Kuai Technology reported on August 5 that Lili’s new pure electric SUV models M9, M8 and M7 were exposed together for the first time. According to previous news, the new cars are expected to be launched in 2025, targeting the market of more than 300,000 yuan, and positioned to me

Kuai Technology reported on August 5 that Lili’s new pure electric SUV models m9, m8 and m7 were exposed in the same frame for the first time . According to previous news, the new car is expected to be launched in 2025, targeting the market of more than 300,000 yuan, and positioned to meet the needs of family users. .

Judging from the surrounding environment, the three vehicles exposed this time should be participating in the summer high temperature test in Turpan. They are covered with the same camouflage. The overall shape has many similarities with the ideal mega. The body is very streamlined and is expected to have Good aerodynamic performance, thereby reducing vehicle energy consumption .

The difference between the three cars lies in their size. Since the M7 is the smallest, the roof slides down more, giving it a more sporty feel. At the same time, there are differences in the tail profile and taillights, but they need to be distinguished carefully.

Li Xiang said at the previous Beijing Auto Show that "the Ideal M8 real car is basically equivalent to the model x travel version, in order to better solve the third row seat space problem ."

According to the plan, by 2025, Ideal The automobile will have 5 extended-range models, 1 super flagship (mega), and 5 pure electric models.

In fact, these three pure electric SUVs were supposed to be released this year, so why did the planned things suddenly change and even be postponed until next year? Li Xiang also gave reasons, mainly for the following two points:

One is the need to have enough self-operated supercharging stations, which must reach a similar number to Tesla China Supercharging, which is the right time; in addition, it is necessary to A store with multiple car models occupying space.

So far, Lideal has launched more than 700 supercharging stations and more than 3,260 charging piles. It is expected to build 2,000+ supercharging stations and more than 10,000 charging piles by the end of this year.