Recently, some netizens posted on social platforms: I yawned wildly during Zhou Shen’s Wuhan concert. The netizen said that this was due to respiratory alkalosis when entering the venue. On the day of Zhou Shen's concert, it rained heavily and the temperature was high. The weathe

Recently, some netizens posted on social platforms: yawned wildly at Zhou Shen’s Wuhan concert. The netizen said that this was because had respiratory alkalosis when entering the venue. On the day of Zhou Shen's concert, it rained heavily and the temperature was high. The weather was so stuffy that I felt out of breath and unconsciously inhaled too much. Fortunately, I am more experienced and have been adjusting myself at the beginning, using a raincoat to block the inhalation of carbon dioxide. After the numbness in my hands and feet subsided a little, I started to yawn uncontrollably. The body frantically regulates oxygen and carbon dioxide, which is so difficult.

Many netizens left comments under this netizen’s post: “I’m just going to tell you why my hands were numb during the entire game.” “I also felt this way during the Shenzhen game. Fortunately, I went to the emergency room before and I know what causes respiratory alkalosis. Adjust”...

Why does respiratory alkalosis occur when attending a concert? What kind of disease is it? How to treat?

Breathing too fast causes carbon dioxide to be discharged too quickly

High temperature weather, hypoxic environment, etc. may occur

"Respiratory alkalosis" refers to excessive pulmonary ventilation that causes the body to discharge carbon dioxide too quickly, which in turn leads to abnormal blood pH and elevated ph. It is a balance disorder characterized by blood pH becoming alkaline," said Hu Dandan, deputy director of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Zhongshan Hospital, Zhejiang Province.

"To understand it in layman's terms, it means that under certain conditions (such as emotional excitement), 's breathing rate becomes faster and faster. If this breathing rate is too fast, too much carbon dioxide is excreted in the body, and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood decreases. , hydrogen carbonate The compensatory decline of the roots will cause the blood pH in the body to become abnormal and become alkaline, which is what we commonly call 'respiratory alkalosis'."

Hu Dandan said that respiratory alkalosis is common in emotional women. For children , common causes are psychogenic hyperventilation. In addition, metabolic abnormalities, hypoxia, central nervous system disorders, salicylic acid poisoning, gram-negative bacilli sepsis, artificial excessive respiration, cirrhosis, metabolic acidosis, pregnancy, etc. Respiratory alkalosis may also result.

Common symptoms include abnormal sensation around the mouth or hands and feet, such as pin-pricking or numbness ; some may include dizziness, confusion, or even syncope; muscle spasms may also occur, and common twitching of the hands and feet or trismus, Such as claw-shaped hands, etc.

"The numbness of hands and feet mentioned by netizens is a typical manifestation of respiratory alkalosis. The causes of respiratory alkalosis may be related to high temperature, too stuffy weather, lack of oxygen, etc. As for yawning, it may be due to lack of oxygen. Secondary manifestations after oxygenation," Hu Dandan said.

Respiratory alkalosis occurs, how to give first aid? Netizen

mentioned that when he felt out of breath, he used a raincoat to block it and inhaled carbon dioxide, and then he gradually got better. In this regard, Hu Dandan said that the practice of netizens is similar to the paper bag breathing method . The purpose is to form a relatively sealed space and re-inhale the exhaled gas to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide.

"For respiratory alkalosis caused by emotions, we must try to stabilize the patient's emotions and let them breathe through the nose to avoid gasping through the mouth. You can also use the paper bag breathing method. If you don't have a paper bag, you can cover your mouth and nose with your hands. Usually it will be relieved slowly. . If you still feel unwell for a period of time, it is recommended to go to a regular hospital for further examination and treatment. "

Source: Modern Express, City Express

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