Good news for the Paris Olympics has come one after another these days. In the men's table tennis singles final yesterday, Fan Zhendong fulfilled his mission and won the gold medal. Since then, he has become one of the Grand Slams. Former women's table tennis player Deng Yaping H

Good news for the Paris Olympics has come one after another these days. In the men's table tennis singles final yesterday, Fan Zhendong fulfilled his mission and won the gold medal. Since then, he has become one of the Grand Slams. Former women's table tennis player Deng Yaping also personally posted a message to celebrate Fan Zhendong and congratulate him on becoming a member of the Grand Slam.

In other aspects, a lot of hot news has also been exposed. For example, yesterday, August 4th, Tu Lei, a famous domestic emotional mentor, suddenly exposed his current situation. It turned out that Tu Lei was sick and hospitalized, and he also posted In a recent photo of him in the hospital bed, he looked very haggard and unshaven. Fans in the comment area soon sent warm blessings to Tu Lei!

Tu Lei wrote "Although painful but happy" in a recent new video. Although this sentence is short, it seems to be full of profound meaning. Presumably Tu Lei should be hospitalized due to physical problems, but he should be cared for and accompanied by his family, thus Tu Lei could forget about his illness and feel full of happiness in his heart. In the

video, 47-year-old Tu Lei is lying on the hospital bed wearing a hospital gown, with one hand behind his head, his eyes closed and his brows furrowed. It can be seen from his face that Tu Lei is indeed not in a good condition. He is black and yellow. The skin makes people feel very haggard and vicissitudes of life.

In addition, Tu Lei also has stubble all over his face, and the white hair on his temples looks very weathered. Indeed, compared with the healthy Tu Lei in the past, Tu Lei is indeed much older now, even 10 years older suddenly. a feeling of.

Many fans are naturally worried about what disease Tu Lei is suffering from, but Tu Lei did not clearly mention the cause of the disease in the video. However, judging from the tags, Tu Lei should have been hospitalized on the 27th of last month. Under normal circumstances, minor problems definitely do not require hospitalization for observation.

It has been almost 10 days since he was hospitalized on July 27th. But judging from the mental state on Tu Lei's face, it is indeed not very good, but it is not too bad. At least it is definitely not a minor problem like a cold.

Although Tu Lei suffered a lot of controversy some time ago, which caused his reputation to collapse drastically, it can be seen from the comment area of ​​this video that there are still a large number of fans who are very concerned about Tu Lei's condition and left messages asking "Teacher Tu Lei, what happened? I wish you a speedy recovery!"

Many netizens also thought that it was directly related to the storm some time ago. After all, that incident caused Tu Lei to suffer more than a little bit of cyber violence. No one can tolerate such online violence.

Thinking about it, Tu Lei has indeed experienced a lot in these years. It must be admitted that Tu Lei’s performance in live streaming is indeed very good. However, he has been repeatedly bullied by the Internet in recent years. The first time was last year when he was raped by a 25-year-old for no reason. A 20-year-old girl reported with her real name, accusing Tu Lei of sexually harassing her. The public outcry was very loud at that time. After all, Tu Lei was not an ordinary person, but a celebrity with a large number of fans. Fortunately, it was proved to be a false accusation in the end, but his reputation was also damaged. A big blow.

Then there was the turmoil in May this year. The Internet storm was indeed greater. Netizens revealed that Tu Lei’s private life was very chaotic. There were also many big Internet celebrities who joined forces to besiege Tu Lei, so that Tu Lei’s business of selling goods suffered. It was a huge blow, and his reputation was naturally reduced to the greatest extent.

Even if Tu Lei chose to call the police to fight back, it still had no effect. Coupled with Tu Lei's controversial remarks in the past, it seems that netizens cannot forgive Tu Lei, and he has become the target of netizens' crusade.

Tu Lei is indeed a controversial celebrity. People who like him like him very much, and people who don’t like him also hate him extremely. This may be the result of success and fame. While you enjoy wealth and status, you may have to accept it. Others criticize, do you like Tu Lei?
