Chao News Client Reporter Fang Li Today (August 2), red warnings for high temperatures in Zhejiang are everywhere. As of 9:55, there were 64 high temperature warning signals, 26 of which were red, the highest level. The Hangzhou Meteorological Observatory issued a high

Chao News Client Reporter Fang Li

Today (August 2), red warnings for high temperatures are everywhere in Zhejiang.

As of 9:55, there were 64 high temperature warning signals, 26 of which were red, the highest level.

The Hangzhou Meteorological Observatory issued a high temperature red warning signal at 9:27: Controlled by subtropical high pressure, the highest temperature in some streets in Shangcheng District, Binjiang District, Gongshu District and Xihu District is expected to reach around 40℃ today. Please pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling. .

Hangzhou has issued the highest level of high temperature red warning for two consecutive days, and it may become a daily occurrence in the next few days.

hot blurred. Photo by Lille

html In early August, among provincial capital cities, Hangzhou was undoubtedly the most popular. The highest temperature in Hangzhou may be 40+ for seven consecutive days, and the highest temperature will reach 42°C or even 43°C.

According to current forecasts, the highest temperature in Hangzhou will hit 43℃ tomorrow, August 3. If

is fulfilled, it may challenge the record in terms of single-day heat or the number of consecutive 40℃ days. Currently, the highest temperature record in Hangzhou is 41.8°C, and the longest consecutive number of days with 40°C is 8 days.

Not only in Hangzhou, under the continued control of the subtropical high pressure, high temperatures will be the main issue in Zhejiang in the next week, and many places will experience continuous weather above 40°C.

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