As long as variety shows are mentioned, Mango will immediately come to everyone's mind. In the field of variety shows, if Mango dares to claim to be second, no one really dares to say that he is number one. During this period, Mango's "Lang Jie 5" and "Singer 2024" were

As long as variety shows are mentioned, Mango will immediately appear in everyone's mind.

In the field of variety shows, if Mango dares to claim to be second, no one really dares to say that he is first.

During this period, Mango's "Lang Jie 5" and "Singer 2024" are both very popular. After these two programs are over, "Phi Brother 4" will be ushered in soon.

I don’t know if you have noticed that Mango’s hit variety show every year can really run from beginning to end.

In addition to these variety shows, an old variety show has recently been restarted, which is "My Girl".

As long as this name is mentioned, I believe many people will have an impression in their minds!

Mango has several series, which really reaches the ceiling of the industry.

such as "daughter series" and "my family series".

"My Girl" belongs to the "My Family Series". In this series there are also " My Boy " and "My Young Couple". Variety shows such as

Mango have a very fixed audience.

In the program "My Girl", there are usually four girls, and the program team will film their lives 24 hours a day.

To be honest, this model is very attractive to the audience because it is real enough.

Under normal circumstances, the most unacceptable thing for audiences is that variety shows have scripts.

It often happens that celebrity guests are different when there is a camera and when there is no camera.

To put it more harshly, many celebrity guests will create a good persona in front of the camera, but this is all pretending. Once there is no camera, their true colors will be revealed.

Relatively speaking, this kind of situation will not happen in reality shows such as "My Girl" that are recorded throughout the day.

Just imagine, a person can pretend for a day and a half, or even three days and five days. How many people can pretend for a month from beginning to end?

Today’s viewers watch reality shows with a magnifying glass. It can be said that the slightest disturbance will be infinitely magnified.

Over the years, it can be said that there are many celebrities who have failed in variety shows.

At the same time, there are also many counterattack fans in the show.

To put it bluntly, variety shows are a double-edged sword. If you perform well, you will gain a lot of good reputation and good resources, and it is even possible to directly become a winner in life.

In this season of "My Girl", the four girls were hired quite well, including Liu Yan, Yu Wenwen, Lu Yuxiao, and Wangwang.

Looking at these four daughters, you will find that each one has its own characteristics. Some are older, some are independent, some are workaholics, and some have a good family atmosphere.

In such a variety show, the most taboo thing is to find guests with the same attributes, which will bring less highlights. Judging from the lineup this time, it is indeed a good choice.

However, because Yu Wenwen’s mother was busy with her own affairs, she was unable to come to the observation room after the show was broadcast. In desperation, Yu Wenwen had no choice but to quit the show.

After all, "My Girl" is an observation reality show, so we can't always let Yu Wenwen observe himself!

In any case, I think it is a pity for Yu Wenwen. After all, Mango's resources are really high-quality, and you will only regret if you miss it.

Normally, if one daughter quits, a new one will definitely come.

However, perhaps Yu Wenwen's exit was a bit too sudden, so that the new daughter has not yet arrived, and only three daughters can be recorded for these two episodes.

In this episode, Liu Yan plays with his good friend Fan Tiantian. Let’s talk about this briefly.

Liu Yan's transparency in "My Girl" made the show a god, and it was too embarrassing for Fan Tantan to be found out by experts.

first, Liu Yan.

Anyone who has watched "Lang Jie 5" will definitely know the relationship between Liu Yan and Fan Tantan, and they can be said to be very close best friends.

At the beginning of this season, Liu Yan invited He Jie and Sa Dingding . This time he invited Fan Tantan. I really want to say that Liu Yan understands variety shows.

"Lang Jie 5" has just concluded not long ago, and it can be said that the popularity has not subsided.

invites the sisters to play together during this time period, so that the audience can have the feeling of watching a group show.

In this program, Liu Yan and Fan Tantan went to experience a health care project - enzyme bath.

To be honest, many people have never heard of this kind of thing.

There is a rectangular bathtub made of wood in a room, which is filled with something similar to soil. The customer puts on a bathrobe and lies directly in it, and then the waiter will bury the customer.

It is said that this service can dehumidify, detoxify and nourish the skin. It is a very new health care project.

After watching Liu Yan and Fan Tantan lie down, I really felt like I was going to heaven.

Of course, the two of them are also very optimistic. They are free to joke about this kind of issue, but Liu Yan's mother in the observation room felt a little unlucky.

When this issue was mentioned, Liu Yan and Fan Tantan took the opportunity to talk about the issue of life and death.

Normally in families, no one would talk about this kind of topic, because it is quite taboo in our traditional concepts.

However, this kind of problem can actually be discussed normally, because birth, old age, illness and death are normal phenomena. Don't wait until the person is gone to regret it.

Regarding this issue, Liu Yan has a very clear view.

Liu Yan said, " I am too calm now, and I have no desires. I feel that I lack nothing and have no regrets. If I die suddenly one day, I won't struggle to get up and say that I To live, I think it’s okay, so why for a while I discussed with others that you need to have a child, that is, you need someone to care about in this world, otherwise you really have no regrets. I am very afraid of this, because if you continue to live, you will What is the pillar?

Liu Yan’s words are very good. People need to be concerned, otherwise they really lack a spiritual pillar.

Over the years, there has often been such a social problem, which is why it is necessary to have children, and it has also given rise to many topics that have led to it.

Regarding this issue, Liu Yan’s statement can be said to be a very perfect explanation.

Having children requires a lot of money and energy. If you don't have children, you will lack a pillar. So, whether you should have children or not is something that every couple needs to seriously consider.

Faced with such social topics, what we often see is the emergence of changing patterns, which makes people feel very disgusted.

should actually state all the pros and cons, so that people can have more choices, and no matter what choice they make, they will not regret it in the future.

Liu Yan lives a very transparent life. Such views are also very meaningful on social topics and can arouse everyone's deep thinking.

A variety show can be linked to social topics, which will be very positive.

Liu Yan was able to say these words very freely, which really made this program sublime at once.

Second, Fan Tantan.

Regarding the issue of life and death, Fan Tantan’s statement is a bit embarrassing.

Fan Tiantian said, "I think clearly. I can actually accept it if you ask me to leave suddenly, because like you said, I have no regrets and no one I care about in particular. I am not afraid of leaving suddenly now, but I am afraid of growing old slowly." ".

At first glance, there seems to be nothing wrong with Fan Tantan’s statement, but experts have come out to crack down on the fraud.

Expert Huang Han said when discussing this issue, "If we cannot accept death, we cannot accept aging."

At this time, Wang Mian raised the same question as Fan Tantan. He said, "Teacher Huang, I can accept death, but I can't accept aging. What is the mentality?"

In this regard, experts gave a very clear answer: " In fact, you cannot accept death, and then you will put a lot of things into staying young and pretending to be young, which will make you miss a lot of experiences in life."

After listening to expert Huang Han’s words, I believe everyone is already very clear.

To put it bluntly, Fan Tantan said that he is not afraid of death and aging. This is a fallacy.

In other words, Fan Tiantian was lying. She didn't expect that Wang Mian would mention this sentence again, and she didn't expect that expert Huang Han would expose this lie on the spot. It was really embarrassing.

Judging from these few episodes of the program, Liu Yan is really lively and transparent. Each episode can bring a lot of nutritious value output. This program really hired the right person. What do you think?