The movie "Traveling Together" has recently been scheduled to be released on August 27 through the National Art Federation. The film is produced by Guan Jinpeng and is the first feature film by young director Cai Jie. The film stars Lin Dongping, Ouyang Jun, and Pan Jie, with spe

The movie "Traveling Together" has recently been scheduled to be released on August 27 through the National Art Federation. The film is produced by Guan Jinpeng. It is the first feature film of young director Cai Jie. The film stars Lin Dongping, Ouyang Jun, and Pan Jie, with special appearances by Taibao and Sun Yang. Huang Shuli serves as the director of photography for the film. Taiwan's well-known Musician Lei Guangxia is responsible for producing the music.

The story tells the story of a heroine who has always been trapped in her past family experience. On the eve of her wedding, she went to Hong Kong to find her father whom she had not seen for 20 years. During the journey, she finally discovered the truth about her parents' marriage and reunited with the one she had met in her teenage years Destined for him.

Source: Sina Weibo