As long as it comes to variety shows, Mango is a platform that is definitely not to be missed. Whether it's music variety, romance variety, professional variety, comedy variety, female variety, etc., there are outstanding masterpieces in every field. Of course, if you w

As long as it comes to variety shows, Mango is a platform that is definitely not to be missed.

Whether it is music variety, romance variety, professional variety, comedy variety, female variety, etc., there are very outstanding masterpieces in every field.

Of course, to say that the most popular films in the past two years have to be "Sister Lang" and "Brother Pi".

As long as these two programs are aired every year, there will basically be no rivals.

For example, the fourth season of "Brother Phi" has just started airing.

It is said that it is during the Olympic Games, and everyone is paying attention to this major event. At this time, most variety shows have taken a detour. Unexpectedly, "Brother Pi" dared to face the difficulties.

Judging from the effect of the first episode, I think "Brother Pi" is a success.

During this period, the daily hot search lists were all related to the Olympics, not to mention variety shows, even entertainment and social ones were very few.

Even so, "Brother Pi" has been on many hot searches since it was aired. This is definitely an impressive achievement.

The popularity and ratings of the first season of "Brother Phi" are absolutely unmatched.

It is precisely because the program made a good start that many people feel that it will get worse as it goes on.

No matter in terms of guest lineup or stage quality, etc., the later stages are far inferior to the first season.

In fact, this is also a very normal thing. It is like this in many variety shows, not just the "Brother Pi" family!

Of course, even if the guest list of this season of "Brother Pi" is not very luxurious, it can still attract a lot of viewers.

In the annual "First Stage", listening to the brothers singing their famous songs again, the scene was really exciting.

Judging from this season's lineup, I think we can still achieve this effect, because having these brothers is enough.

"Flower Protector" or "Red Sun" by Hacken Lee are both popular songs in the streets and alleys, and both are quite popular songs.

To put it bluntly, no matter which song is sung, it will cause the whole audience to dance and sing, and it will be full of memories.

Lin Yilun 's "Lovebirds", I remember when I walked on the street, which video store would not play " The person I love has flown away, the person who loves me has not yet come, this love bird has flown Gone, my lovebird she hasn’t come to yet.”

This song is popular not only among those born in the 70s, 80s and 90s, but even those born in the 00s and 10s should be familiar with it. Whose parents don’t hum a few lines about lovebirds in their spare time?

Diplodocus 's "Xian'er" and "Destiny", no matter which of these two songs comes out, the scene will turn into a disco in seconds.

There is a joke that goes very well, no one who is not sick will listen to second-hand roses.

In this era where life and work are extremely stressful, who can refuse second-hand roses!

After a few exciting songs, another song "Where Has the Time Gone" by Wang Zhengliang came on, and I asked who could hold back tears.

The song "No. 18 on the Bund" by Yuan Chengjie came next, and I asked whose DNA had been moved.

Originally thought that Qi Wei could no longer recall this memory after escaping in "Lang Jie 5". Who would have thought that "Brother Pi" invited Yuan Chengjie!

To be honest, nothing else is needed, just these few stages are enough to make this "first stage" a god.

"Brother Pi" has already reached its fourth season and can still have such memories to kill the stage, what more bicycles are needed!

I don’t care if we can hire more people for the next season, but I think this season is still worth watching.

In the first episode of this season, in addition to the performance of famous songs, there is also a new competition between the older brother group and the younger brother group.

According to the average age, this season the thirty-four guests were divided into the older brother group and the younger brother group.

After five rounds of competition, the brother group won the final victory.

In any case, this result is still in line with the expectations of many viewers.

After all, the name of this show is "Brother Overcoming Troubles". It really doesn't make sense that the brother won't win.

However, among the five rounds of competition, there is one that is a bit difficult to evaluate, and that is "Hahaha" lost to "Sunshine Homeboy".

If we look at the overall viewing experience, "Hao Hai Ya" is obviously better.

