CCTV Hangzhou News on July 25 (Reporter Xiang Nan) On July 24, the reporter learned from the Zhejiang Provincial Meteorological Bureau that this year’s No. 3 typhoon "Gemei" strengthened into a super typhoon level at 08:00 on the 24th. At that time, its center was located on the

CNR Hangzhou News on July 25 (Reporter Xiang Nan) On July 24, the reporter learned from the Zhejiang Provincial Meteorological Bureau that this year’s No. 3 typhoon "Gemei" strengthened into a super typhoon level at 08:00 on the 24th. At 17:00, its center was located on the ocean about 70 kilometers south-east of Yilan County, Taiwan Province. The maximum wind force near the center was level 17 (58 meters/second), and the minimum air pressure at the center was 925 hPa. The radius of the Category 7 wind circle is 250-380 kilometers, the radius of the Category 10 wind circle is 100-120 kilometers, and the radius of the Category 12 wind circle is 55-65 kilometers.

The path of Typhoon No. 3 "Gemei" (screenshot of the official website of the Zhejiang Meteorological Bureau sent by CCTV)

According to predictions, "Gemei" will move west-northwest at a speed of 10-15 kilometers per hour, and will It made landfall on the coast from Hualien to Keelung in Taiwan on the night of the 24th (strong typhoon level or super typhoon level, level 15-16, 48-52 meters/second). After that, it will pass through Taiwan Island and will make landfall on the coast from Xiuyu to Lianjiang in Fujian from the afternoon to the night of the 25th (typhoon level or severe typhoon level, level 12-14, 35-45 meters/second).

html Precipitation conditions in Zhejiang Province at 15:00 on July 24 (picture provided by the Zhejiang Provincial Meteorological Bureau)

Affected by the cloud system outside the typhoon, the precipitation on the southeastern coast of Zhejiang Province started in the afternoon of the 24th. As of 15:00, the accumulated rainfall in the past one hour The largest one appeared at Daliuxi Station in Tiantai County, Taizhou City, reaching 23 mm.

html Distribution of the highest temperature in Zhejiang Province at 16:00 on July 24 (Photo courtesy of the Zhejiang Meteorological Bureau issued by China Broadcasting Network)

In addition, the cooling in coastal areas has also started. The temperature in Wenzhou and Taizhou has dropped significantly. As of 16:13, the highest temperature in Pingyang today Only 30.7℃.

According to the "Zhejiang Province Flood Prevention, Typhoon and Drought Relief Emergency Plan", the Zhejiang Province Prevention Directorate decided to upgrade the typhoon prevention emergency response to Level III at 12:00 on July 24. In order to reduce the possible adverse effects of Typhoon Gemei, various departments in Zhejiang have actively responded and done a good job in preventing floods and typhoons.

Huge waves of several meters were set off near the International Release Platform in Dongtou District, Wenzhou City (Photo provided by the Propaganda Department of the Dongtou District Committee of CNR)

At 16:00 on the 24th, the sea wind roared in the sea near the International Release Platform in Dongtou District, and the waves were piled one on top of the other. The layers of water surged toward the shore, violently hitting the banks and rocks, and occasionally setting off huge waves several meters high. On-site personnel and emergency rescue volunteers in Dongping Street, Dongtou District are carrying out shoreline patrols and promptly dissuade some people who come to watch the tide to ensure safety.

It is understood that in order to ensure the safety of tourists, Dongtou District Xiandieyan Scenic Area, Banpingshan Scenic Area, Luxi Scenic Area, Haixia Military Cultural Park, Jiucai'ao Beach, Zhongyu Scenic Area and other scenic spots near water, cliffs, mountains and seas have been temporarily closed. stop. Relevant departments remind the general public and tourists to pay attention to travel safety during the typhoon, try to stay away from the seaside, and do not stay in sea-related areas.

Garden maintenance workers in Ruian City, Wenzhou prune and strengthen trees (Photo courtesy of the Ruian Media Center of CCTV)

At 9 a.m. on July 24, an aerial work vehicle parked next to the sidewalk on Chenqiu Road in Ruian City, Wenzhou , a worker skillfully operates the lifting platform and constantly adjusts the position, while the worker on the platform uses a high-branch chain saw to trim the lush branches and leaves on the street trees.

It is understood that in response to Typhoon Gemei, from July 22 to 24, the Ruian Park Management Center dispatched a total of 211 inspectors to inspect 18 parks, prune and strengthen 825 trees, and deal with 33 fallen and broken trees.

