Text | Mu Ran Editor | San Yuan After watching several costume dramas that have been broadcast this year, my first feeling is that they are not satisfying. "Qing Yu Nian 2" made the costumed Machiavellian drama popular, but no follow-up works of the same type were launched.

text | Muran

editor | Sanyuan

After watching several costume dramas that have been broadcast this year, my first feeling is that they are not satisfying.

" Celebrating More Than Years 2" made the costume Machiavellian drama popular, but no follow-up works of the same type were launched. Not only did it fail to continue this wave of popularity, it even left people unsatisfied.

And after "Tang Dynasty Strange Stories 2", I can't find a suspenseful detective drama that can catch up with this trend of drama-watching. After

" Mo Yuyunjian ", there are revenge dramas online, but the quality is far from high standards, and people who watch them are extremely boring.

Fortunately, there are many dramas in the waiting list that can regain their popularity.

Those who like the plot include Xiao Zhan 's "The Legend of Zanghai", and "Chao Xue Lu", which is also a unit detective drama, has also released a unit trailer and will be broadcast soon.

Even viewers who like revenge dramas have dramas to follow. It is rumored on the Internet that " 九重violet " has recently passed the review and has been changed from 40 episodes to 34 episodes, and will be approved soon.

Not only is the plot very attractive, but the casting is also very eye-friendly to the audience. I watched the trailer alone five times.

One, the two beautiful and strong characters, revenge + sadomasochism are full of highlights

"Nine Purple" The main characters depicted in this drama are the male and female protagonists.

The heroine Dou Zhao (played by Meng Ziyi ) lost her mother when she was young, while the male protagonist Song Mo (played by Li Yunrui ) was born in an official family, but he was caught up in the mystery of his family's affairs.

Two people who had nothing to do with each other originally had their fates tightly intertwined because one was clumsy to save his life, and the other tried hard to save the orphan of the Duke.

Judging from the experiences of the two of them, they are both typical beautiful, strong and miserable characters.

Due to family changes and a rough fate, Dou Zhao was extremely disappointed with human love and family ties. She fought against her stepmother to protect her family property, and took refuge in a remote farm to study and learn in order to strengthen herself and protect herself.

It was here that she met Song Mo, who was pretending to be a merchant to stay, and she also helped Song Mo protect the orphan of Duke Dingguo, and the two got to know each other.

Later, Song Mo encountered family changes, and Dou Zhao encountered rumors of marriage exchange due to the sabotage of his stepmother. In order to break the situation together, Dou Zhao and Song Mo joined forces to form an alliance through marriage.

Both of them were filled with hatred and wanted revenge. They were initially suspicious of each other when they reached cooperation. However, they only came to know and cherish each other and become each other's confidants after helping each other overcome difficulties.

However, just when the relationship between the two was about to settle, due to sudden changes in the court, the two were separated again. One went to war on the battlefield, and the other saved the fate of the family.

After experiencing the suspicion of the British government's son-in-law, successfully preventing the King of Liao's rebellion, and redressing various unjust cases of loyal ministers, the lovers finally got married.

Although "Nine Purple Purple" focuses on revenge romance, in this drama, you can also feel the strange waves and clouds of the temple dispute, as well as the undercurrents of the seemingly peaceful inner house.

The two elements of strategy and house fighting are also integrated into "Nine Purple".

Just by watching the trailer, you can feel the complexity of the plot, which adds a lot of highlights to the series.

Second, the casting is stunning and eye-catching, and the three chosen ancients are so beautiful that they are deep in their hearts.

Judging from the overall lineup of "Nine Purple Purple", although it is not strong, its advantage lies in its accuracy.

The most eye-catching male protagonist is undoubtedly Li Yunrui. He not only starred in " Conferred Gods Part 1 ", but also had wonderful roles in dramas such as "The Star is Brilliant", " Rest of My Life, Please Advise " and other dramas. Performance.

Especially in "The Star", Yuan Shen played by Li Yunrui is the heart of countless viewers. Therefore, he not only has good popularity with the audience, but has also been recognized in all aspects from his appearance to his acting skills.

This time, instead of playing a scholar or a military commander, Li Yunrui also broke through his comfort zone and released his charm again.

But compared to the male actors, what is even more surprising is the actresses in the play. Each one is more stunning than the other, and they are so beautiful that they are so beautiful.

The first place is Mencius.

Meng Ziyi has received far more attention in variety shows than in domestic dramas, but after seeing Meng Ziyi’s ancient costume style in the trailer of "Nine Purple Purple", I just want to say, sister should act more in dramas, it is too beautiful Got it!

can easily pull off any look. Even if Fu Huadao looks simple, it can't cover up her good temperament. The light-colored clothes are elegant and dignified, and her girlish feeling instantly overflows the screen.

Meng Ziyi has been questioned by everyone about plastic surgery because he looks very beautiful. This is also because Meng Ziyi looks too much like a plastic surgery template, which completely conforms to the current aesthetics, and does not look like a natural face.

But after looking at Meng Ziyi for a long time, he knew that the difference between this face and the plastic surgery face was still very obvious. After wearing ancient clothes, her beauty advantages were magnified, and she had a sense of familiarity as a wealthy lady.

ranked second, Kong Xueer .

Kong Xueer, who was born as a trainee, is a top beauty selected from the best. She may not have enough acting experience in the film and television industry, but her appearance is definitely nothing to say.

In "Mo Yu Yun Jian", Kong Xueer has already let everyone see her high compatibility with costume dramas. Even the beautiful courtesan in the romantic place is not a problem for her. It can be imagined that How malleable she is.

In "Nine Purple", Kong Xueer's makeup is obviously not as charming as in "Mo Yu Yunjian", but she is dressed in aqua blue clothes, her skin is so white that it shines, and her eyebrows are full of tenderness.

But if the camera is changed, the appearance remains the same. Kong Xueer's eyes change, and she becomes more motivated. If she challenges the role of a villain this time, it can be imagined that there will be a lot of contrast.

The third place is Li Baihui.

Just looking at the trailer and stills, the most surprising person is Li Baihui.

Judging from the role alone, she plays the third female role, and her popularity is limited to everyone, but her smart girlishness that overflows the screen is unmatched by other actresses.

He has also appeared in many film and television dramas before, but most of them were supporting roles, or even marginal small roles, and he would be buried if he was not careful.

In addition, most of these works are modern dramas, and it is difficult to highlight her appearance and charm. But in costume dramas, Li Baihui not only became more recognizable, but also had a soft and gentle smile, which made me feel pity for her.

The beauty who makes you feel the desire to protect her at the first glance must be Li Baihui!

I can only say that the casting of "Nine Purple" is really eye-catching. The actresses are more stunning than the last.


Although the quality of a work is ultimately determined by the plot, for costume dramas, whether the actors' appearance is eye-catching or not also affects the final presentation.

Nowadays, more and more costume dramas have become a gathering of ugly men and ugly women. There are really only a handful of dramas like "Nine Purple" that are as stable as they are, and all of them are good-looking and online.

Finally, there is a costume drama that can be called a visual feast to wash your eyes.

Are you looking forward to this drama?