Whether it’s Ryohei Kurosawa’s dancing or Koya’s guitar, they are truly superb.

Looking back at the four younger brothers in the "Sunshine Homeboy" group, their singing and dancing can only be said to be at a basic level.

Of course, Qing Lian, Zhu Xingjie , Gao Qingchen , as members of the boy band, are still good at dancing, but their performance on this stage is really average, and they did not show how advanced they are. .

So the question is, why can "Sunshine Homeboy" win "Hao Hey Ya"?

Ning Huanyu turned into the audience's mouthpiece, and Hacken Li ripped off the show's fig leaf with one word, and "Brother Pi" was slapped in the face.

First, Ning Huanyu.

After the results came out, Ning Huanyu said, " When we watch it live, it is actually equivalent to seeing it through the broadcast screen, but the audience is standing in every corner, so if he turns his back, I can't see others. Then I don’t even know what he is doing ".

After listening to Ning Huanyu’s words, I really want to say that he is simply the audience’s mouthpiece!

Even though Ning Huanyu was formed by his younger brother, what he said was still fair and just.

Looking at the entire live environment, it is true that many viewers cannot see the stage performance, not to mention that Kurosawa Ryohei is wearing all black, so if you can see it, there will be ghosts.

As Ning Huanyu said, the reason why the audience in front of the TV thought the stage was okay was because they watched the broadcast.

For the live audience, it can be said that they are listening to a guitar solo. How can such a performance get people to vote!

As a member of the younger brother group, Ning Huanyu directly pointed out such problems. I really want to ask the program team, do you feel that you are being slapped in the face?

"Brother Phi" is a very popular show. The reason why people sign up to go to the show is because they want to feel the atmosphere up close.

Although the audience in the distance can't see clearly the faces of the brothers on stage, they should at least be able to see their figures!

To make a terrible joke, with the stage of "Hahaha" and the live scene, the audience can completely refund their tickets.

I think the program team should put more effort into venue selection. Apart from anything else, the most basic viewing experience should be guaranteed.

allows every audience to see the stage performance, which is not only respect for the audience, but also respect for the performers.

Second, Hacken Li.

Ning Huanyu talked about the appearance, but Li Hacken directly stated the essence, tearing off the fig leaf of the show in one sentence.

Li Hacken said " is because there is no ."

I think Hacken Li is absolutely right.

In this scene where most of the audience can't see anyone, if there is no singing, wouldn't it be equivalent to a death sentence?

Speaking of the stage of "Hao Hey Ya", the best way to say it is dance and guitar, and the worst way to say it is a guitar solo performance.

As a program team, why is it that each stage is designed to have singing, but only "Hao Hey" is not sung?

remained silent on the stage. This kind of operation can be said to be the first time in the Four Seasons.

When I saw this, I really wanted to ask the program team, isn’t this a deliberate targeting?

Art has no borders. Since you have invited people, don’t treat them differently.

Many people were upset about Zheng Nicole in "Sister Lang" that just ended this year. Could it be said that "Brother Pi" will follow the same old path this time?

Although Hacken Li did not say it explicitly, it can be heard that he also had some complaints against the program team.

Fortunately, this is only the first stage. If it were a formal performance later, I'm afraid there would be more voices of dismay.

Of course, this operation by the program team can be considered to have achieved the desired effect, and it has aroused a lot of heated discussions across the entire network.

It is said that the program is quite successful if the audience can discuss it in various ways as soon as it is broadcast.

As a Japanese brother, Kurosawa Ryohei is destined to become the center of attention, not to mention that he is also the husband of Lin Chiling .

Kurosawa Ryohei sparked a heated discussion when he first saw the list of brothers. He didn't expect that he would be a hot topic after the show started. It seems that the program team really hired the right person.

The show has just started now. Although there are a lot of complaints, from the overall effect, I think it is quite good and really worth watching. After all, there are no good variety shows in the same period. What do you think?