Recently, the Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences and the Social Sciences Literature Press jointly released the "Guangzhou Blue Book: Guangzhou Cultural Industry Development Report (2024)". The blue book pointed out that in 2023, Guangzhou's performance market will "break out of

Recently, the Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences and the Social Sciences Literature Press jointly released the "Guangzhou Blue Book: Guangzhou Cultural Industry Development Report (2024)".

The blue book pointed out that in 2023, Guangzhou's performance market will "break out of the circle" and become the "number one city" for concerts in the country.

The city will receive 234 million tourists in 2023

"Guangzhou Cultural Industry Development Report (2024)" consists of six parts: general report, comprehensive chapter, high-quality development chapter, cultural consumption chapter, integrated development chapter, and case chapter. The

general report research points out that in 2023, Guangzhou's cultural industry will achieve rapid growth, the industrial structure will continue to be optimized, the influence of the digital cultural and creative industry will expand, the performance market will be hot "out of the circle", and Guangzhou e-sports will win the first gold medal in the history of Asian Games e-sports for our country Contributing strength, the pace of integrated development of culture and science and technology has accelerated, cultural masterpieces have continued to be produced, cultural tourism consumption has recovered significantly, major cultural projects have been put into production, and foreign cultural trade has reached a new high.

According to statistics, in 2023, the city's cultural industries above designated size will achieve operating income of 558.234 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15.92%. In 2023, the city will receive 234 million tourists, a year-on-year increase of 51.8%, and achieve a total cultural and tourism consumption of approximately 330.95 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 47.4%. The

general report also analyzed the new requirements, new opportunities and challenges faced by the development of Guangzhou's cultural industry in 2024, predicted the overall scale of Guangzhou's cultural industry in 2024, and the operating income of cultural industries above designated size, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions.

Guangzhou's performance market is booming and "out of the circle"

The blue book pointed out that Guangzhou's performance market continues to be prosperous and has become the "number one city" for concerts in the country.

According to statistics from the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism, Guangzhou ranks first in the country in the number of large and medium-sized performances in 2023, and in the number of performing artists who come to Guangzhou to hold concerts. Huangpu District is particularly outstanding. In 2023, the District Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau approved and registered 58 commercial performances and 203 performances, including 35 large-scale commercial performances with more than 5,000 viewers in a single performance, with a total audience of nearly 500,000.

In terms of performance activities, Guangzhou will hold the "Bay Area Music Festival" in 2023, with the theme of "Rhythm Youth, Ignite Dreams, Gather Energy" and strive to create a major with "international perspective, Bay Area characteristics, and diverse integration" Music performance brand, planning and organizing the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Youth Symphony Orchestra Alliance’s inaugural concert, Super Strawberry Music Festival, Star Nest Music Festival, Storm Electronic Music Festival, Guangzhou Nansha (Pioneer) Music Festival, and British Philharmonic Orchestra New Year’s Concert There have been nearly 50 series of activities, with more than 300,000 on-site audiences, more than 1 billion online exposures, and box office revenue of about 80 million yuan, driving city-wide linkage and sharing by all people.

At the same time, many performance venues and livehouses in the city provide small concerts, talk shows and other activities, bringing diverse cultural and artistic experiences to citizens and tourists.

The influence of the digital cultural and creative industry has expanded

The blue paper pointed out that Guangzhou vigorously promotes the development of the digital cultural and creative industry. On the one hand, it accelerates the implementation of the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the High-Quality Development of the Digital Cultural and Creative Industry"; on the other hand, it formulates the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of the Digital Cultural and Creative Industry" in 2023. "Guangzhou Digital Cultural and Creative Industry Development Action Plan (2023-2028)" arranges 27 million yuan in special funds for cultural tourism industry development to support digital cultural industry projects.

Focus on the development of pillar industries such as animation, game e-sports, digital music, creative design, and digital cultural equipment, optimize and enhance distinctive advantageous industries such as digital film and television, online live broadcast, digital cultural museums, and virtual reality (VR), and actively cultivate digital experiences on the cloud, Potential emerging industries such as immersive business formats and digital media, and forward-looking layout of several future industries such as digital cultural creation.

In 2023, Guangzhou's game industry shows strong growth momentum, with about 3,000 game companies. The actual sales revenue of the game market is 105.8 billion yuan, and operating revenue has increased by about 86% year-on-year. There are 15 listed game companies, including NetEase and Sanqi. A number of leading companies such as Interactive Entertainment and 4399 account for approximately 35% of the country’s gaming industry revenue. Among the top 20 Guangdong gaming companies in 2023, Guangzhou accounts for 14 seats.

In the field of digital music, as of February 2023, there are more than 2,900 music and related companies in Guangzhou. The total output value of digital music accounts for about 1/4 of the country's total, and the scale of the digital music industry continues to rank first in the country. In the VR field, as of August 2023, Guangzhou VR entertainment equipment products have accounted for 20% of the global market.

In the field of animation, Aofei Entertainment uses artificial intelligence to shorten the production cycle and improve production efficiency through the industrial application of "ip+ai". The first "Bay Creation" Animation Licensing Conference was held to promote the cross-border integration and innovative development of animation. Through various forms such as influential animation IP display, animation industry keynote speeches, animation licensing roundtable forums, etc., it focused on the forefront of the industry, strengthened cooperation and exchanges, and helped industrial development.

article | Reporter Liang Shanyin Zhu Shaojie