According to news on August 3, in the early morning of August 1, in the men's 100-meter freestyle final of the Paris Olympic Games, Chinese player Pan Zhanle won the championship with a time of 46.40 seconds, breaking the world record by 0.40 seconds! Chinese swimming won the men

8 August 3rd news, in the early morning of August 1st, in the men's 100m freestyle final of the Paris Olympic Games, Chinese players Pan Zhanle won the championship with a time of 46.40 seconds, significantly breaking the world record by 0.40 seconds! Chinese swimming won the men's 100-meter gold medal for the first time since the Olympic Games. This Olympic Games finally broke the gold medal drought. Pan Zhanle greatly improved the world record of American star Michael Phelps at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, thus shocking the Philippines himself.

Pan Zhanle, who ranked first in the semi-finals, started on lane 4 and took the lead after coming out of the water. Pan Zhanle's future has completely exploded today, with a clear lead, turning around in first place in 22.28 seconds.

There was no suspense in the second half. Pan Zhanle completely distanced himself early and established an irresistible advantage! Pan Zhanle roared forward and reached the finish line first. He won the championship in 46.40 seconds, breaking his personal world record of 46.80 seconds and winning the Chinese swimming team's first gold medal in this Olympics! This is the first time a Chinese athlete has won the Olympic championship in the men's 100-meter freestyle event!

It is worth mentioning that American star Michael Phelps’ best time in the men’s 100-meter freestyle event was 47.51 seconds, which was more than 1 second slower than Pan Zhanle.

Therefore, Pan Zhanle made a historic breakthrough in the "100-meter Feiyu war". As the first world record in the swimming pool of the Paris Olympic Games, this result has unparalleled gold content.

According to the US NBC report, even Phelps himself was shocked. In an interview, Phelps said when talking about Chinese player Pan Zhanle breaking the world record and winning the championship: "I won the 100-meter freestyle with an advantage of 1 second over me. This is incredible to me. In my career, I have never seen anyone achieve such a big advantage in a game. This is unheard of."

Netizens said, " Why does Pan Zhanle swim faster than them? Because he is in good health. He has no heart disease, no asthma, and no mental illness. Isn't it natural that a healthy person can swim faster than a sick person?"

"It has a history of more than 200 years. The country has seen a lot of things in the world, but it’s unheard of. I don’t know how high the sky is.”

“Old Fei, wake up and take your medicine.”

“It’s weird, how can everyone with asthma and heart disease be embarrassed?”

“Phelps is still here. Wearing shark skin and high-tech, "

" will be shocked in the future! Live well, people in their thirties look like they are in their sixties or seventies, it is still important to pay attention to their health, don't you think so? ! ?"

"It's something that has never been seen in the world."

"I have never seen an athlete with asthma win 8 gold medals."