In response to Typhoon "Gemei", the Shunxi Reservoir in Pingyang County, Wenzhou City opened its gates for waterproofing (Photo courtesy of Pingyang County Rong Media Center of China Broadcasting Network)

"Water is released from the Shunxi Reservoir, and people downstream please pay attention to safety." July 24 In the afternoon, the Shunxi Reservoir Management Room in Pingyang County, Wenzhou City reminded people downstream through early warning signals in Mandarin and local dialects. At about 17:00 that day, under the control of reservoir personnel, the two gates of the reservoir spillway were opened one after another, and the reservoir water instantly poured down toward the river bed at a speed of 30 cubic meters per second.

At present, the reservoir has launched various typhoon prevention and dispatch plans. During the flood discharge process, the reservoir staff will also pay close attention to water and rain information, continuously strengthen inspections of key areas and key equipment, implement 24-hour duty, and organize personnel to monitor the left and right banks. Comprehensive inspections of slopes and downstream rivers will be carried out to eliminate hidden dangers of flood discharge and make every effort to protect people's lives.

Staff of the Dajing Natural Resources Institute of the Wenzhou Yueqing Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau carried out geological disaster inspections (Propaganda Department of the Yueqing Municipal Party Committee)

At about 9:00 on July 24, Wenzhou Yueqing Municipal Natural Resources and Planning Bureau Dajing Natural Resources Staff from the Resource Institute carried out inspections in three risk prevention areas and two geological disaster hazard spots in Lihu Village, Dayu Village, Xingshang Village and Sanjie Village. Since the launch of geological disaster inspection work on July 22, as of 11:30 on July 24, the Yueqing Municipal Self-Regulation Bureau has deployed 49 groups of 120 people to inspect 343 risk prevention areas, and expanded the area to conduct 8 inspections. Government agencies and various natural resource offices have activated 24-hour emergency duty.

Staff members of the Longwan District Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau strengthened street trees (Photo provided by the Propaganda Department of the Longwan District Committee of CNR)

html On the afternoon of July 24, near Wenzhou Avenue, staff members of the Longwan District Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau were facing the trees on both sides of the road. Street trees are pruned and strengthened to reduce safety hazards caused by branch breakage and tree tilt and collapse.

At present, the relevant departments of Longwan District have dispatched 456 personnel to inspect 10 low-lying places, 8 bridges, 46 street lights, 770 store signs, etc. No hidden dangers have been found yet; 16 parks have been inspected, and 812 street trees have been pruned and reinforced. trees, 11 trees were damaged or broken.

Staff of relevant departments in Lucheng District reminded residents to prepare for typhoon prevention (Photo provided by the Propaganda Department of Lucheng District Committee, CCTV)

As of 18:00 on the 24th, Lucheng District, Wenzhou City has fully established a flood prevention and typhoon prevention command system for each street and town. 6 district-level social emergency rescue teams and 816 people from 109 sub-district and village resident preparedness teams are on standby. 141 disaster evacuation and resettlement sites are all ready for occupancy, with 20,000 sets of living and resettlement supplies in reserve, which can accommodate approximately 1,000 people. With 20,000 people, 30 satellite phones in various streets and towns have completed the call test.

The pear garden in Chang'an Village, Heping Town, Changxing County, Huzhou volunteered to help low-income farmers harvest honey pears (photo courtesy of Huzhou News Media Center)

On July 24, in the pear garden in Chang'an Village, Heping Town, Changxing County, Huzhou, people from Party members and volunteers from Chang'an Village and surrounding Huicheling Village and Wushan Village are busy helping low-income growers pick, sort, and pack pears, and help low-income farmers pick and sell honey pears in an effort to reduce the potential damage caused by the typhoon. loss.

"People" and "machines" work together to harvest crops in Tangxia Town, Ruian City, Wenzhou (Photo courtesy of Ruian Media Center of CCTV)

In the past few days, farmers in Ruian City, Wenzhou have gone all out to race against time and strive to complete the harvest before the arrival of the typhoon. Crop harvesting work.

There is a busy scene in the rice fields in Tangxia Town. The combination of manpower and machinery has formed a spectacular harvest "front". Farmers are racing against time to return the grains to the warehouse. Watermelon growers in Xincheng Street and Shangwang Street also joined this "race" and seized the time to pick watermelons to avoid losses caused by the typhoon.

With the approaching typhoon, relevant departments reminded farmers to pay close attention to weather changes, take effective measures to protect farmland and crops, while ensuring personal safety and avoid operating under extreme weather conditions.