Superheroes are dead, Marvel is dead. After "Avengers 4: Endgame", this view became rampant. Marvel also confirmed this point with weak box office and audience losses many times. But after all, Marvel still has its foundation, and its peripherals are selling like hotcak

Superhero is dead, Marvel is dead.

After "Avengers 4: Endgame", this view became rampant. Marvel also confirmed this point many times with weak box office and audience losses.

But after all, Marvel’s foundation is still there, and its peripherals are selling like hotcakes. Can it still clean up its old ways and regain its former glory? " Deadpool and Wolverine " may be able to give the answer to some extent.

The opening scene of "Deadpool and Wolverine" follows the ending of "Wolverine 3".

Deadpool felt that Wolverine was not dead, so he went to his cemetery to dig a grave for help but found a corpse. At this time, the situation changed and sent a team to catch Deadpool. Wade took apart Logan's body and fought. Hearty R-rated racket.

This spoof start tells the audience one thing. "Deadpool 3" is still the same as before, with R-rating, action, emotion, jokes, and breaking the fourth wall. The first step is very good. But is "Deadpool 3" stable in the next few steps?

Deadpool plays with the multiverse, constantly traveling through time and space, and all the heroes from the Marvel and "DC" universes appear.

One unexpected cameo after another awakened the feelings of the past. At this time, what I was watching was not a movie, but the lost youth.

Such as Henry Cavill, Captain America Chris Evans, as well as the X-Men and Avengers, as well as the grown-up Wolverine daughter, and even linked up with " Mad Max " to The main scene has been moved to the wasteland world.

gathered a hundred deadpools like "Spider-Man: Across the Universe", and also imitated "Spider-Man: No Home " to create "three generations in the same frame".

Old Marvel heroes appeared together with heroes from different stages of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and ended gracefully. It was a carnival for fans. "Deadpool and Wolverine" played a game of chess with a bunch of discarded pieces.

At the same time, the theme of "Deadpool 3" is also the same.

Deadpool was just an intern in the X-Men. He never became a full-time employee and was fired. He was also rejected when applying to the MCU. He had nothing to do and broke up with his girlfriend. He accomplished nothing and was not the hero that people imagined.

Wolverine is also useless. He messed up everything in his timeline, leaving only himself to survive, drinking to drown his sorrows all day long. Deadpool meets him, Wolverine redeems himself, and Deadpool saves his world. He The two team up to save Marvel.

The content after 2 changed from negative to positive, and began to continue the style of Deadpool, deconstructing everything. Wolverine is no longer serious and serious, but has become King Kong Deadpool, invincible in talking, showing off his treasures and cuteness, and Captain America is no longer sitting upright. , turned to sarcastic remarks, and the comedy effect brought about by the contrast is very strong.

These steps are all good, but the steps that set the tone are slightly different. They have little impact on the overall layout of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but they reduce Deadpool to a tool who wants to make progress and serve the universe. , independence and uniqueness are no longer enough.

The reason why "Deadpool" was so popular back then was because of three differences.

Firstly, it jumps out of the three realms, is not in the five elements, and breaks the fourth wall. The narrative is different from Marvel's formula movies.

Secondly, Deadpool, who is a naughty and evil spirit, is different from the upright superhero. Thirdly, the action design is different from Marvel, which is full of special effects.

But "Deadpool 3" failed to reproduce everything. The first point is no need to worry. As long as Ryan Reynolds continues to star, the character will not collapse. The second point is the old path of Marvel formula movies.

It can be seen that "Deadpool 3" wants to copy "Wolverine 3", reduce the reliance on superheroes with a life-and-death battle, magnify the ordinary side of Deadpool, and add the concept of home to sublimate the theme. Unfortunately, there is nothing to say in this article. , and did not dare to really let Deadpool die, resulting in a high level of failure and a low level of success, and did not reach the height of Uncle Wolf's last sentence, "So this is what death feels like."

The third point of action design is that if the level drops too much, it is just a job and loses creativity.

In "Deadpool 3", the action is action and the comedy is comedy. The two do not perfectly match each other, and it is far from the action comedy of the first film.

The action of the third part can be summed up in one sentence. One person fucks, two people fuck, and after a while a group of people fuck. It is not as interesting as the first part. Wade is doing all the tricks. Looks good.

There were seven action stuntmen in the first part, but only two were left in the third part. They didn’t use the money wisely, and they put all the money on inviting superheroes to join the show. This is tantamount to exploiting weaknesses and avoiding strengths. "Death" The highlight of the "Samurai" series has never been the superheroes, and Marvel has focused on one and neglected the other.

In fact, "Wolverine" is also a formula. First wash your hands in a golden basin, then make jokes, and then the hero awakens, and then I love my family, and there is an easter egg, but there is no hero assembly in the middle.

Marvel still uses this formula now. Why doesn’t it work? The first is aesthetic fatigue, the second is that the content is no longer meaningful, and the third is that the love is no longer true. They have all become formalism to add elements. The character's charm is all supported by the excitement of the past, unlike Wolverine. , he is an anti-hero, more like an unruly knight.

Marvel seems to have forgotten that what made the superhero popular all over the world was never the straightforward jokes, but the real character charm. Marvel seems to have forgotten that it was not the formula movies that made the superhero decline, but the loss of the character's charm. This is a linkage Defects that no amount of money can make up for.

Unfortunately, Marvel has not woken up yet. "Deadpool and Wolverine" still has no story, and the plot is still family-friendly.

chatted for a long time, one red and one yellow poked each other for a while, more than ten or twenty minutes passed, and then everyone shook each other and fought again, and then fought again in another time and space. The heroes stopped and walked, and the easter eggs were stuffed again. Once it's full, the movie will be over.

Today’s Marvel should really find a good screenwriter, instead of having a superhero gathering to consumer sentiment every once in a while. Such Marvel cannot rely on Deadpool to become the savior, so Marvel once again rests on its laurels and makes movies Become a fan.

can satisfy Marvel fans looking for Easter eggs in the film, and it is also in line with Marvel's style of Easter egg movies, because if you have never watched Marvel movies or watched relatively few, you will not be able to get the fun of them. For example, Captain America has not It screams "Avengers Assemble", but it's a Human Torch-style, post-credits Easter egg from a 20th Century Fox Marvel movie.

For passers-by, the highlight of "Deadpool 3" is that it requires no brain use. It is similar to the Spring Festival Gala. If there is excitement, you can watch the excitement. If there is no excitement, you can just stay in a daze or change the channel.

looks and feels like a trip to a theme amusement park. There are roller coasters, water worlds, float parades and other rides. There is nothing new. If there are too many, you will definitely be tired of aesthetics, but whether it is worth it depends on whether you are interested or not. This makes " "Deadpool and Wolverine" doesn't have much publicity, and it all depends on fans.Whether

can beat the popular " catch a baby " depends on the strength of Marvel fans. This is a test for Marvel to see if they still have invincible appeal in the mainland. It is also a test for the superheroes. A test to see if hero gathering is still useful, but for MCU, instead of thinking about making a comeback, it is better to do a good job in the fan economy.