01 Today, there is a hot search for # Wake Up Zhang Yuancue Yu Haoming’s Famous Violin Scene#. Little Lucky Star clicked in and took a look. It turned out to be a sliced ​​promotion for the variety show "Friends Invite Me to Dinner". The program team chose this section


Today there is a hot search for #苏兴张元cueyuhaoming’s famous violin scene#.

Little Lucky Star clicked in and took a look. It turned out to be a sliced ​​promotion for the variety show "Friends Invite Me to Dinner". The

program team chose this section to be a hot search, it must be to attract a wave of friendship and goodwill.

didn’t expect the comments on the square to go in the opposite direction.

Du Haitao asked: "Is it Yuan Ge's violin (in the competition)?"

Su Xing: "That's Haoming, Haoming's violin playing is very good."

Zhang Yuan: "Yes, very good." Circle."

Boyuan: "Yu Haoming is good at it, and he likes that he can be very vertical."

Zhang Yuan: "Yes, what he likes is that he always feels that what he does must be right, so he also likes it. He just knows how to brag about how good his trumpet and violin are..."

Passers-by laughed when they saw it and passed by.

Interested fans may want to watch the feature film.

But fans on both sides of the comment section got into a fight.


Fans of Yu Haoming expressed their opinions one after another, asking Zhang Yuan to stop mocking Yu Haoming with his previous embarrassing things.

Zhang Yuan's words: "bragging" made fans even more dissatisfied.

"People who are re-employed are really boring. They always reminisce about the past. Haoming won't accept the good ones, and won't talk about those who are better than them. The violin repeatedly mentions it."

"It doesn't matter if you play old jokes, but why do you still secretly spread rumors about "brother", people Where is the product? "

"I don't dare to say it to my face, but I keep publicly hurting people on the show in front of outsiders..."

There are many uglier words than this.

There is something strange about Little Lucky Star. Du Haitao brought up this topic, and Zhang Yuan said it.

Why are people in the square scolding Su Xing? As a fan of the show,

rarely cares about their work and life after they separate.

But one thing Little Lucky Star knows is that Zhang Yuan sometimes speaks carelessly, and his small mouth is habitually poisonous.

Zhang Yuan was relatively well protected by his brothers before, so he had no problem being a bit venomous in his group.

However, some comments can easily cause misunderstandings due to the company's own Tuanzong.

In "Brother Pi", Chen Chusheng and Wang Yuexin had a dispute, and Zhang Yuan's few words were labeled as adding fuel to the fire.

Na Ying came last in the live broadcast of "Singer". Zhang Yuan subconsciously said: "If I had known, I would have..."

was also criticized for being inappropriate.

Xiaofuxing believed that Zhang Yuan had no ill intentions and was trying to ease the atmosphere at that time.

But speaking without intention, listening with intention.


Just like this marketing incident, they made a joke on the show as good brothers.

But in the eyes of fans, this is behavior without a sense of boundaries.

If fans of one company are unhappy, they will attack the other company, and then it will snowball, and the more noisy the bigger the trouble.

Little Lucky Star privately thought that Yu Haoming would not care about this kind of thing. After

"Re-Employment" became popular, Yu Haoming, as a person with relatively good career development, supported his brothers more than once.

Except for the "Mushroom House" episode, I try to avoid mentioning other people on the show to avoid misunderstandings.

The controversy caused by "Happy Start Again" and Wei Chen has already caused fans of both parties to quarrel once.

To be honest, it was very ugly.

They have been brothers for more than ten years, so naturally they cannot turn their elbows outward.

But as the program team who supported them all the way, they cannot be ungrateful.

The small "re-employment" group is sandwiched between the large 0713 groups, which is often embarrassing.

They named themselves the "Reemployment Boys Group" just to avoid dragging 0713 down.

Their small group of 6 people cannot represent the large group of 13 people. They know this very well.

The comments from fans of Yu Haoming give people the feeling that the two groups have broken up.

713 went from 13 people to "re-employment" and other artists.

Who made this distinction for them? Can fans decide?


Although the brothers have been friends for 17 years,

they are now basically married and have their own lives and work circles.

It is inevitable for relationships to become distant and distant.

What’s more, they are still in the entertainment industry that attracts much attention, and every move they make will be noticed and amplified.

Their relationship in private will definitely not be bad, and it will definitely be the same after they meet.

But these viewers will not know it, and neither will the fans.

In other words, fans have a strong subjective will, and even if they know, they pretend they don't know.

There have been many quarrels between 0713 fans over the years.

There are already too many "re-employment" fans.

Not to mention those few who have better development in the entertainment industry.

Let’s just say that it’s okay to maintain the rightful owner, but aren’t you tired of arguing every day? The

competition has ended for 17 years, and they have become brothers from rivals. What can't

fans let go of?

(Source | "Friends Please Eat", any infringement may be deleted)