Group photo at the opening ceremony of the "Kunpeng" Youth Science Fiction Literature Award 2024 Charity Summer Camp. Science fiction literature teenagers from all over the country gathered to visit the Shenzhen Wansi Future Museum. How to cultivate and create a group of young sc

"Kunpeng" Youth Science Fiction Literature Award 2024 Charity Summer Camp Opening Ceremony.

Teenagers with science fiction literature from all over the country gathered to visit the Shenzhen Wansi Future Museum.

How to cultivate and create a group of young science fiction writers? This science fiction literature summer camp being held in Shenzhen will give a high-quality answer. Starting from August 12, the one-week "Kunpeng" Youth Science Fiction Literature Award 2024 Charity Summer Camp will be launched. Science fiction literature teenagers from all over the country gathered at Shenzhen Wansi Future Museum to embark on a vivid journey about science, literature and imagination.

"Perhaps, our camp will emerge with a group of science fiction writers who will influence the world and the future." Lin Junfen, director of the Shenzhen Futian District Educational Science Research Institute, said in an interview with a reporter from Nandu at the opening ceremony. "Young Liu Cixin may be in our camp."

"Youth Wisdom"

It is expected to create a science fiction IP with Shenzhen characteristics and Futian characteristics.

According to reports, this summer camp will bring together well-known domestic science fiction writers, scientists, science fiction education experts, etc. Provide professional guidance to campers and inspire creative inspiration. During the summer camp, under the guidance and guidance of instructors, campers will be able to improve their ability to create science fiction literature through writing workshops, creative thinking sessions and other forms. Activities such as science fiction movie appreciation and science fiction book sharing sessions will also be held. Broaden campers’ horizons of science fiction culture. Organize visits to science and technology museums, high-tech enterprises, etc. to allow campers to experience the cutting-edge of science and technology first-hand and inspire inspiration for science fiction creation.

In the era of rapid development of artificial intelligence, cultivating and incubating a group of outstanding young science fiction writers through "summer camps" and other methods is the need of the times and science and education. It is also a vivid educational practice that faces the future and explores the frontier. "We are not just holding a 'literary contest', not just to complete works of science fiction novels, but also to collect science fiction expressions from the perspective of teenagers, improve students' scientific literacy, and encourage them to complete their understanding of the science fiction world in a variety of ways. "Imagination and construction, and not necessarily limited to the form of traditional literature." Lin Junfen proposed that the extension of juvenile science fiction creation is expected to create and incubate science fiction IP with Shenzhen characteristics and Futian characteristics, and further form a "juvenile science fiction ecology." chain". She has high expectations for the creative potential of contemporary teenagers.

Previously, the campers of this summer camp submitted their work outlines. The storylines and imaginative spaces depicted in these "outlines" all reflect the "young wisdom" that transcends age. Zhang Jingtao, executive vice president of Knowledge Publishing House, mentioned that the Kunpeng Youth Science Fiction Literature Award Charity Summer Camp was opened at Wansi Future Pavilion. Campers came from all over the country to receive guidance in literature, technology, and business in Dameisha. , these campers have demonstrated potential beyond their peers in terms of literary literacy, science fiction awareness, and imagination ability. "Although the works they have submitted so far are still 'semi-finished products', I believe that during the summer camp, with the comprehensive guidance of experts, their comprehensive creative abilities will be improved and they will eventually submit more perfect works."

"Predicting the future"

The "science fiction" that opened up the imagination has finally become a reality

Ma Yuepeng, the founder and director-general of the Science and Fantasy Growth Fund, encouraged the students to accumulate and embody the ability to "predict the future" in scientific and technological creation.

Ma Yuepeng mentioned that British science fiction novelist Clark had accurately "predicted" the future of mankind several times in his science fiction novels. For example, geostationary satellites, human landings on the moon, online banking, telecommuting, smart watches, computer terminals... These imaginative "science fiction" have finally become a reality in the development of history.

γ€€γ€€"We must bravely imagine and find inspiration from reality to create science fiction novels; we must persist in writing and enjoy the process. Writing is a process of continuous practice; we must persist in sharing and communicating; we must also believe in our ability to tell great stories , Great writers all start from a simple idea," Ma Yuepeng added.

According to reports, this "Kunpeng" Youth Science Fiction Literature Award 2024 Charity Summer Camp is an important stop in the "Kunpeng" series of activities. On May 19, 2021, the "Kunpeng" Youth Science Fiction Literature Award was established in Shenzhen to collect outstanding science fiction works from young people across the country. It has been successfully held for three sessions. The fourth session will be officially launched in January 2024 and is currently in the solicitation stage. The "Kunpeng" Youth Science Fiction Literature Award has now become an important platform for youth science fiction literature creation.

γ€€What you should know

γ€€The "Kunpeng" Youth Science Fiction Literature Award

aims to encourage outstanding young people to create science fiction literature, cultivate science fiction reserve talents, discover young science fiction writers, promote the publication, incubation and sustainable development of young people's science fiction literature, and improve the scientific literacy of young people. and humanistic spirit to help a technologically and culturally powerful country. The collection of outstanding works for the "Kunpeng" Youth Science Fiction Literature Award adheres to the principle of integrating ideological, scientific, literary, and artistic qualities, and highlights the scientific nature.

"Kunpeng" Youth Science Fiction Literature Award is guided by the Creative Liaison Department of the Chinese Writers Association, the Chinese Popular Science Writers Association, the Guangdong Provincial Writers Association, the Propaganda Department of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, China Encyclopedia Publishing Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Sponsored by the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Chinese Communist Youth League and the Shenzhen Futian District People's Government, hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Shenzhen Futian District Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Shenzhen Futian District Education Bureau, the Shenzhen Futian District Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and Knowledge Publishing House, and hosted by Southern Technology It is co-organized by the University Science and Human Imagination Research Center, Shenzhen Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Shenzhen Writers Association, Shenzhen Literary Critics Association, and Shenzhen Futian District Educational Science Research Institute.

Written by: Nandu reporter Zhou Zhengyang Photos provided by Futian District Education Bureau
