"You are more beautiful than the stars" has finally come to its finale. The male and female protagonists have gone through a lot of hardships before finally coming together. After confirming their eyes, the plot of "the overbearing president fell in love with me" is correct.

" You are more beautiful than Starlight " has finally come to the finale. The male and female protagonists have gone through a lot of hardships before finally coming together. After confirming their eyes, the plot of "the overbearing president fell in love with me" is correct.

Although it is a happy ending, it cannot hide the many flaws of this drama, each one is more explosive than the last.

01 Workplace drama is just the shell, wanting to fall in love is the key point.

In this drama, there are actually many unreasonable things. The biggest question is, can a shopping mall novice like Ji Xing really manage a company smoothly without Han Ting’s investment and help? ?

At the beginning of this drama, it was explained why Ji Xing left her original company. It was because she was marginalized and she was also an upright person, so she started her own business.

Just, may I ask? People who can't even do well in the workplace go to start a business? You must know that starting a business requires more wisdom and tact. Take Han Ting as an example. People need means and tactics. In the competition with his cousin, Han Ting supported his own people to rise to the top and put his cousin's The confidants were replaced one by one;

In addition, he was also good at negotiating business. For the sake of a bigger game, he hid from everyone that he was the actual investor of Hanhai. In the shopping mall, Han Ting was definitely considered a ruthless person. . Only such people are suitable for struggling in shopping malls.

Looking at Ji Xing, what does she have? When she started her business, she almost ruined all the company's efforts because of a mistake made by employee Huang Weiwei. Even for such an employee, she wanted to forgive her. Later, when Huang Weiwei left the company, Ji Xing was bitten again.

Ji Xing’s entrepreneurial journey is really one step at a time. Without Han Ting’s support along the way, would she still be able to maintain her high position? Therefore, this is not so much an inspirational workplace drama as it is a pure brainless love drama. You must know that starting a business is not just playing house. Tens of millions of investments are easily invested in an unknown person. Too much Is it impossible?

If this investor is still the young and promising Han Ting, it will be even more impossible. He is decisive and decisive in the market, and it is impossible for him to do such stupid things. What's more, businessmen are all driven by profit. Purpose, who will wait there and watch you grow? Philanthropist?

02 The substitute literature in the drama is really terrible

Similar to many Ba Zong dramas, this drama also has substitute literature. The male and female protagonists are in love, and their friends are also not idle, and they are also in love. , for example, Ji Xing’s three best friends are all related to people around Han Ting, such as Li Li, who had a fruitless relationship with Han Ting’s good friend Xiao Yixiao;

and Ji Xing’s roommate Tu Xiaomeng , and even became a happy couple with Han Ting’s uncle Lu Linjia. It seems that only in this way can the plot advance better, but this really gives people a feeling of being in a good match, as if everyone is in love with each other. They came together inexplicably.

I would also like to talk about Li Li’s line here. When she and Xiao Yixiao were first together, it was really like a show of love. After they broke up, facing Su Zhizhou’s fierce pursuit, Li Li simply fell. You must know that Xiao Yixiao is a business tycoon, and there is another domineering CEO who is as scheming as Han Ting. How could the experienced Li Li capsize on a small boat like Su Zhizhou!

To give an inappropriate example, how can people who have eaten the Manchu-Han banquet enjoy it at a roadside stall? Su Zhizhou followed Li Li for thirty-nine episodes, and in the last episode, the drama of lovers finally getting married was staged at the airport. It was so vulgar! Forcing a happy reunion will only make the audience queasy.

Let’s talk about Su Zhizhou’s character. In addition to suggesting that Ji Xing start a business together when she was confused, he has been confused all the way to the end. When he encountered difficulties at the beginning of his business, his first thought was to accept Han Ting’s offer. Recruitment instead of going through the difficulties with Ji Xing.

When the company is on the right track, his role is minimal. The most outstanding thing is that he finds ways to chase girls while doing work. It is strange to imagine that a technology company like this can go far.