguan. experience. "Although the stories between me and the characters in the play are different, we have experienced the same mental journey. In fact, this proves that this story is very down-to-earth and resonates with people.”

Mr. and Mrs. Qu Huamin and Zhou Min are the “founding fathers” of the China Spallation Neutron Source project. They participated in the entire process from project establishment, construction to operation, and are “pioneers” in the true sense.

In 2007, when the Spallation Neutron Source Park was first built, Zhou Min went to Dongguan to "explore the road", but he did not expect that this exploration would last 11 years. Zhou Min witnessed the changes of Songshan Lake Science City in Dongguan City, which was once dilapidated and narrow. The trail has now become wide and clean.

Back then, the transportation was inconvenient, and the most common means of transportation for Zhou Min, who was living in poverty at that time, was a "fish cart". At that time, a fish seller in the town usually drove a car. Fish, in order to save money, Zhou Min sometimes takes the "Hitchhiking Fish Truck" to conduct on-site inspections or go to the city hall for meetings. Her colleagues once complained that she smelled too fishy, ​​so she was advised not to take the ride.

Fortunately. Dongguan is developing rapidly and has "changed drastically" in a few years. By the time her husband Qu Huamin came to work in Dongguan in 2014, he no longer had to live a "hard life".

In 2018, they received a transfer order and were asked to return. When I arrived in Beijing, my first reaction was "Ah, are we going back now?" "Zhou Min said that when he came, he never thought that he would stay for so long, but when he left, he was full of reluctance. Now, the couple has already regarded Dongguan as their second hometown. The first time they saw "Dongguan" outside "Every time we go to Dongguan now, we don't say 'I'm going to Dongguan', but 'I'm going back to Dongguan'." "(End)

(China News Network)