The last case "The Provider" in "The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West" is very interesting. It tells the story of the wealthy Cao family. There are three daughters, Cao Yin, Cao Rong, and Cao Xiao. The eldest daughter is sinister, the second daughter loves

The last case "The Provider" in "The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West" is very interesting. It tells the story of the wealthy Cao family. There are three daughters, Cao Yin, Cao Rong, and Cao Xiao. The eldest daughter is sinister, the second daughter loves beauty, and the third daughter is filial. The homophones are fun to play. There is also a younger son, Duobao.

The richest man Cao Zhongda had the tradition of supporting others, so he had to die when he was still healthy in his sixties. As a result, Duobao died unexpectedly the day before he was buried.

Duobao had received the protagonist team, so they were also involved in this case. The richest man's family, with three daughters and one son, seemed to have killed people because of the fight over the family property. It seemed that everyone, including the three daughters and the deceased's two brothers-in-law, was a suspect.

Li Chi is Cao Yin's husband, is also the son-in-law who came to knock on the door, and the daughter Saisai she gave birth to also took the surname Cao. Cao Rong married the old man Fan Songling. Before Cao Xiao left the cabinet, she managed the family business.

Cao Rong and Fan Songling originally wanted to strangle Duobao to death, but Su Wuming's autopsy found that Duobao died of poison. Everyone in Cao's family knew that Duobao was actually the child of his wife Hongxing. Cao Zhongda thought it was Cao Xiao who killed Duobao, and he wanted to take the blame for his daughter. Cao Xiao thought that Cao Zhongda was the murderer and wanted to take the blame for his father.

In fact, none of them are murderers. The eldest son-in-law Li Chi went to assassinate his father-in-law and was imprisoned to cover up that he was the real murderer. Although he seems inconspicuous, he has actually planned everything long ago.

Li Chi was married into his wife, and he was mainly concerned about his property. In my heart, I complained that my father-in-law had unfairly distributed the inheritance, and I began to hate Cao Zhongda. He was a sinister villain. He originally agreed to marry into his family, but he became greedy.

Li Chi is played by He Gang. Audiences who have watched "Lotus House" will recognize him immediately, so they guessed that he is not a good person as soon as he appears on the stage. Because his character in "Lotus Tower" is similar to this one. It's all jealousy, careful calculation, and all in vain.

Li Xiangyi treats Shan Gudao sincerely, but Shan Gudao hates Li Xiangyi deeply. He has been jealous of Li Xiangyi's talent since he was a child. After the Sigu Sect was established, Li Xiangyi was the sect leader and Shan Gudao was the second sect leader. However, the world only saw Li Xiangyi as the sect leader but not Shan Gudao as the second sect leader, which gradually deepened jealousy. Therefore, Shan Gudao faked his death to frame him, causing trouble in the world, and wanted to ruin his reputation.

At the same time, Shan Gudao thought that he was a descendant of Nanyin, so he founded the Wansheng Dao, and became the leader of the emerging force of , the Wansheng Dao. He plans to unify the entire world, and even wants to take the opportunity to restore the country and achieve a win-win situation for the court and the world. He is ambitious.

Unfortunately, he miscalculated two things. Neither Di Feisheng nor Li Xiangyi died. After 10 years, their skills had recovered to 70% to 80%, and they even cooperated. He was not a descendant of Nanyin, but Li Xiangyi was. The blow was too great. When

actor He Gang was 23 years old, he participated in the casting event of the TV series " Anita Mui " and "Hong Kong's Top Ten Celebrities Super Imitation Show". He won the national championship and the most popular award, and finally played the role in the drama The male protagonist Liu Jiahua.

was at the peak of his career. He Gang initially won the attention of director Zhao Baogang and starred in popular dramas such as "Home to the Nth Power" and "Beijing Youth". He is also featured in "Golden Wedding" starring Zhang Guoli and Jiang Wenli. But no matter what drama he plays, everyone will always think of Andy Lau at first glance.

His resemblance to Andy Lau made him successful, but in the end it restricted him. There was no lack of appreciation from big-name directors, but he could never get rid of the inherent impression. He always had a sense of powerlessness, and eventually became more and more confused.

Although he has been playing supporting roles in the past two years, he has transformed into a capable actor. After getting rid of his decent image and playing the villain, he has become more recognizable. "Lotus Tower" and "The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West" are both favorites. Qiyi's more than 10,000 dramas have received very good reviews, so he naturally reaped dividends by being able to appear in the drama.No matter what, I still made a lot of money from filming these two dramas.

He Gang is 42 years old. Former martial arts heroes He Zhonghua and Huang Haibing are now playing supporting roles in various costume dramas. Many actors are still suffering from no roles to film. His current situation is actually very good. What do you think? ?

Wen/Yu Junzhui Xinghe (pictures come from the Internet, please contact us for deletion)

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