On August 6, an expert observation seminar was held in Beijing for the film "A Dream of Red Mansions: A Beautiful Marriage" directed by Hu Mei. Experts and scholars conducted heated discussions around the film's casting, adaptation angle, image expression and other aspects. Direc

htmlOn August 6, an expert observation seminar was held in Beijing for the movie " A Dream of Red Mansions: A Good Marriage " directed by Hu Mei. Experts and scholars conducted heated discussions around the film's casting, adaptation angle, image expression and other aspects. Director Hu Mei and Yu Dong, chairman of Bona Film Group, which is responsible for the film's distribution, also attended the seminar.

Hu Mei revealed that the script of "A Dream of Red Mansions" took ten years to prepare and create. After the filming was completed, due to various reasons, the plan to put it on the big screen changed again and again, which can be said to have gone through ups and downs. In the end, it was Bona who "provided help in times of need" and took over the important task of film distribution, which gave the film a chance to meet the audience in the summer of 2024. "I thought that the creation was already very difficult, but now I know that the distribution situation is facing It is far more difficult than creation." Yu Dong said frankly: "We got involved relatively late in this project. First, we admire Director Hu Mei's courage and hope to help Director Hu Mei fulfill this wish; secondly, we also hope that this film will become a go-to movie for everyone. Looking for a key to classic masterpieces, we will also fully assist Director Hu Mei in the distribution of the film and contribute to the promotion of classic masterpieces. "

Talking about the controversy over adaptation: 100% "faithfulness to the original work" does not exist

For classical masterpieces. The adaptation of "A Dream of Red Mansions" has always been quite controversial, especially "A Dream of Red Mansions", the "encyclopedia of feudal society". Every film and television adaptation will be accompanied by fierce arguments. Some people think: "The original work is already so perfect. Unfaithful restoration is magic modification!" Others think: "The movie has the language of a movie. If it is completely based on the original work, what is it called an adaptation?"

At the beginning of the seminar, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles 8 Zhong Chengxiang, the former Vice Chairman and Librarian of the Central Research Institute of Literature and History, raised questions about "loyalty to the original work": "What is loyalty to the original work? There is no such thing as 100% loyalty to the original work. Novels and movies are two completely different things. Different languages, from novels to movies, are a transformation from literary thinking to audio-visual thinking, and it is also a process of aesthetic creation. The carriers are different, and the presentation angles and forms of expression are also different." He also quoted the words of the famous litterateur Mr. He Qifang. To prove: "From novels to movies, you must not be a translator, you must be a new creator, a real creator!"

Zhao Weifang, director of the Film and Television Institute of the Chinese Academy of Arts, mentioned that the literary achievements of "A Dream of Red Mansions" There is no doubt that the main feature of film and television works is audio-visual language. It is indeed difficult to fully express the literary advantages of the original work using audio-visual methods. Naturally, we cannot use literary requirements to make demands on film and television. Therefore, the film and television adaptation of literary works, especially the film and television adaptation of a classic such as "A Dream of Red Mansions", will inevitably "discount" the literary expression. This is why the outside world has always been controversial about the film and television adaptation of "A Dream of Red Mansions". of the facts. But at the same time, the film uses a lot of moving shots and special effects to present many famous scenes in "A Dream of Red Mansions" and lead the audience to "dream." "This is also the advantage of images, which cannot be accomplished with text expression."

《 Tan Zheng, editor-in-chief of Film Art magazine, mentioned that the first visual version of "A Dream of Red Mansions" was the 1924 black-and-white silent film "The Burial of Flowers" starring Mei Lanfang. It was also an adaptation from novel to opera to film. "A Dream of Red Mansions" will be released in 2024 exactly 100 years ago. ""A Dream of Red Mansions" is a new height in the film and television adaptation of the century-old "A Dream of Red Mansions" and is a representative work." Wang Haiping, a famous screenwriter and chairman of the Screenwriting Art Committee of the China Television Artists Association, also believes that the film is a successful adaptation of the original work. : "Through the clue of love, the contradictions and conflicts of society are reflected. This is the brilliance of art. I think this adaptation is worthy of celebration."

Talking about character casting: It must fit the aesthetics of the times, but not too cater to

Gao Xiaoli, deputy director of the Audiovisual Art Committee of the Beijing Literary Critics Association, believes that whether the adaptation of classic masterpieces is successful depends on the height of character portrayal, and the height of the characters is art. Therefore, film adaptations are often based on characters and achieve the profoundness of "classic re-creation" by revealing human nature and showing the connection between the times and characters. This is also the difficulty of classic adaptation.

