On July 26, the barrier-free version of the fantasy action film "Under the Stranger" directed by Wu Ershan and adapted from Chinese comics will be released in theaters on the same day as the regular version. Visually impaired people can watch it in Beijing, Shanghai, Ningbo, Suzh

On July 26, the barrier-free version of the fantasy action film " Under the Stranger " directed by Wu Ershan and adapted from Chinese comics will be released in theaters on the same day as the regular version. Visually impaired people can watch it in Beijing, Shanghai, Ningbo, Suzhou, and Chongqing Purchase tickets to watch movies in 74 theaters in , Chengdu and other cities.

On July 27, with the support and guidance of the Shanghai Disabled Persons' Federation and the Shanghai Film Bureau, more than 40 visually impaired audiences and relatives and friends came to Shanghai Cathay Cinema to watch the screening of the barrier-free version of "Under the Stranger". By configuring barrier-free projection equipment, visually impaired friends can wear earphone receivers to listen to the narration, while sighted people can watch the movie the same as usual, thus achieving "integrated viewing" and smoothly watching the same movie in the same theater. Director Wu Ershan and starring Hu Xianxu also "appeared" on the scene through video, calling on more peers and producers to authorize the production of more barrier-free versions of film and television works, so that blind friends can enjoy the fun of watching movies equally.

Visually impaired fans "watch" the accessible version of the movie "Under the Stranger"

The film "Under the Stranger" is adapted from the popular Chinese comic "Under the Stranger" on the Tencent platform. The comic has been serialized for 8 years and has received more than 30 billion views. It has been It is called "Peak Chinese Comic". Director Wu Ershan said that the film "Under the Stranger", like "The Trilogy of the Gods", inherits traditional Chinese culture and makes innovative expressions, and will bring the trend of "national style and extraordinary power" to the summer season.

In order to meet the simultaneous viewing needs of the visually impaired, the production of accessible versions needs to be based on movie sources in advance and complete a series of processes such as commentary script writing, commentary recording, and mixing and synthesis. This requires film producers, producers, and distributors and theater chains and other links to work together. Tencent and its subsidiary China Literature Group, as the main producers of the film "Under the Stranger", promoted the copyright authorization of the film and worked with all parties to open up the entire process from the production of the accessible version to distribution and screening.

In the production process, public welfare volunteers from Tencent Video's "Accessible Theater" repeatedly watched and figured out the original film, and wrote an explanation script of appropriate length and precise expression; visually impaired evaluators participated in the trial viewing process, and improved the language style, narrative logic, and detail description. , put forward suggestions for modifications to the script; Chinese Braille Library oral description experts provided guidance throughout the process and worked with volunteers to optimize the final draft. The "Love Cinema" project team of the Shanghai Film Distribution and Exhibition Industry Association recorded commentary based on the script, edited the commentary audio track, synthesized it with the original film, and finally produced an accessible version.

During the on-site viewing experience, The Paper reporter felt that in addition to the wonderful explanation of the "war" between aliens, the accessible version also included science popularization of the entire story background from the beginning of the film. As Wu Ershan said, the production of an accessible version is also a "re-creation" of the movie by the people behind the scenes.

Liu Yina, director of the Shanghai Film Department, introduced that there are currently 51 theaters in Shanghai that have installed barrier-free viewing equipment, covering all 16 districts in Shanghai. The Shanghai Film Distribution and Exhibition Industry Association and Shanghai Film Technology Factory, each Film distributors, producers and other industry organizations have produced nearly 30 barrier-free films for simultaneous screening in theaters. Among them, there are 20 movies produced in Shanghai. It is worth mentioning that in order to allow more visually impaired people to enjoy the bright lights and shadows screened this summer, in addition to "Under the Stranger", " Catching the Baby " and " White Snake: Barrier-free versions of films that are currently being released or will be released soon, such as "Fu Sheng ", will also be added to the public release industry for the visually impaired to watch without any barriers and zero time lag.

In June this year, during the Shanghai International Film Festival, Shanghai released the "Carrying forward the city spirit, creating a city of movies, and Shanghai releases a three-year action plan for the high-quality development of movies (2024-2026)", proposing to further improve the quality of public cultural services and continue to optimize The "Five Benefits" screening activities will benefit the people, farmers, students, the elderly and Hui. The creation of Sunshine Love Cinema is a powerful measure to optimize screening and better meet the multi-level and diversified needs of moviegoers in Shanghai. “We hope that in the future, more film producers, distributors, producers, theater chains and other industry institutions will Join us in promoting the construction of barrier-free film industry, integrating barrier-free films into the lives of every citizen," said Liu Yina.

After its release on July 13, the barrier-free version of "Catch a Baby" also had a special screening. The blind audience at the time responded enthusiastically, saying that "zero time difference" viewing allowed them to finally watch movies easily with their families, "watch movies" and laugh together, which was particularly important to them. At the

site, the person in charge of Tencent also said that after the accessible versions of films such as "Catch a Baby" and "Under the Stranger" are released in theaters, they will also be launched on Tencent Video's "Accessible Theater" as soon as possible. In addition, a number of high-quality film and television dramas such as " hot " and " long season " are already producing barrier-free versions. It is planned to launch more than 600 film and television works in batches to initially solve the problem of online viewing for the visually impaired. Difficult actual pain points.