[Reading Tips] "Fake Professor" Wei Xinhe has been arrested. The local procuratorate: He is suspected of committing the crime of fraud. Guangming.com commentator: There has been new progress in the high-profile case of Wei Xinhe pretending to be a professor. On August 6, a Red St

[Reading Tips] "Fake Professor" Wei Xinhe has been arrested. The local procuratorate: suspected of committing the crime of pretense and fraud

Guangming.com commentator: The high-profile case of Wei Xinhe pretending to be a professor has made new progress. On August 6, a Red Star News reporter learned from the People’s Procuratorate of Guta District, Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province that Wei Xinhe was suspected of committing fraud and fraud. The Procuratorate had approved his arrest on July 24, and the case is currently in the review and arrest stage. According to a notice issued by the Jinzhou Forestry and Grassland Bureau on July 4, Wei Xinhe was a staff member of the Jinzhou Forestry and Grassland Bureau. Since 2022, for personal purposes such as increasing visibility, he has participated in online and offline academic exchange activities under false identities such as "Professor of Liaoning University of Technology" on many occasions. After research and decision, the Jinzhou Forestry and Grassland Bureau has stopped work on the Weixin River. Wei Xinhe has been subject to criminal compulsory measures by the public security organs in accordance with the law on suspicion of fraud.

According to previous public reports, at least since 2021, Wei Xinhe has participated in meetings organized by major universities, societies, and associations in various capacities, and has also served as a guest speaker and published papers. The academic exchange activities he participated in involved traditional culture, ideological and political education, journalism theory research, ecological environmental protection, rural revitalization and other fields, covering multiple disciplines such as law, philosophy, sociology and so on. If it were not for this "real body" appearance, Wei Xinhe would be a "multi-dwelling" scholar spanning multiple disciplines at the same time.

 “What’s fake can’t be true, and what’s true can’t be fake.” To be honest, there have been many various “fake masters” and “fake officials” exposed in recent years. But Wei Xinhe's "painted skin" was revealed, which is still particularly touching. Because he is "mingled" in the academic circle where seeking truth and reality are the foundation of his life. The section chief of the Bureau of Forestry and Grassland who usually goes to work normally turns into various experts and scholars on weekends. Even the university in one of his vests, "Professor of Liaoning University of Technology" does not exist at all. Such a situation Everyone can "take care of themselves like a fish in water", and the real academic ecology reflected in such "unbelievable" situation has to make people think deeply.

Wei Xinhe is so obsessed with pretending to be an expert and scholar that he even spends his own money to "check in" at various academic activities. Whether it is pure vanity or a pursuit of some kind of "high-level status" has not yet been determined. However, the fact that he was able to successfully deceive so many seemingly high-level academic institutions and academic conferences that seemed to seriously discuss various serious topics is probably worth studying more deeply than his motives. To a large extent, the fake professor Wei Xinhe unintentionally acted as an inspector of academic ecological quality and burst some academic bubbles that should have been burst long ago.

The questions it raises include but are not limited to: How many academic activities have actually become a "self-entertainment" game for some people to show off and gain fame, wealth and a sense of existence? How many papers are there for which the authenticity of the author's signature cannot even be guaranteed? Furthermore, how many true scholars involuntarily waste too much energy on various academic conferences whose value is seriously questionable or unnecessary?

Of course, what Wei Xinhe is testing may not only be the quality of the academic ecology. Some professionals pointed out that the quality of Wei Xinhe's paper was very poor. However, in October last year, the official WeChat public account of a certain local government department announced the results of the essay selection of the Rule of Law Culture Forum, and an essay signed by "Wei Xinhe, a professor at the School of Horse Racing of Liaoning University of Technology" was ranked third. Among the works list. Such results, combined with the chaos exposed in the past, may reflect the seriousness of some official selection activities, which may be equally difficult to praise.

In addition, compared with some "imposters" exposed in the past, Wei Xinhe's identity as a public official is also a detail that should not be ignored. In the eyes of outsiders, with such an identity, it should not be risky to impersonate others, and it is not even necessary. But the occurrence of this "abnormality" is also intriguing.Is his "confidence" and his success due to the fact that as a "man in the game" in a certain sense, he is more familiar with and aware of certain "hidden rules" in the operation of society?

In short, Wei Xinhe, who has been uncovered, is actually also uncovering a larger picture in many areas of this society. In this sense, a Wei Xin River has taken its original shape. How to prevent the emergence of the next "Wei Xin River" still has a long way to go.

 (Please indicate the source of reprinting, "Guangming.com", the author is "Guangming.com commentator")

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Source: Guangming.com