"There is no 87 version." Before, a thousand people had a thousand "Dream of Red Mansions" in their hearts. After the 1987 edition, people who came later had only one standard every time they mentioned "Dream of Red Mansions". That version of the TV series solidified the audience's imagination of "Dream of Red Mansions". In addition, the audience has always made some positive or negative choices for classic characters such as Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai, Jia Baoyu and Wang Xifeng based on their own preferences and aesthetics. This is also a reality that is difficult to reconcile. Therefore, the film and television adaptation of classic literary masterpieces must, on the one hand, conform to the aesthetics of the times, but on the other hand, it must not cater too much to the times and the audience, otherwise it will violate the essence of literature and art. Gao Xiaoli also expressed his affirmation of the casting of the movie version: "I think the actors including Jia Baoyu were very well chosen. Hu Mei's film is keeping pace with the times." "

Professor Li Daoxin, deputy dean of the School of Arts of Peking University, also believes that the understanding of the casting of "A Dream of Red Mansions" cannot stay in the 1987 version forever, "We need new faces, the actors of 'Bao Dai' in this version of the movie It has exceeded my imagination of them, and it has also exceeded my liking and understanding of them. This is the new face that I recognize, and it is very good. "

Talking about the presentation of the movie: It is not easy, not against the will, and incredible.

Speaking of the film's title, Liu Qiong, deputy director of the Literature and Art Department of "People's Daily" said that the reason why the film's title mentioned "Golden Jade Marriage" is not to deny Mu Shi. Instead, he raised a question to everyone: Why did the former alliance of Mu and Shi lose to Jin Yu? "Why was Bao Dai's love destroyed and by whom? This is what Cao Xueqin wanted to express in the original work, such a pure person and love. In the end, they were destroyed by this ruthless society and the human world, and the former alliance between Mu and Shi also became a tragedy. This is director Hu Mei's faithful presentation of the original work. "

Zhang Yiwu, a professor at the Chinese Department of Peking University, believes that Hu Mei's remake has successfully achieved the "three no's": it is not easy, it does not violate the peace, and it is extraordinary. "It is not copying the original work, but dialogue with the original work, and on the basis of respecting the original work. There is also creativity, and it is very remarkable to hold up the story in two hours. When it comes to the interpretation of "Jia Greedy Lin's Money" in the movie, Zhang Yiwu thinks it is "very interesting and bold": "Director Hu dramatized this, very boldly, and every sentence really has its origin."

Hu Jianli, secretary-general of the New Media Committee of the Chinese Literary Critics Association, mentioned that there has always been controversy in the outside world about whether "A Dream of Red Mansions" should be adapted or not: "My answer is that it definitely should be adapted, and it has been the case for decades. Too few. It has been more than 20 years since "A Dream of Red Mansions" was last put on the big screen. Investors and creators need to have such courage. "

Talk about the audience: It has a strong sense of youth and is suitable for young people to watch

Hu Zhifeng, a professor at Beijing Normal University and vice chairman of the China Television Artists Association, agreed with the statement that the movie is "a youth version of "Dream of Red Mansions" launched by director Hu Mei in the new era": "First, it explores the most youthful and important elements in "A Dream of Red Mansions", such as the pursuit of freedom, the pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty, and the pursuit of love and beauty as the highest values, all with a strong youthful temperament and characteristics; secondly, it is close to the aesthetic feelings of this year's young people; thirdly, director Hu Mei has his own "sass", which is also a sense of youth."

"China Art News" Chief Editor Kang Wei believes that "A Dream of Red Mansions: A Beautiful Marriage" is a very realistic movie and can even become a "medium" to connect young students: "Because there are basically students in the college entrance examination every year. Regarding the test questions of "Dream of Red Mansions", in order to allow young students to understand the story of "Dream of Red Mansions", director Hu Mei did a lot of homework and made "Dream of Red Mansions" from "thick" to "thin", and then let the audience feel the thickness from the "thin". "

Associate Professor Xu Fangyi of Communication University of China also agrees that Chinese traditional culture needs a new interpretation in every era, and today's young people have more need to see movies like "A Dream of Red Mansions: A Good Marriage". "In short Today, when videos, games, and live broadcasts fully occupy the time of young people, movies are still an art form that they will come into contact with and experience, and it is also an important text and learning method. Therefore, it is necessary for all walks of life to prepare for such a film that is both artistic and cinematic. Protect your works. ”

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Xiao Yang

editor/Gong Lifang